The Central Army Museum in Moscow
was originally known as the Red Army Museum and featured only displays about
the Soviet Army. But with the demise of the Soviet Union and new empahsis on
all Russian history the museum is now adding exhibits about the
pre-revolutionary Imperial Army.
Wealso have photos taken at the
armor museum at Kubinka, at the
World War II memorial museum in
Moscow and at the Artillery Museum in
St. Petersburg.
Standing in front of the museum
while others in the group enter.
Museum entrance and staircase to
second floor
Selfpropelled gun
Selfpropelled gun
Selfpropelled artillery
Hall with antitank gun and flags.
Self propelled artillery
Detail of tank turret
Detail - partial view of tank row
Rocket standing in front of
Another view of howitzer
Field piece
Discussion in front of museum
Display of Imperial Russian
uniforms - curaiss, cavalry helmet, swords and other items
Cavalry standard of Tsar Nicholas
I - Faith, Tsar and Fatherland
View of hall with displays from
Imperial army
Portrait of Frunze during Civil
Light tank
Rear view of Light Tank
Aircraft models and Red Army
Medium Tank
Red Army regimental banners
Howitzer and Maxim machine gun
Recoilless rifle
Maxim machine gun
Painting of World War II Soviet
Army attack during winter.
Anti-tank gun
Painting of Soviet Army attack
Operations map showing entire
Russian front from Finland to Black Sea - showing situation in 1941 with German
Wall display including
information on general losses of 11 million during 1941 and 1942.
General view of one exhibition
Armored car
Red Army banners above a tank
Diorama of city fighting
Diorama of city fighting
Maps on wall depicting Soviet
offensive operations
Sign on office on second floor -
apparently established for foreign sales of military equipment.
Main exhibition hall of second
floor with banners and displays.
Another part of the main
exhibition hall
Large painting depicting Marshal
of Soviet Union Zhukov on white horse trampling on Nazi flags during victory
Another part of main exhibition
hall with antitank gun and banners.
Section of huge wall display with
names of Heros of Soviet Union from World War II.
Engine of Russian armored train.
Anti-tank gun or recoilless rifle
Display cabinets showing airborne
troops uniforms and equipment
Anti-tank gun
Multi-barrel anti-aircraft gun
Air delivered light tank with
other equipment for airborne troops.
Light field piece
Light field piece - another view
Light tank
Front view of light tank
Heavy tank
An Imperial army regimental flag
and miter cap and uniform
Medieval Russian armor and helmet
with other weapons.
Uniform of a grenadier from the
reign of Emperor Paul I.
Uniform of a Russian soldier from
period of First World War.
Display case with uniform items
and picture of Tsar Alexander III
Display case with Imperial
cavalry uniforms and associated items.
Painting depicting Peter I and
his troops in naval battle against Sweden.
Large painting depicting army of
Alexander I in battle with Napoleon's French army
Painting depicting Dmitri Donskoi
in battle with Tatars - Kulikovo field
Display case with sabers,
uniforms and pictures of uniforms of era of Alexander I
Display case with uniform items
and one banner
Painting depicting battle during
the First World War - Russian cavalry attacking German artillery
Portrait of Admiral Nakhimov -
hero of Sevastopol in Crimean War
Display case with model of
Russian ship
Display of large part of the
American U-2 of Gary Powers shot down by Russians.
Group viewing display of the U-12
Display of aircraft and turrets
from naval ships.
Display of helicopter and other
Aircraft display