{short description of image}

Generations in Rus descendents from Rurik

Tables of the generations of Rus Princes descendents from Rurik - There is one table for each of the 22 generations. In each table we show the names of the members of that generation with their titles, if any, and numbers corresponding to their place in that generation and the number of their father in the previous generation.

The left column is the Generation number

The second column is the number of that individual in that generation - this number is arbitrary, but more or less in sequence of from the previous generation

The third column is the number for that person's father in the previous generation

The fourth column is the name of the individual

The fifth column is the dates as known (birth and death)

The sixth column is the titles and dates for reigns when known - Individuals who were Grand prince of Kyiv, Vladimir or Moscow are shown in red

The seventh column gives marriages and other notes

We will also create links between the individuals in these tables and their names in the family geneology charts - in most cases use the blue button for link

Generation 1 {short description of image}

Generation 2 {short description of image}

Generation 3 {short description of image}

Generation 4 {short description of image}

Generation 5 {short description of image}

Generation 6 {short description of image}

Generation 7 {short description of image}

Generation 8 {short description of image}

Generation 9 {short description of image}

Generation 10 {short description of image}

Generation 11 {short description of image}

Generation 12 {short description of image}

Generation 13 {short description of image}

Generation 14 {short description of image}

Generation 15 {short description of image}

Generation16 {short description of image}

Generation 17 {short description of image}

Generation 18 {short description of image}

Generation19 {short description of image}

Generation 20 {short description of image}

Generation 21 {short description of image}

Generation 22 {short description of image}


This list of Russian members of the House of Rurik is taken principally from B. M. Kogan, Istoriya doma Rurikovichei, Izdatel'skii dom Bel'veder, St Petersburg, 1993; N. de Baumgarten, Genealogies et mariages occidentaux des Rurikides Russes du X - au XIII Siecle, Pontifical Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, Roma, 1927; N. de Baumgarten, Genealogies des branches regnantes de Rurikides du XIII au XVI Siecle, Pontifical Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, Roma 1934; N. M. Karamzin, Istoriya GosudarstvaRossiiskogo, Kniga Chetvertaya, 1844, reprinted in Moscow 1988; with the information cross checked in Knyazeva Illustrirovnniya istoriya rossii and Tvorogov, Drevnyaya rus' and other books. The organization by tables showing generations is from I. P. Yermolayev Proshloye v Litsakh Rurikivichi, Moskva, OLMA Press, 2002. And crosschecked with the geneological charts in N> Ivanov, Istoriya Rusi v imyeiakh i datakh, St Petersburg, 1998. For later princes we use Yuri Kozlov, Ot knyzha Rurika do imperatora Nikolaya II, Saransk, 1998. To this we are adding information on the individuals and events from the chronicles and other references, for which a bibliography will be provided separately. Given the extensive number of individuals that will be included, we are posting a partial listing now and will expand it as quickly as possible. Most of the princes for whom we have not made a direct link may be found with the link to their father. This list is designed to accompany the listof rulers of Rus-Russia and the geneological diagrams and chronologies of rulers and events.