These photos were taken from the cruise ship during two cruises along the
Volga. - in 1998 and 2003. For more pictures see the sections for each
individual town. For the description of the entire route please see
The Pallada, our cruise ship in 2003. An
excellent smaller ship especially suitable for charter by a small group.
The Feydor Chalyapin cruise ship - home while
touring the Volga River in 1998. One of the nicest of the larger river cruise
ships with a very fine and attentive staff. The ship carries over 200
passengers, so we went with Russian tourists as well.
Boris Gudunov comes out of the Uspenski after
his coronation and is confronted by the 'wise fool' - depicting Feyodor
Chalyapin in his greatest role - mural in the lounge on the cruise ship bearing
his name.
The Moscow northern river port building.
We board our cruise ship, the Fyedor
Chaliyapin at the Northern River port of Moscow. Here we see two of the half
dozen or more other cruise ships awaiting tourists.
At the beginning of our cruise on the Volga
we leave the Northern river port of Moscow and enter the Moscow-Volga Canal.
Here we are passing the northern suburb of Moscow where local people are
enjoying a dip in the canal at 23:18 at night. Plenty of daylight here on 19
Here we are approaching the first lock on the
Moscow-Volga Canal, #6 as they are numbered from the other end. As you can see
it is 23:12 but still daylight. We cleared the other end having been lowered
about 8 meters, at 23:33.
Decorative statues atop one of the towers at
the upper end of lock #6, the closest lock on the Moscow-Volga Canal to Moscow,
thus the first lock we pass on our journey down the Volga. We approach the lock
and enter it at 23:13 at night.
Here farmers are cutting hay using ancient
methods with a scyth. It is 23:19 and we are stopped in the lock #6 on the
Moscow -Volga canal.
At 23:16 we are now firmly inside the lock
and approaching the downstream gates.
It is 23:19 and we are here looking over the
downstream gate of the lock #6, the closest one to Moscow, on the Moscow-Volga
Canal. Note the large drop (over 8 meters) we will have before the gate is
opened. This is a single lock. That means that the barges waiting there to move
upstream will enter the lock after we pull out. Then the lower gate will close
and the lock will fill with water, raising them to the level of the canal
upstream. Note that the downstream gate is a swing gate because it operates
above the level of the water when being opened.
Here we are at the lower gate of lock #5
waiting for the water level to drop. It is 1:03AM but still quite light.
Close up showing the mechanism that raises
the rear gate on the canal once the ship has entered preparatory to lowering
the water level in the lock.
Close up showing the mechanism that raised
the rear gate after the water level has fallen nearly to that of the next lower
part of the canal. The forward gate that can open above water when the level in
the lock has lowered to that of the lower section of the canal can swing open.
But the gate that must be closed on the upper end, when there is high water in
both the lock and the upper side of the canal cannot swing due to water
pressure, it must be raised vertically by means of this chain hoist over the
large drums on each side.. Note also that the water level has now fallen even
below the bottom level of the gate itself.
Looking back at the upper gate at a lock on
the Moscow- Volga canal after we have been lowered to the next level. In the
darkness at the bottom of the gate one can discern that we are now below the
lip of the gate itself. It is now 1:17 AM.
The lock gates swing open for our passage to
the lower level of the Moscow-Volga canal. It is now 8:49. We entered this lock
at 8:32.
The dam on the upper Volga near Dubna as we
pass through the lock next to it. The dam raises the level of the upper Volga
where the Moscow-Volga canal joins it. It is the first of several dams we pass
between here and Samara. Not far down the Volga from this dam we reach Uglich.
Now the upstream gate for the lock has been
raised and the water will now be drained out of the lock to lower our chip to
the next level. Here we are at lock #1, on the Volga river with Uglich just
ahead of us.
In a lock on the Moscow - Volga canal going
downstream. Note the very large drop - 8 meters - from the level in the lock to
the canal further on.
View over the bow of the Pallada as we
approach Kalyazin.
Approaching the drowned church at Kalyazin.
Note the large antenna in the far background.
All that remains of the town of Kalyazin
drowned by the creation of one of the Volga River dams, is this bell tower.
Church along the Volga
The bell tower of the former cathedral in
Ruin of a church on the upper Volga
Another lonely church on the high right bank
of the Volga.
Church on the right bank of the Volga
Village on the right bank of the Volga.
Church along the Volga
Church on the Volga southeast of Yaroslavl.
Church on the right bank of the Volga between
Yaroslavl and Kostroma
An abandoned church on the right bank of the
Volga between Yaroslavl and Kostroma
Barges moored near Purezh on the Volga. In
summer 1998 there was not a lot of traffic on the Volga but many barges and
tugs anchored along the banks.
A lonely church on the right bank of the
Volga near Puchesk, between Plyos and Nizhni Novgorod.
A church and fighter plane monment to the
Russian hero pilot, Chakalov in the town renamed for him on the right bank of
the Volga not far from Nizhni-Novgorod.
The huge paper plant at Balakh'ha on the
right bank of the Volga. This plant provides most of the newsprint for Moscow
Hydrafoil water taxi on the Volga near
Gorodetz. These hydrofoils are all along the Volga and serve as local transport
for many local villages that are not accessable otherwise, or are along a
stretch of the river far distant from bridges across it.
In the distance the island on which Sviyazhsk
is now located since the flooding of the Volga valley. This town was built as a
fortress by Ivan III close to Kazan in preparation for the conquest. It
contains several interesting churches but is very difficult to reach. As can be
seen the bank of the Volga is in the forground and the water beyond it is very
Another view of Sviyazhsk through telephoto
lens while passing down the Volga.
The left bank of the Volga at Togliatti, the
large industrial suburb of Samara.
Large tug on the Volga.
Working on the Volga.
The Togliatti suburb on the left bank of the
Here we are in the lock on the Volga River
itself near Togliatti - near Samara (Kuybishev) that creates an immense lake
out of the Volga upstream. This is the upper gate prior to its being raised and
The upper gate of the lock at Toglattii after
it has closed and the water has fallen to the next lower level. Note how much
below the level of the bottom of the gate itself we now are.
New church being built north of Toglattii -
Samara on the left bank of the Volga
Just before sunset on the Volga it is well
after midnight and the view is well to the northwest.
Sunset on the Volga
Passing an interesting church on upper Volga.
The most frequent sight on the river is a tug
with barges of sand or gravel.
Evening on the river, passing another church.
Passing another rural setting with several
lone churches.
A section of the Volga with low banks.
Going upstream early in the morning. Here the
lock is being flooded through and under the upper gate.
Now the water is really boiling as it churns
its way into the lock.
Approaching the lower gate of a lock while
traveling upstream.
The water is flowing fast as it fills the
The water is just beginning to flow into the
A busy river port with two cruise ships and a
tug with barge. Note the large number of cranes.
Several of the large river ships that go
betweeen Moscow and St Petersburg, here tied at the Moscow river port
Passing one of the very large cruise ships.
Another view of a large river cruise ship.
Another isolated village along the Volga.
A lonely church.
Sunset on the upper Volga in July is well
after midnight. Here we are passing Tutyev.