
Diagram of the convent, shown above.

Diagram of the convent - poor photo but it
shows the layout well.

The main entrance gate. under
(Preobrazhenski) Transfiguration church.

Uspenski Church on top, refectory beside,
rear gate in trees.

Uspenski (Assumption) Church and refectory
(1685-87), other side

Diorama of convent, under plexiglass.

Corner of refectory.

Smolensk Cathedral (1524-25), bell tower

Nikol'skaya tower

Transfiguration Church over main gate
(1687-89) (right) wall and Lopukhinskaya tower, Lopukhin building in front.

Tsaritsinskaya tower (square, left) and
Nikol'skaya tower (round, corner, right).

Front corner Naprudnaya (Pond) tower (left)
Lopukhinskaya tower (right) Guard house left, Lopukhin building right.

Uspenski (Assumption) Church (1685-87).

Naipudnaya (pond) corner tower, guard house
in front.

Transfiguration Church over main gate.

Pokhorov chapel (1911).

Bell tower (1690), Shkval'naya tower (low)
behind, corner of cathedral in front .

Smolensk Cathedral (1524-25), bell tower,

Cathedral, Pokhrov chapel in front.

Cathedral, bell tower behind.

View over the wall from outside.

Nadvratnaya Pokrovskaya (Intercession)
Church (1683-88) over rear gate.

Convent from across the Moscow river.

Interior of Smolensk cathedral - icon.

Interior of Smolensk cathedral - icon

Interior of Smolensk cathedral - icon

Convent in winter, view from outside over
corner tower to Smolensk cathedral
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Corner of Novodevichi convent in winter.

Smolensk cathedral in convent in winter.