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This list is of lectures and book chapters on Soviet military planning as presented in courses at the Soviet General Staff Academy named for Marshal Voroshilov in the 1970's. The material was copied from course documents (both lecture scripts and full texts in the classified library) by Colonel Dastigir Wardak (Afghan Army Ret.) who was a student at the academy (and previously also at the Frunze Academy). The documents he wrote were translated in the 1980 -90's by Ali Jalali and John Sloan for publication in three volumes by the NDU press The Voroshilov Lectures: Materials from the Soviet General Staff Academy (these are now available from various book sellers) and also as the basis of many lectures presented at various organizations and locations. The material is in Dari and Russian and Russian transliterated into Dari, plus Colonel Wardak's own special military vocabulary. Its translation and editing required several years of steady effort.
In addition the team edited and organized material from the Soviet Frunze Academy brought by Col. Wardak and Col. Ali Jalai, also Afghanistan Army. The material can be divided into that relating to Front, Army, and Division operations: Air Army operations, Special branch such as Artillery, Engineer, Signal, or Reconnaisance operations; and general topics such as military economics.

Susequently the team created several lecture courses based on this material for students at NDU, Dept of Army, and other audiences. The material was also the basis for courses at Defense Intelligence University and U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and for instruction of the Army "Red Team" that played against U.S. "Blue" forces in various OPFOR training exercises. The purpose of the courses was to teach Americans how to 'think "red' down to the preparation of detailed Soviet planning documents.
We donated the large set of wall-sized planning maps and overlays to the Map Division of the Library of Congress where they constitute the Wardak collection.


In this web site directory we reproduce materials both from the original Voroshilov Academy lectures and from the training courses we prepared, but this is a small selection of the total..

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But first we add a special summary of material collected from lectures given at the Frunze Academy, mostly on tactical and operational topucs. This is a very brief selction from the massive material whose full content is listed in the table of contents. The material was collected by the same two officers who brought us the Voroshilov Academy material.

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Description of the Soviet General Staff Academy and its curriculum circa 1980's

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Grahics illustrating Voroshilov texts - much to be added to this list.

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Planning maps and overlays prepared to illustrate Soviet methods

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Military Science- Marxist-Leninist version

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Voroshilov lecture - Chapter - Employment of Air Forces in Strategic Operations

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Voroshilov lecture - Chapter 11 - Air Defense In a Strategic Operation In a Continental TSMA

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Voroshilov lecture - Chapter - 14 Organization of Civil Defense

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Voroshilov lecture - Chapter - 15 Role of Economics in War

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Division - Division Planning Documents - list

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Division - Division Instructions and Orders

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Division - Army Initial Instructions from 8th Army to division

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Division - Division Documents

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Division - Calculations in the Decision Planning Process Summary - see Chapter 2 of Handbook

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Division - Sequence of Organiztion of Reconnaissance During Division Offensive Operation

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Division - Report of the Chief of Reconnaissance of the Division

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Division - Reconnaissance report forms

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Division - Table showing actions of units during division movement to meeting engagement

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Division - Sample - Combat Instructions of the Eighth Guards Army to the 16th Motorized Rifle Division

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Division - Combat Instructions of the ------- Army to a division

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Division - Rear Services

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Division - The Division Commander's orders on rear service support

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Division - Rear Services outline

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Division - Table showing activities of Division Commander and units during a Division Approach March

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Division - Duties and Procedures of the Division Officers

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Division - Regiment Commander and Staff Activities

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Division - Organization of Troop Control in a Regiment

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Army - Chapter I - 1 - Operational Art

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Army - Chapter I - 2 - Organization and Equipment of Combined Arms Army

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Army - Chapter I - 2 - II Army Headquarters

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Army - Chapter I - 3 - Army Offensive Operations

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Army - Chapter I - 4 - Army Defensive Operations

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Army - Chapter I - 5 - Army in Long Distance March

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Army - Chapter I - 6 - Artillery in Support of Army Operations

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Army - Tables to Calculate Artillery Reinforcement

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Army - Chapter I - 6 - Employment of Artillery Troops at Front and Army Levels - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 7 - Employment of Roclet Troops at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 8 - Air Defense Troops in Army and Front - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 8 - Air Defense in Army Operations

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Army - Chapter I - 9 - Combat Employment of Air Forces at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 10 - Combat Employment of Engineer Troops at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 10 - Combat Employment of Engineer Troops in Army Offensive Operations

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Army - Chapter I - 11 - Combat Employment of Signal Troops at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 12 - Combat Employment of Reconnaissance Troops at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 12 - Report of the Chief of Reconnaissance of the Army

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Army - Chapter I - 13 - Rear Services Support of Troops at Front and Army Level

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Army- Chapter I - 14 - Combat Employment of Chemical and Chemical Defense Troops at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 15 - Action of Rear Services Troops at Front and Army Level - outline

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Army - Chapter I - 15 - Army Rear Services in Offensive Operations

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Army - Chapter I - 15a - Rear Services in Suport of Army Actions

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Army - Chapter I - 16 - Command and Control of Troops at Army and Front Level

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Army - Commitment into the engagement of the second echelon

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Army - Commitment into the engagement of the second echelon. This is a sample exercise in planning for the commitment of the second echelon of an Army into combat

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Army - Table of Interaction of units during Offensive

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Army - Sample Operational Directive of 8th Guards Army

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Planning troops actions - The Elements of Planning

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Front - Chapter II - 1 Organization of Front and FrontHeadquarters

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Front - Chapter II - 1a -Front Organization

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Front - Chapter II - 1b - Organization of Front Headquarters

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Front - Chapter II - 2 - Front in Offensive Operations

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Front- Calculations for FrontOffensive Planning

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Front - Chapter II - 3 - Front in Defensive Operations

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Front - Chapter II - 4 - Rocket Troops in Front Operations

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Front - Documents relating to Artillery planning

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Front - Chapter II - 5 - Combat Employment of Artillery in Front Offensive Operations

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Front - Chapter II - 5 - The Role, Composition, Tasks, and Principles of Combat Employment of Artillery in the Front's Offensive Operation:

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Front - Chapter II - 6 - Air Defense in Front Defensive Operations and in Army Offensive Operations

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Front - Aims of Air Defense in FrontDefensive Operations

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Front - Chapter II - 7a -Organization of Troop Control of Front Air Defense Troops and Means in Offensive Operation

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Front - Chapter II - 7 - Troop Control System of Front Aviation

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Front - Chapter II - 8 - Engineer support of Front Operations

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Front - Chapter II - 8b - Engineer support of Front Operations

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Front - Groupings of Engineer Troops For Front Offensive Operation - table

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- Engineer Planning - This is a sample of the planning table for engineer operations for army and divisions during conduct of the attack

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- Engineer Planning - This table shows the tasks of engineer units during the period prior to battle

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- Front - Chapter II - 9 - Signal Support in Front Operations

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- Front - Chapter II - 10 - Reconnaissance in Front Operations

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- Front - Chapter II - 10 - Reconnaissance in Front Operations - another version

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- Front - Report of the Chief of Reconnaissance of the Front

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- Front - Chapter II - 11 - Radioelectronic Warfare in Front Operations

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- Front - Chapter II - 12 - Observations On The Control And Employment Of Nuclear, Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons

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--Front - Chapter II - 13a - Rear Services in Front Operations

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- Front - Chapter II - 13b- Rear Services Support in Front Operations

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View graphs for lectures on rear services

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- Front - Chapter II - 14 - Combat Support and Service Troops

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- Front - Chapter II - 15 - Troop Control

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- Front - Chapter II - 16 - Combat Employment of Signal Troops in Front Offensive Operations

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- Front - Chapter II - 17 - The Air Army

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- Front - Duties of Air Army Officers

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- Organization of headquarters and location of command posts

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- Troop Control - outline of considerations

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- General outline of the content of the lecture course on the methods for achieving troop control

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- Radio Electronic Warfare

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- Planning Soviet Air Army Operations

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- Sample: Operational Directive of the Baltic Front

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- Maskirovka lecture

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- Maskirovka instuctor outline of concepts

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- Maskirovkaoutline for course

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- Maskrovka - view graphs for courses

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- Maskirovkatest

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- Reflexive Control - On the methods for influencing an opponent's decisions

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-Typical Soviet planning calculations

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- More planning calculations

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- Operational calculations -

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- Operational calculations - This section is extracted from Handbook Volume 5 - Norms and Calculations for ease of use.

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- Exercise in Front Planning

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- Exercise in Division Planning Calculations

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Introduction

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter One General Considerations For Troop Control In Operations

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Two Division And Regiment

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Three - Army

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Four - Front-

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Five - Norms and Calculations Part I Soviet Planning Norms - Part II Calculations for planning combat

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Five - Norms and Calculations Part III_ Planning Artillery Employment (to be completed)

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Five - Norms and Calculations - Part IV Engineer and Transportation Planning

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- Soviet Command and Staff Handbook - Chapter Six - Troop Control Documents

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- Norms for use in Wargames and Simulations (partial reconstruction)

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- Duties and Responsibilities of Chiefs of Rocket Troops and Artillery

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- Operations Lesson 1: Organization of Headquarters and Duties of Staff

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- Operations Lesson 2: Interaction of Commander and Chief of Operations

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- Operations Lesson 3: Tactical and Operational Calculations

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- Operations Lesson 4: Preparation of Plans, Maps and other Documents

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- Operations Lesson 5: Practical Exercise in FrontPlanning

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- Operations Lesson 6: Practical Exercise in Army Planning

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- Operations Lesson 7: Practical Exercise in Division Planning - Part

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- Lesson on Artillery Planning 1 - Principles of Artillery

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- Lesson on Artillery Planning 2- Staff Procedures During Decision making

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- Lesson on Artillery Planning 3 - Preparation of Maps and Documents

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- Lesson on Artillery Planning 4 - Employment of Front Artillery

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- Lesson on Artillery Planning 5 - Employment of Army Artillery

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- Lesson on Artillery Planning 6 - Employment of Division Artillery

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- Artillery Reconnaissance - table of expected location errors

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- Test questions on Artillery Planning lectures

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- Principles of Contemporary Employment of Artillery in Offensive Operations:

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- General Lecture on Artillery Planning -

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- General Lecture on Soviet Reconnaissance Planning

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- View graphs for Lectures on Reconnaissance

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- Reconaissance concepts

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- Reconnaissance duties

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- Exercise in Reconnaissance Planning

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- Test Questions for Course in Planning for Reconnaissance at Front , Army and Division levels

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- Reconnaissance play in exercise - concept for OPFOR use

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- Reconnaissance Norms

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- General Concepts of Military Space Operations - outline

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- Types of Support

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- Estimate For Air Assault

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- Army Airborne Operations

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- Cryptographic Security Instructions

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- Summary of Soviet descriptions of duties of staff officers

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- Summary of Soviet descriptions of staff procedures

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- Duties and Responsibilities of the Army Deputy Commander for Political Affairs

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- Discussion about Soviet views on the unexpected and other issues in war


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