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Instructor Notes:
Author: Jalali, Sloan, Wardak
Date: July 1990


1. General: This is the final lesson in the course on Soviet artillery planning. In this four hour session the students will apply the information they have previous learned to planning at the division level.

2. Sublesson Introduction: Give the students a general outline of the content of the next four hour lesson. Point out that they will be going through essentially the same sequence of activities they have now accomplished twice, from determining the quantity of artillery required to considering the actions of artillery staff during the course of a battle.

3. Teacher Learning Objective: Overall - The students, when playing the role of division commander or chief of RT&A, will have a general understanding of the methods used by Soviet artillery staff to accomplish the following tasks. They should be able to follow the procedures described in relevant reference documents and be sufficiently familiar with Soviet documents that they can prepare similar documents with the aid of standard formats. The following individual tasks are designed to help the students become familiar with Soviet division artillery planning.
---- 1. Determine artillery requirements for the division to accomplish its mission and/or scope of mission achievable with available artillery;
---- 2. Determine width of breakthrough (strike) sector possible and how to allocate it to regiments;
---- 3. Determine artillery requirements of regiments and how to allocate artillery to them;
---- 4. Prepare suggestions (report) of CRT&A to division commander during his decision process;
---- 5. Prepare plan for employment of artillery and anti-tank units including initial plan, commitment of second-echelon regiment, and repulse of counterattacks;
---- 6. Prepare instructions on artillery to subordinate combined arms units and artillery instructions to subordinate artillery units;
---- 7. Exercise troop control over division artillery during the course of an operation including control of the division artillery group and redistribution of artillery to the regiments;
---- 8. Prepare to interact with other staff officers;

Specific learning objectives:

Task: Describe the procedures for organizing the combat employment of artillery.

Condition: Given all assigned references, sample maps and documents, and other student handouts as required.

Standard: This section will serve as introduction to this lesson. At this time the instructor will review the content of the Soviet category "organizing for combat". The nine activities form the logical sequence for actual work and for our consideration of Soviet methods in this lesson. The instructor should emphasize how the content of these activities may differ at division level due to the differences in scale between tactical battle and operational level combat actions as well as the more detailed planning required at division when targets are being assigned to specific artillery units and weapons.

The instructor will also quickly review the flow diagram for the sequence of interaction of division commander and chief of artillery and point out that the students will be expected to take the role of chief of artillery in a practical exercise after completing the series of exercises on calculating requirements.

Task: Describe the procedure for making the decision on artillery employment at division level.

Condition: Given all assigned references, sample maps and documents, and other student handouts as required.

Standard: In this description the instructor will review the process for making decisions and present the initial situation information on the scenario that will form the basis of the practical exercises. The initial information is based on the directives and instructions issued by the army in the previous lesson.

Task: Analyze the process for developing the plan for employing artillery. Conduct a series of practical exercises to lead the students through the various calculations required prior to making the decision and developing a plan.

Condition: Given all assigned references, sample maps and documents, and other student handouts as required.

Standard: The instructor will first show the students how to determine the requirement for artillery on the basis of the more detailed planning used at division level. Then he will supervise them as they proceed to do this in three practical exercises. He should call on individual students for their answers and use the occasion to insure that all understand the procedures. Then he should move the discussion to determining artillery requirements during assault support fire. After explaining this, he assists the students in performing calculations and completing two more practical exercises. The next step is to perform the calculations for determining the detailed structure of artillery preparatory fire. Finally the instructor will lead student calculation of the requirements of first-echelon regiments for artillery and the number of artillery units to attach to each regiment.

Task: Explain the manner anti-tank reserves are employed at division and regiment levels and complete a practical exercise with the students to determine anti-tank reserves.

Condition: Given all assigned references, sample maps and documents, and other student handouts as required.

Standard: The students should be familiar with the general concept of an anti-tank reserve and its missions from the previous lessons. Explain how the regimental and division anti-tank reserves function and then give the students the practical exercise on forming anti-tank reserves. Use the completed answers as the basis for short discussion.

Task: Analyze the interaction of division commander and chief of artillery by conducting a practical exercise in which the instructor takes the role of the commander and individual students play the chief of artillery.

Condition: Given all assigned references, sample maps and documents, and other student handouts as required.

Standard: This hour should require no further introduction. The instructor could either give the class a half an hour to complete the entire form for the report and suggestions and then spend 20 minutes in a single role-playing session by calling on various students to provide each part of the report, or he could go through the sequence one part at a time calling on individuals after they complete each blank section. This method gives a more immediate feed-back for the students and indication to the instructor of their progress, but it risks running out of time before the entire process is completed.

Task: Analyze the process for preparing the division artillery plan by means of a series of practical exercises focused on the individual steps in the process.

Condition: Given all assigned references, sample maps and documents, and other student handouts as required.

Standard: This is the final hour of the course. It is structured around four exercises. In the first the instructor will show a sample of the division artillery plan and assist the students in practicing development of a plan by placing artillery symbols on a schematic of the basic map. The second exercise is to fill out the blank forms for the division's instructions on artillery to subordinates. The students should be familiar with the procedure by this time. The instructor will point out the greater level of detail in division instructions. Discussion of the artillery staff role during the conduct of battle will provide more detail at this level.

4. Level of Instruction: Analysis.

5. Method of Instruction: lecture, discussion, and practical exercise.

6. Author's Intent: Overall - Having discussed artillery employment in theory and then worked out practical examples at front and army levels, the students should be well prepared to study artillery planning at division level. Since the overall focus of the course is on the army level, the work on planning at division is given in relatively less detail in this course. On the other hand, since artillery planning at division level is by nature intrinsically more detailed, the content of the instruction must consider many specific details not relevant to the higher levels ( such as allocation of specific numbers of guns firing specific numbers of shells at individual targets). In real Soviet combat there are many specific situations with artillery of certain calibers firing for certain effects against particular types of targets at various ranges. Obviously the students can only become broadly familiar with the basic methods for performing complex calculations.

Employment of division artillery: During this period the lecturer will show the students how to work with the detailed data used at division level as well as the instructions from army, which form the basis of artillery planning at division level.

Role playing as division CRT&A in decision making by division commander: In this exercise the students will take the division mission and the instructions on artillery from army and prepare their suggestions to the division commander. These will include the allocation of artillery to the regimental artillery groups and the division artillery group. The content of suggestions will follow the same format as for front and army.

Preparation of division plan: The section will be a map exercise in which the students prepare a division artillery fire plan and the various tables in which the target assignments of the artillery battalions and batteries are shown. They will then prepare the instructions on artillery for the regiments and the artillery instructions for the artillery units. They will address the same basic issues as given for the front level, except in more detail.


Specific intent for each section:

a. organizing combat employment of artillery - Since these same topics have been covered already at army and front levels, the students should be somewhat familiar with them and the instructor should focus on those aspects of planning which must be done in more detail at division level.

b. making decision on combat employment - The instructor will review the documents on artillery received by the division from army. These will be the same instructions and directives prepared during the class on army level planning. This 20 minutes will be in effect an introduction to the practical exercises to follow.

c. planning the combat employment - The students will complete a series of practical exercises that move step by step in sequence through the individual calculations performed during the planning process. The first is to determine the division's artillery requirements on the basis of the more detailed criteria used at division level. The instructor should bring out the contrast in this kind of calculation with those used at army and front levels. The students will need to know the details of the types of artillery fire as discussed in the first lesson. After calculating the artillery required for preparatory, assault support, and accompanying fire, the students will determine the artillery needed by individual regiments and complete the practical exercise in allocating artillery to regimental artillery groups.

d. employment of anti-tank reserve - In this practical exercise the students calculate requirements and assign units to create anti-tank reserves. The process does not differ much from that they used during the lesson on army level. The instructor should use the opportunity to test student knowledge by reviewing the army exercise while comparing it with the division exercise.

e. suggestions of chief of artillery - This will be the third time through the process in which the chief of artillery interacts with the commander during the latter's decision making process. The instructor may select different students to play the role of chief of artillery. In taking the role of division commander the instructor can focus the exercise to bring out the differences in the type of concerns posed by the division commander in comparison with the army and front.

f. preparation of artillery plan - The content of artillery planning at division is more detailed than at higher levels. The instructor will lead the students through another series of practical exercises that includes both the initial planning and the subsequent changing of plans in response to changes in the situation during combat.

7. Equipment/Materials

Materials required:

Employment of division artillery - This period requires the same type of materials given for the army exercise. That is instructor notes and handouts to the students of relevant tables and sample forms.

Role playing as division CRT&A in decision - The basis for this practical exercise is the results that will be generated in the army exercise. The instructor will have prepared a sample solution for all the suggestions and the outcome of the division commander's decision.

Practical exercise division plan - The basis for this exercise will be the sample solution prepared by the instructor for use at army level. In particular, planning of division artillery fire requires a very detailed picture of the enemy tactical situation to include locations of individual firing positions and unit locations etc. The instructor will have to prepare all this beforehand for the three situations being studied; namely, initial planning, commitment of second echelon, and repulse of enemy counterattack.

8. Homework: none.

9. Annexes:

---- Discussion agenda
---- Lecture notes
---- List of viewgraphs



3 min
-----Introduction lesson VI: Briefly outline the content of this practical exercise and indicate the expected learning objectives for the students.

--VG 1

20 min

----a. organizing the combat employment of the artillery

-- VG 2

---- 1. main elements:
------- making the decision;
------- planning the artillery action;
------- conveying the mission;
------- organizing interaction;
------- organizing combat support measures;
------- organizing troop control and signal system;
------- preparing FUP areas;
------ -collecting and stockpiling of material;
------- preparing artillery troops for combat.
---- 2. sequence and procedure of interaction of division commander, staff and division artillery staff (viewgraph).

-- VG 3

20 min

----b. making the decision on combat employment of artillery

-- VG 4

---- 1. mission from the army;
---- 2. instructions of the army chief of artillery;
---- 3. suggestions of the division chief of artillery to the division commander on the employment of artillery;
---- 4. division commander's instructions to artillery.

70 min

----c. planning the combat employment of artillery

-- VG 5

---- 1. determining the artillery requirement of the division on the basis of the following factors:

-- VG 6

---- duration of artillery preparatory fire (exercise #1);

-- VG 7-9

---- number and nature of targets in the breakthrough area (exercise #1);

-- VG 10-11

---- using the table of "number of batteries required to destroy or suppress various targets" (exercise #2);

-- VG 12-13

---- using the "table of numbers of rounds to destroy or suppress different targets" (exercise #3).

---- 2. determining the requirement of artillery for the phase of assault support fire:

-- VG 14

---- determining the lines of assault support fire on the basis of enemy targets (exercise #4);

-- VG 15-16

---- determining the artillery requirement for assuming supporting fire by the method of rolling barrage on double lines (exercise #5);

---- determining the artillery requirement for assuming supporting fire by the method of double and single successive concentration of fire (exercise #5).

-- VG 17

---- structure of artillery preparatory fire
---- duration
---- strikes
---- targets (density of hit)
---- calculations and determining the length of each fire strike in terms of number of targets, target distance, desired destruction level and number of available artillery;

-- VG 18

---- (explanation is followed by exercise #6)

---- 3. Determining the artillery requirement of first echelon regiments;

-- VG 19

----- on the basis of enemy targets
----- on the basis of width of breakthrough area
----- on the basis of prescribed regimental artillery groups;

-- VG 20

---- (explanation is followed by exercise #7)

---- 4. Determining the number of artillery units to be attached to the first echelon regiments (exercise #8);

-- VG 21

15 min

----d. employment of anti-tank reserves at the division and regiment level;

-- VG 22

----- composition
----- tasks
----- deployment and movement
----- location of fire lines
----- (explanation is followed by exercise #10).

40 min

----e. format of the suggestions of the chief of artillery to the division commander on combat employment of artillery (explanation the prepared text in exercise 9)

-- VG 23

25 min

---- f. preparation and content of the division artillery plan to include:

-- VG 24

------ the graphic part on the map
------ table of fire / graphic of fire

-- VG 25

----- (explanation is followed by exercise #11)
----- ammunition expenditure
----- the written part of the plan

25 min
---- g. content and format of conveying missions to subordinates;

-- VG 26

----- combat instructions to artillery units
----- instructions on artillery to lower artillery staff (exercise #12);
---- instructions on interaction
-----instructions on combat supporting measures

25 min

---- h. conduct of the action of division artillery during the battle:

-- VG 27

----- movement, deployment and occupation of FUP areas
----- artillery action to support the covering troops
----- action of artillery during meeting engagement in a movement to contact situation
----- action of artillery during the breakthrough of prepared defense position
--------- artillery preparatory fire
--------- assault supporting fire
--------- accompanying fire
----- action of artillery during the commitment of the second echelon
-------- tasks
-------- grouping and composition
-------- types of fire
-------- duration of fire strike

-- VG 28-29

------- (explanation is followed by exercise #13)
----- action of artillery to support the repulsion of counter attacks
------- likely situation and grouping of artillery during the repulsion of the counter attack by enemy's brigade and division reserves
------- artillery tasks and grouping
------- method of fire
------- duration of fire

-- VG 30

------- (explanation is followed by exercise #14)
----- action of artillery to support the battle of the forward detachment
----- action of artillery to support assault crossing of the division




Planning artillery support


In the commander's operational directive the paragraph on artillery and rocket troops shows the following:
----- shows commander's decision;
----- gives mission to rocket troops and artillery;
----- gives priority of targeting - from nuclear to PVO, etc.

This serves as guidance in planning for rocket troops, since it
----- gives yields to be used;
----- categorizes targets.

During the planing phase this may change when the details are studied. After the plan is complete this information goes to CO for approval. Thus the chief of RT&A may need to change the artillery aspect of the plan and get approval.

By calculating nuclear weapon yield and the number of nuclear targets we can find out how many warheads of each kind are needed.

During the planning period to avoid being caught short by the enemy preemption, the launch preparation of the H-20 rockets must be at state of direct firing readiness No. 1.

The time required for allocating nuclear weapons to targets is 3 hrs. - the warheads will be given to the units not earlier than P-3 hrs. Know there are three things that must be done after warheads are distributed;
----- fuel;
----- load;
----- mounting warhead.

This process takes near 2 hrs, which means that when you get warhead to the technical battalion it is deployed so that no time is lost to load and mount the warhead. Still it takes nearly two hours to prepare - One hour to direct preparation, which takes twenty-five minutes. this leaves only thirty-five minutes before launch.

This means the technical units must be deployed and ready to receive warheads.

This means the command and staff have to make sure technical units are ready to carry warheads.

The plan tells the units to conduct technical readiness.

The plan also describes the organization of movement. On the plan it shows initial position and movement of the rocket units and technical bases.

The division rockets deploy 10 km behind the front line and can fire 55 km, which means that if the division moves during the attack 40-50 km per day, the rocket battalion must relocate at least once a day. It must be 10 km from front line at the end of the day. The rocket battalion must also move to support the subsequent mission so they move two times a day.

The army rocket brigade is located 40 km from the front line. It can attack targets to a depth of 260 km. On the first day it does not need to relocate, but on the second day it must move. By then the division will be 50 km deep in enemy territory and the rocket brigade will be 90 km from the front line, so it must relocate as shown on the chart. Also for episodes such as the commitment of the second-echelon and repelling the counterblow we must have the rocket brigade in a location from which it is able to hit the enemy. The sample plan shows the relocation and places the locations 90-100 km apart.

The rocket brigade is also moved for defense. It is placed in waiting area hidden until ready to go to start area for launch.

Division artillery

Preparatory fire planned

Show army reinforcement and division artillery regiment
----- from army 5 battalions and BM21;
----- division 3 battalions and BM21;
----- regiment 4 battalions.

----- 6 battalions 122;
----- 4 battalions 152;
----- 2 battalions 130;
---- 2 battalions BM21.

Establish division artillery groups.
First thing is what groups are to be established.

2 regiment in first-echelon ---------------------12 RAG -------------------14 RAG
1 division DAG
5 DAG 5 battalions -----------------------------4-6 battalions 2130 guns
12 RAG 4 battalions ----------------------------3-4
14 RAG 3 battalions ----------------------------3-4

DAG 5 ---------------------------------------------RAGS
DAG-72 artillery brigade ------------------------RAG 5th artillery bn -------------12 RAG
----- 1 130 -----------------------------------------1 152SP ------------------------------4 -72 bde
----- 1 130 -----------------------------------------1 122 ---------------------------------12th bn
----- 1 152 SP ------------------------------------1 122
------1 BM21 -------------------------------------1 122
------1 BM21

------------------------------- RAG - 14
------------------------------- Headquarters 91st artillery brigade
------------------------------- 152 how
------------------------------- 2/ 122 battalion
------------------------------- 14 battalion 122 battalion

18 regiment committed as second-echelon

When 18th regiment is committed, then must establish a new RAG for it.
Choose battalions from the DAG or RAGs of other regiments.

If concept of commander expects 14th regiment to move to right flank - defense, then it could spare 1 battalion
take 1 battalion from DAG - 5
this gives 18th regiment 2 extra battalions total 3.

RAG after commitment of 18 tank regiment
----- 18 artillery battalion
------ 2/5 from 5 artillery - battalion
------ 3/72nd 152SP

When commit 16th regiment, no longer can keep the DAG.
----- one DAG cannot cover all front so break it up and give;
----------- 16th battalion from DAG
----------- take 1 from RAG 14.

At time of commitment of 16th must be supported by at least two battalions from other RAG's

Volume of artillery missions and planning artillery fire

This is based on reconnaissance - establish detail of disposition of enemy down to platoon strong point.

List all targets
nature of -------------------------------size -----------------rounds to ---------------------------------------time to -----------------------artillery
target --------------------------------------------destroy ---------------------fire --------------------------------required
platoon ----------------------------------4.5 (?) ---------200x4.5=900 ---------------------10 min ---------------------------------24 (?)
--------------------------------------------------------------- 900 div=38rds -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 bn
---------------------------------------------------------------- 24 gun

List all targets

The conclusion is that there is not enough artillery for all targets.
nuclear weapons ---------------------------------------4 hectare ---------------------------------destruction
bn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------supplement 3x270=710 means
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ beyond 10km + 10% 4 must
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ per km ------------------2840 continue during prep fire

So have to keep firing on enemy nuclear artillery all during fire preparation.

Finally find number of artillery is less than targets.

Requirement is determined:
----- in terms of targets;
----- enemy action;
----- movement of troops closing to enemy;
----- most important to cover artillery nuclear capable
----- fire on nuclear whenever detected;
----- strike artillery when moving;
1st strike on artillery - but can't fire on it all time have to shift to other targets too.

Show fire H-40 to H-5: - H is time infantry reaches enemy trenches.
----- first 4 min - strong strike on enemy;
----- artillery (surprise strike) - initial rate of fire high;
----- distribute artillery fire to second-echelon;
----- requirements and second-echelon division too;
----- put them ahead early.

Artillery battalion of second-echelon regiment are brought forward for fire preparation.

Fire from army level sent from army headquarters.

Plan one target per battalion in first artillery strike.
----- RAG - 3 targets

Color different artillery groups and show same colors for their targets.

Second strike H-36 to H-26 10 min:
----- suppress strong points and nuclear means.

During first and second strikes infantry battalions are moving forward.

Targets numbered - 2 digit first-echelon
----- 100s second-echelon
----- 200s third-echelon

Second-echelon of targets are - second-echelon company of first-echelon battalion;
Third-echelon targets are in intermediate area such as brigade - reserve area.

Show air strike too after coordination from air.

Show helicopter strike as part of artillery fire too

Chief of artillery of regiment controls and plans mortar and antitank unit fire.

Third strike H-26 - H-32 - longer strike.
----- targets are further away and need more ammunition;
----- guns by now firing slower rate due to crew fatigue;
----- shift strike to depth 14 min;
----- suppression of enemy strong points in depth and reserves.

Targets - signal for fire:

System for naming targets:
----- for lines of assault fire - wild animals;
----- for concentration - number;
----- defensive rolling barrage - wild animals and number;
------fixed targets - name of tree - first letter like A for acacia;
----- massive fire capital od enemy country plus number for concentration.

Targets RAG 12 - these are strong points
----- plus artillery batteries - concentration

Rag 14 - strong points in depth if more targets than (?) then show time of shift on graphic.

DAG - five battalions but eight targets - show how shift goes in time.

Keeping firing don't let enemy target go shift from one to another.

Seven minutes fourth strike back to same targets or second strike;
----- first-echelon strong points;
----- during time between second and third strikes all direct fire weapons fire at targets on forward edge - not much smoke etc to cover targets - so while artillery hits targets in depth direct fire weapons can hit.

Use artillery for longer range to hit other targets in depth.
Don't give enemy a standard pattern

Overlap with overlapping strike and assault support fire
------begins H-7
----- continues after H hour to eliminate gap between preparatory fire and supporting fire;
----- targets of overlap are artillery;
----- suppress to protect infantry and tanks.

Assault support fire
----- fired on one or two lines;

Artillery group fire divided on two fires as one shifts then other shifts one line;
------ on platoon strong points of first-echelon
------ part given to each artillery battalion
------ makes continuous line

Assign 50 m per gun - in zigzag line
-----second line concentration fires
-----second line on new discovered line
-----third line
-----first line strong points first-echelon platoon of first-echelon co
-----second platoon points in depth of company
-----third platoon in second-echelon company and intermediate targets
-----assault support fire in immediate mission of regiment
-----beyond that front line is uneven can't fire concentration fire at division level.

Then accompany fire begins as pass beyond regimental immediate mission. Time fire shorter than expect because have to stop when infantry and tanks reach line.

If distance between lines may be 500 m can fire on first line as infantry reaches 300 m security line
-----infantry will cover last gap in two minutes
-----in last four minutes guns will fire two to three shells per minute
-----if infantry can't move at that speed then so for (?) one hour conduct assault support fire
-----depends on number of targets and amount of ammunition and targets
-----53-56 sections of fire line
---- 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - sections of line

Artillery from second-echelon successive fire concentrations
----- not barrage not many targets
-----use concentrations
-----only two targets planned - rest is for new targets

All together 24 minutes time battalion must be able to reach depth of enemy first-echelon company
-----takes thirty minutes to reach depth of mission.

Third phase assault accompanying fire
-----plan for certain episodes during this time
-----repel enemy counterattack
-----finds this targets from interaction
-----suppression enemy reserve

RAG 14 and DAG - massive fire on enemy reserve
-----support commitment of second-echelon regiment 12 - 18 - DAG

Breakthrough positions of division reserve assign same targets ahead

Conduct river crossing -
----- artillery must be in new positions;
----- some artillery will move with advance detachment and advance detachments

Then commitment of the 16th - also support with new fire

Map and table show who does what-
----- easy to assign
----- need graphic of preparatory fire show amount of ammunition fired

Graphic shows
-----shows plan time all through fire times
-----includes overlap fire time

Shows first strike - from AAG get solution from higher headquarters for information

For artillery in division have to show target numbers and ammunition number plan for each battalion in each group

Overlap shift two batteries at a time - shift one battery at a time don't want to lose time
-----Show details as batteries shift targets - overlap
-----show number of rounds and number of guns and rounds they can fire
-----show number of guns times time to fire
-----table shows four minutes - sixteen rounds times twenty-four guns equals three-hundred eighty-four rounds

Then in table see what is required to see if norm is met or exceeded in time planned.

Normal 1.2 units of fire during preparation

Deliver artillery ammunition for preparatory fire direct from mobile base of army

Show to find out problem and do something about it.
-----Staff of artillery has job to make sure things are going by plan.

Covering troops on border one or two battalions of division artillery forward with border troops to cover against enemy surprise attack
-----during attack - each division has one regiment as forward detachment
-----go into attack against enemy cover zone

Move rocket bns forward in case we strike deeper to get rear targets

1st defensive line from 25-80 km from border

each division has one MRR as forward detachment take arty attack through covering force - reach main FEBA
-----at that time arty move forward
-----all arty moves to forward position
-----6-8 hours time including daylight to recon and fire registration
-----air defense units cover and protect arty
-----night time rest of force moves forward in column
-----arty in position and knows enemy
-----line of bn and co columns
-----arty fire support starts when units bn columns
-----when force of first-echelon reach position
-----arty support overlapping fire - one or two lines
-----if weak just use concentration fire
-----new deployment
-----before arty support to depth of 3 km in first-echelon in defense
-----now - to depth of brigade 8 km
-----reason for change?
-----big change in arty 3-8 km - due to NATO accurate weapons
-----arty - use by US of high accurate weapons
-----another reason effectiveness of helicopter Soviet to strike

if they conduct attack at high tempo use helicopter to attack enemy in depth - hit his nuc arty
use landing troops - assault brigade in depth - against high precision weapons.

Soviet need movement for airborne operation
----- West has stronger air defense forces
----- Soviet already can't conduct airborne landing in face of air defense

Current use helicopter instead of aircraft to bring in troops.

Operational groups used to strike deep in rear of defenses
-----large group on two axes.
-----now can't conduct artillery fire 3 km only
---- leave to fire to 8 km

Second-echelon now may be delivered helicopter - future war
----- used in Afghanistan
-----use 3 helicopters for company plus support gun ships.

After assault support fire, arty goes over into accompanying fire use massive fire or concentration fire

Each arty group goes to support a first echelon bn.

RAG - has to support two first-echelon rifle bns
-----so then one arty bn assigned to one rifle bn
-----arty co goes to be with commander of rifle bn
-----between them they organize interaction on targets
-----in hands of co of regt still 1-2 arty bn left one or 2 left for RAG.

Division arty group also divided for units in first-echelon
----- DAG has 5 arty bns - one or two support each first-echelon regt.
Division has MRC bn for his missions of division

Commander of bns that support regt go near
----- regt they support - interaction

During operation Army arty group also divide in 2 one support each division

Army keeps some arty MRL




Lesson 6: Employment of division artillery

Exercise 1

Determine artillery requirements for the 26th MRD to accomplish its mission when:
----- the army has assigned a 4 km breakthrough sector to the division;
----- duration of artillery preparatory fire is 45 minutes;
----- during the artillery preparatory fire the artillery battalions from higher echelon support the division (fire in the division's area);
----- the following targets are to be destroyed or suppressed during the artillery preparatory fire;


Lance launching pad (destroy) 2 18 km
Nuc. arty batteries (destroy) 3 10 km
SP arty btrys 4 8 km
arty and mtr btrys 16 6 km
Air defense btrys 4 4-6 km
Air defense btrys 2 12-20 km
Radar and guidance centers 3 6 km
Radar and guidance centers 2 16 - 18 km
Personnel in plat strong points (prep defense) 30 up to 3 km
Personnel in plat strong points (hasty defense) 24 up to 8 km
Division FCP 1 5 km
Bde CP 2 8 km
Bn CP 4 up to 5 km
Assembly areas (company) (covered) 4 14,15,16,18, km
Assembly areas (company) (open) 6 12,12,14,14,14,18 km


A. First we determine the hectarage of targets at a range of up to 10 km and targets over 10 km and the norm of their destruction or suppression according to their type. For this purpose one way is to find from the norm table the number of required artillery during a 15 minute fire strike.


Launch pads (to destroy) 24 guns (bn)
Arty btrys (to destroy) 36 guns (2 bns)
SP arty btrys 48 guns (2 bns)
Arty and mtr btrys (up to 10 km) 96 guns (4 bns)
Arty and mtr btrys (over 10 km) 96 guns (4 bns)
Air defense btrys (up to 10 km) 48 guns (2 bns)
Air defense btrys (over 10 km) 36 guns (2 bns)
Radars etc (up to 10 km) 18 guns (bn)
Radars etc. (over 10 km) 24 guns (bn)
Plat strong points

(prep defense)

360 guns (15 bns)
Plat strong points

(hasty defense)

288 guns (12 bns)
Division CP 24 guns (bn)
Brigade CP 24 guns (bn)
Battalion CP 24 guns (bn)
Company assembly area (covered) 216 guns (8 bns)
Company assembly area (open) 108 guns (4 bns)
Total artillery required 1464 guns (61 bns)

Since the artillery preparatory fire duration is 45 minutes or 3 times the 15 minutes the numbers are to be divided by three.

1464 ÷ 3=488 guns or 61 ÷ 3=21 bns

B. Available artillery

----- division artillery 4 bns
---- 3 first echelon regiments 3 bns

Higher echelon artillery 7 bns firing in division area

Total 14 bns

C. Artillery required to be attached to the division 21 - 14=7 bns

Note: This is a rough calculation (usually an initial one) to determine the overall requirement of artillery during the first phase of a breakthrough. However, it does not mean that all targets will be hit for the same duration as it was calculated here. Depending on the level of destruction / suppression to be inflicted on the targets, the duration of striking different targets may vary. For example, the enemy defensive strong points on the forward edge will be hit more than once, the same is true for artillery batteries, while other targets in the depth may be hit only once during the artillery preparatory fire. Therefore after the initial calculation about the requirement of artillery, more detailed and fine calculations are needed to determine not only the number of guns to fire on the targets and the duration of fire and number of rounds (on the basis of required destruction or suppression level), but also the find out the optimum distribution of destruction means to targets.


Exercise 2

Using the norm table of "Number of Batteries required to neutralize various targets" determine the number of artillery units required for the artillery preparatory fire of the 26th MRD when the following targets are detected:

Lance launcher (10 km, 14 km) 2
SP gun btry armored (8 km) 4
Arty & mtr btry

(up to 10 km)

Arty btrys (10 - 15 km) 8
Air defense btry (up to 10 km) 4
Radar and guidance (up to 10 km) 3
Radar and guidance ( 10 - 15 km) 2
Radar and guidance (over 15 km) 2
Platoon strong points (up to 10 km) 20
Company in assembly area (up to 10 km) 6
Company in assembly area (10 - 15 km) 16
Bn CP in open dugout (up to 10 km) 4
Bde CP in open (up to 10 km) 2
Division cp in open (12 km) 1
Individual targets (ATGM's, OP, tanks, etc. (up to 10 km) 12


Using the table of "Number of batteries required to neutralize various targets" we find the required number of batteries for specific targets at specific ranges. In our example they will be as follows:

Lance launcher (10 km, 14 km) 2 2 btry + 3 btry 5 btry
SP gun btry armored (8 km) 4 2 x 4 8 btry
Arty & mtr btry

(up to 10 km)

16 16 x 1 16 btry
Arty btrys (10 - 15 km) 8 8 x 2 16 btry
Air defense btry (up to 10 km) 4 4 x 2 8 btry
Radar and guidance (up to 10 km) 3 3 x 1 3 btry
Radar and guidance ( 10 - 15 km) 2 2 x 2 4 btry
Radar and guidance (over 15 km) 2 2 x 2 4 btry
Platoon strong points (up to 10 km) 20 20 x 3 60 btry
Company in assembly area (up to 10 km) 6 3 x 6 18 btry
Company in assembly area (10 - 15 km) 16 3 x 16 48 btry
Bn CP in open dugout (up to 10 km) 4 3 x 4 12 btry
Bde CP in open (up to 10 km) 2 2 x 2 4 btry
Division CP in open (12 km) 1 2 x 1 2 btry
Individual targets (ATGM's, OP, tanks, etc. (up to 10 km) 12 12 x 1 12 btry

Total required is 219 batteries:

Divided by 3 (artillery preparatory fire is 45 min)=71 batteries or 23 artillery battalions or 20 artillery battalions and 9 mortar batteries


Exercise 3

Determine the number of artillery required by calculating the number of rounds needed to neutralize the targets shown in exercise 2, when artillery preparatory fire is 45 minutes.


1 2 280 560
2 4 270 1080
3 16 240 3840
4 8 (13 km) 312 2496
5 4 150 600
6 3 180 540
7 2 (13 km) 234 468
8 2 (16 km) 96 (203mm) 192
9 (5 ha each) 20 150/ha 15000
10. (16 ha each) 6 20/ha 2160
11. (16 ha each at 13 km 16 26/ha 6656
12. 4 ha each 4 150/ha 2400
13. 6 ha each 2 50/ha 600
14. 12 ha 1 50/ha 600
15. 1 12 140 1640

Note: Number of rounds are taken from the ammunition expenditure norms for stationary targets at 10 km or less. For targets located beyond 10 km 10% of ammunition expenditure is added for each km over 10 km. Now convert all weapons to equivalent 122 mm howitzer and find from the table of the rate of fire the number of rounds that can be fired in 45 minutes (artillery prep fire), which equals 90 rounds. Now divide the number of total rounds by the number of rounds that can be fired by one gun in 45 minutes.

38832 ÷ 90=approx 420 guns

420 ÷ 24=17.5 artillery battalions

420 ÷ 18=24 artillery battalions
426 - 54 (divisional mortars)=372 guns
372 - (72 divisional artillery) + 54 (regimental artillery)=246 guns
246 ÷ 24=10 artillery battalions from higher headquarters.


Exercise 4:

Determine the number of primary and intermediate lines for fire curtain (barrage ,OV) or PSO to conduct assault support fire when the speed of assault is 6 km/hr and the following targets are detected:

A. Targets to be hit by fire curtain (OV) methods:
----- first echelon platoons forward line on a 4 km front in the penetration area;
----- AT weapons at 200m from FEBA on a 4 km front;
----- second echelon platoons' strong points forward line with AT weapons in gaps on a 4 km front at 500m from FEBA;
----- OP's, individual ATGM within the company strong points on a 4 km front at 800m from FEBA;
----- blocking positions at the rear of company strong points on a 4 km front at 1100m from FEBA;

B. Targets to be hit by double PSO method:
-----blocking positions for Bn reserve and ATGM positions, 1400m in depth, 36 hectares;
---- Bn reserve positions, ATGM, tanks, 1 BN CP, 1800m in depth, 42 hectares;

C. Targets to be hit by single PSO method:
----- individual targets at the rear of Bn defensive position, 2200m in depth, 36 hectares;
----- blocking positions of Bde reserve and artillery batteries, 2700m in depth 38 hectares;
----- platoon strong points on forward line of the brigade reserves area, 4 km in depth, 52 hectares;
----- positions in rear of brigade reserve area, 5 km in depth, 48 hectares;
----- line of assault is 700m from the FEBA;

A. Norms and tables to be used:
1. For fire curtain (OV):
----- by norms, OV is conducted on one or two lines simultaneously (single or double) in our exercise it is a double OV, with the primary lines 300 - 1000 m apart and intermediate lines (between the primary lines) at 100 - 300 meter intervals.
----- fire duration on each line is calculated on the basis of speed of advance (in our example 6 km/hr or 100m/min) and the fire safety distance for the attacking troops (200 - 300m or 2 - 3 minutes);
----- fire duration on the first line depends on the distance of the assault line from the line of fire. Fire duration on intermediate lines and primary lines for the first artillery group is 2 - 3 minutes. Fire duration on primary lines for the second artillery group depends on the number and duration of fire on forward primary and intermediate lines.

2. For double PSO:
----- the duration depends on the rate of advance and the size of the targets to be hit;
----- two groups of artillery fire simultaneously on to two lines by fire concentration method;

3. For PSO:
----- the same norms as for double PSO apply on one line;

B. Lines of fire

1. For double OV:
----- first primary line: first echelon platoons forming line,
----- duration: 700m - 300m (fire safety distance)=400m;
--------- 400 ÷ 100 m/min=4 min.

----- first intermediate line: AT weapons at 200m from FEBA,
----- duration: 200m ÷ 100m/min=2 min.
----- second primary line: second echelon platoon strong points,
----- duration:
-------- for second artillery group: 4 min + 2 min=6 min.
-------- for first artillery group which shifts fire to this line: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
-------- total time=9 min.

or - 700m + 500m=1200m - 300m=900m ÷ 100=9 min.

------ second intermediate line: OP's individual ATGM, etc., within company strong points;
---------- duration: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.

or - (700m + 800m) - 300m=1200 ÷ 100=12 min - 9 min=3 min.

------- third primary line: blocking positions at the rear of company strong points,
-------- duration:

------ for second artillery group: 3 min + 3 min=6 min.

------ for first artillery group which shifts fire to this line: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.

------ total time=9 min.

2. for double PSO
------ first line: blocking positions of battalion reserve,
--------- duration: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
------ second line: Bn reserve positions,
--------- duration:
-------------- for 2nd artillery group, 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
-------------- for 1st artillery group, 400 ÷ 100m/min=4 min.
-------------- total time of 7 min.

3. for single PSO:

----- first line: rear bn defensive positions,
-------- duration: 400m ÷ 100m/min=4 min.
----- second line: blocking positions of brigade reserve,
-------- duration: 500m ÷ 100m/min=5 min.
----- third line: forward brigade reserve positions,
-------- duration: 1300 ÷ 100m/min=13 min.
------ fourth line: positions at the rear of brigade reserves,
---------duration: 1000 ÷ 100m/min=10 min.


Exercise 5:

Given the assault support fire line worked out in exercise 4, determine the requirement of artillery to fire on each line:


A. Norms

To solve the problem use the table of norms for expenditure of rounds in OV and PSO for 122mm howitzer. Then on the basis of required number of rounds per 100m of the OV line or per hectare of target on PSO line determine the number of artillery pieces and ammunition expenditure. The artillery requirement for OV line can be determined by assigning 25m of frontage to one weapon (over 100mm caliber) for the first artillery group and 37.5 - 50 m of front to one weapon for the second artillery group.

B. Calculation for each line:

1. for double OV:

----- first primary line:
--------- ammunition expenditure: 8 rounds required per 100m of frontage per minute of fire (from the table): Therefor:
--------- 4 min x 8 x 4 km of frontage ÷ 100=
----------=32 x 40=1280 rounds to total ammunition expenditure number of guns required: 4000m (penetration area frontage) ÷ 25m=160 guns.

----- first intermediate line:
--------- ammunition expenditure: 2 min x 8 x 40=640 rounds.
--------- number of guns: same as for first primary line.

----- second primary line:
-------- Ammunition expenditure:
--------------- For second artillery group: 6 x 4 x 40=960 rounds.
--------------- For 1st artillery group: 3 x 8 x 40=960 rounds.
--------- number of guns:
------------- second artillery group: 4000 ÷ 50=80 guns.
-------------for 1st artillery group: same as above=160 guns.

---- second intermediate line:
--------- Ammunition expenditure: 3 x 8 x 40=960 rounds.
--------- Artillery same as first intermediate line.

---- third primary line:
--------- Ammunition expenditure:
--------- for second artillery group: 6 x 4 x 40=960 rounds.
--------- for first artillery group: 3 x 8 x 40=960 rounds.
Artillery requirement:
---------- first and second groups as calculated above=160 and 80 guns respectively.

2. for double PSO:

------ first line: Total of 36 ha. of targets.
------ Ammunition expenditure: 3 min x 4 x 36=432 rounds;
------ Artillery required: 36 ÷ 3=12 batteries.

----- second line: Total of 42 ha. of targets.
------ Ammunition expenditure:
----------- for second group: 3 x 3 x 42=378 rounds;
----------- for first group: 4 x 4 x 42=672 rounds;
------ Artillery required: 42 ÷ 3=14 batteries.

3. for single PSO:

------ first line:
-------- Ammunition: 4 x 4 x 36=576 rounds;
-------- Artillery: 36 ÷ 3=12 batteries;

----- second line:
------- Ammunition: 5 x 4 x 38=760 rounds;
------- Artillery: 38 ha ÷ 3 ha=13 batteries;

----- third line:
------- Ammunition: 13 x 4 x 52=2704 rounds;
------- Artillery: 52 ha ÷ 3 ha=17 batteries;

----- fourth line:
-------- Ammunition: 10 x 4 x 48=1920 rounds;
-------- Artillery: 48ha ÷ 3 ha=16 batteries.


Exercise 6:

Determine the duration of the following fire strikes in artillery preparatory fire conducted by 26th MRD:

1. During first strike: 40 ha of prepared defensive strong points with 100% density; 8 ha of prepared defensive strong points with 75% density; 10 ha of prepared defensive strong points with 50% density; 2 - 155mm Howitzer batteries, 3 - 120mm Mortar batteries, 1 - brigade CP. All targets are at less than 10 km range.

2. During second strike: 60 ha of hasty defensive positions with 50% density; division CP, 3 radar stations with 100% density. All targets are located at 13 km range.

3. There are 15 artillery battalions available for the first strike and 10 battalions for the second strike.


I. To solve the problem the following calculations are to be conducted:

----- total hectarage of all targets;
----- norm of ammunition per hectare for the desirable destruction level (on the basis of norms for 100% destruction by 122mm howitzer);
----- rate of fire of 122mm howitzer

A. Total hectarage for the first strike:
----- 100% density: 40 ha
----- 75% density: 8 ha
----- 50% density: 10 ha
----- 100% artillery 2 x 1.5=3 ha
----- 100% mortars 3 x 1=3 ha
----- 100% bde CP 6 ha

----- 100% 52 ha
----- 75% 8 ha
----- 50% 10 ha

B. Total ammunition required to be fired to get the desired level of destruction:
----- for 100% density 200/ha - 52 x 200=10400
----- for 75% density 150/ha - 8 x 150=1200
----- for 50% density 100/ha - 10 x 100=1000
----- Total=12600 rounds;

C. Number of rounds to be fired by one gun:
----- total number of guns: 15 bns x 24=360 guns;
----- number of rounds per gun: 12600 ÷ 360=35

D. From the table of rate of fire we find how long it will take to fire 35 rounds per gun. The table gives a figure of about 8 minutes. Therefor the first strike is to be conducted for 8 minutes.

II. For the second strike the same process is followed, while the difference in distance is taken into consideration (for each km over 10 km range to the target the norm of ammunition per hectare is increased by 10% or N2=D ÷ 10 Ni ).

A. Total hectarage of the targets:
----- 100% density - division. CP 10 ha
----- 100% density radars 3 x 1 3 ha
----- 50% density 60 ha

B. Total ammunition required to be fired to obtain the desired level of destruction:
----- for 100% density at 13 km range (150 x 130%)=195
----- 195 x (10 + 3)=2535 rounds
----- for 50% density at 13 km range: (75 x 130%)=97.5
----- 97.5 x 60=5850
----- Total of 8385

C. Number of rounds to be fired by one gun:
----- total number of guns: 10 bns x 24=240
----- number of rounds per gun: 8385 ÷ 240=34.9=35.

D. From the table of rate of fire we find how long it takes to fire 35 rounds per gun. The table shows ___ minutes.
Therefor the second strike is to be conducted for ___ minutes.

Note: Depending on the duration and structure of the artillery preparatory fire, number of fire strikes, targets, and number of available artillery; different calculations can be made along the same lines. The extension of the duration of the fire strike reduces the number of required artillery and visa versa. Upgrade of destruction level of targets increases the number of required guns and/ or the duration of fire strike. Deployment of artillery in forward areas decreases the range of targets and therefore reduces the quantity of ammunition and length of fire strike.


Exercise 7:

Determine the artillery requirements of regiments in the 26th MRD attack when:
----- 101 MRR RAG is to be composed of 4 artillery bns;
----- 103 MRR RAG is to be composed of 3 artillery bns;
----- DAG is to be composed of 5 bns;
----- 104 MRR and 26th TR will have their own organic artillery units;

----- DAG 5 artillery bns;
----- RAG-101 4 artillery bns;
----- RAG-103 3 artillery bns;
----- Total 12 artillery bns;

----- Division artillery regt. 4 artillery bns;
----- 101 MRR 1 artillery bn;
----- 103 MRR 1 artillery bn;
----- Total 6 artillery bns;

Therefor six more artillery bns are required.


Exercise 8: Given the list of targets of exercise to determine the number of artillery to be attached to first echelon regiments when:
----- 60% of targets are located in 101 MRR area and 40% of it is to be engaged by DAG and army artillery;
----- 40% of targets are located in 103 MRR area and 25% of it is engaged by DAG or army artillery;
----- artillery preparatory fire is 40 min;

Total number of rounds to be fired to obtain the desired destruction level at the given targets: 38832 rounds;
(see answer to exercise 2)

For 101 MRR: 60% - 40% (hit by DAG and army artillery)=20% of 38832 rounds=7766 rounds;
----- duration of artillery preparation fire=40 min;
----- 7766 ÷ 90=86 guns;
----- available at the regiment=18 guns
----- required 86 - 18=68 or 3 artillery battalions.

For 103 MRR: 40% - 25% (hit by DAG and army artillery)=15% or 38832 rounds=5824 ÷ 90=65 guns;
----- available at regiment=18 guns;
----- required 65 - 18=47 or 2 artillery battalions.


Exercise 9:
Prepare suggestions of the chief of rocket troops and artillery to the division commander during his decision process.

See prepared text


Exercise 10:
Determine the composition of the division and first echelons' anti-tank reserves when the division is reinforced by one anti-tank battalion.

----- division anti-tank reserve can be composed of divisional anti-tank battalion plus 100mm btry of the attached anti-tank battalion.
----- the ATGM batteries of the attached anti-tank battalion can be distributed among the first echelon regiments. One ATGM can be attached to each first echelon regiment on the main direction to form the regimental anti-tank reserve.


Exercise 11:
Prepare the plan for the employment of the artillery to include:
----- grouping of artillery;
----- deployment in initial situation;
----- planned fires;
----- support of breakthrough area;
----- support of the commitment of the second echelon;
----- support for the repulsion of the counterattack;
----- support of the river crossing;
----- support of the airborne assaults:

Issue the prepared plan of the employment of division artillery.


Exercise 12:
Prepare instructions on artillery to subordinate units and combat instructions to artillery units.

See prepared text.


Exercise 13:

Determine the length of artillery fire strike to support the commitment of division's second echelon regiment on the basis of the following assumptions:
----- total effective surface of targets against the line of commitment is 160 hectares;
----- required rounds per hectare is 50;
----- use 122mm howitzer as the standard weapon;
----- a total of 150 guns will be available for the strike.


{short description of image}

S=overall effective area of target=160 ha;
Ni=number i type (122mm how) guns;
ni=number of rounds that can be fired by one gun;
mi=number of rounds required for the desirable destruction per hectare;

{short description of image}


From the table of rate of fire we find that 52 rounds can be fired by one 122mm howitzer in 14 minutes. Therefore the duration of the fire strike should be 14 minutes or 15 minutes.


Exercise 14:

Plan the support of the repulsing of the counter attack of the enemy's division reserve on the basis of the following assumptions:
----- composition of the enemy force includes 3 mechanized and one tank battalion;
----- the distance between the division reserve's deployment area and likely line of counter attack is 8 km.
----- the counter attack is likely to be launched against elements of two adjacent first echelon regiments.


The answer is shown on the map or diagram and includes the following:
----- 1 - tasks to be conducted:
-------- artillery massive fire at the battalion deployment lines (4 - 6 km from the attack line)
-------- artillery concentration of fire at the line of companies deployment line (2-3 km from the attack line).
-------- two rolling barrages each of 1200m wide, beginning at 1.5 km from the attack line on 3 lines at 600 meters apart;
-------- six standing barrages of 600m each with 300 - 2000m between the rolling barrages at different distances and on the flanks;
-------- concentration fires on 18ha areas, each time successively on three lines.

---- 2 - requirement for artillery:
-------- a - massive fires: 6 - 7 artillery battalions for a period of 10 minutes from (H - 0.35 to H - 0.25);
-------- b - concentration fires: 6 - 7 artillery battalions for a period of 5 minutes from (H - 0.20 to H - 0.15);
-------- c - rolling barrages: 4 artillery battalions from (H - 0.10 to H - 0.03);
-------- d - standing barrages: 3 artillery battalions from (H - 0.10 to H - 0.03)
-------- e - concentration fires: 2 artillery battalions from (H - 0.30 to H - 0.03);
-------- f - deployment of divisional anti-tank reserve and anti-tank reserve of two first echelon regiments plus a squadron of combat helicopters will be enough to deal with the enemy's attacking tanks.


Exercise 4

Determine the number of lines for OV (ognovoi val) barrage fire or PSO to conduct assault support fire when the speed of attack is 4 km/hr and the following targets are detected:

Target type Quantity
First echelon platoon strong points 10
Second echelon platoon strong points 4
Anti-tank wpns in gaps between first echelon platoons 6
Tanks in gaps of second echelon points 6
OP in second echelon platoons 4
ATGM in Bn reserve area 6
Mortar btry 1
Battalion CP 1
Blocking positions of platoons for Bde reserve 5
Artillery Btry 4
Brigade CP 1


On the basis of tactical norms and number of targets assault support fire should be conducted by the method of OV (ognovoi val) for barrage on the forward edge (first echelon platoon strong points) and companies' second echelon platoons. Further targets in the depth can be hit by PSO (successive concentration of fire). Given the speed of attack the following line and duration of fire can be established:
----- 1. First line of OV (first echelon platoon and AT weapons) 4 minutes
----- 2. Second line of OV (second echelon platoons, tanks in positions, observation points) 500 meters in depth, 5 minute fire
----- 3. Third line; platoon strong points in Bn reserve, AT weapons, mortar battery, and BN CP by method of PSO (successive concentration of fire), 1300 meters in depth, 10 min;
----- 4. Fourth line; Blocking positions of platoons for brigade reserve and artillery batteries, 2300 meters in depth, 10 min;
----- 5. Fifth line; platoon strong points in brigade reserve and newly detected (relocated) weapons, 4 km deep, 10 min;


Exercise 5:

On the basis of assault support fire lines worked out in exercise 4, determine the requirement of artillery to fire on each line.


To solve the problem use the table of norms for expenditure of shells in barrage and PSO for 122 mm howitzer. Then on the basis of required number of rounds per 100 meter of OV line or per hectare of target on PSO line determine the number of artillery pieces. Here is the calculation for each line.

1. First line: 4 km,
----- number of rounds per 100 mm per minute=8
----- Total rounds 40 x 8=320 rounds
----- time of fire 5 min: 320 x 4=1280 rounds

From the table of rate of fire find how many guns are required to fire that amount of ammunition in 5 minutes.
----- One 122mm howitzer fires 25 rounds in 5 minutes
-----Therefore: 1280 ÷ 25=51 guns
----- 51 ÷ 6=9 batteries

2. Second line by the same method:
----- 8 x 40 x 5=1600 rounds
----- 1600 ÷ 25=64, 64 ÷ 6=11 batteries

3. For PSO use the same table but find the required number of rounds per hectare of target
----- Total hectarage:
-------- plat strong points 6 ha x 5=30 ha
------- ATGM 1 ha x 6=6 ha
------- Mtr btry 2 ha=2 ha
------- Bn CP 4 ha=4 ha
------ Total 42 ha

From the table: 4 rounds are required per hectare per minute
Therefor: 42 x 4 x 10 min=1680
----- 1680 ÷ 40=42 guns

4. Fourth line by the same method:
----- 38 x 4 x 10=1520
----- 1520 ÷ 40=38 guns

5. Fifth line by the same method:
----- 50 x 4 x 10=2000
----- 2000 ÷ 40=50 guns



VG1 - Outline of lesson VI

VG2 - Organizing the combat employment of the artillery

VG3 - Sequence and procedure of interaction of artillery staff and commander

VG4 - Making the decision on combat employment of artillery

VG5 - Planning the combat employment of artillery

VG6 - Determining division artillery requirements

VG7 - Determining artillery for assault support fire

VG8 - Exercise 4

VG9 - Exercise 4 Answer

VG10 - Exercise 5 Answer

VG11 - Exercise 6 Answer

VG12 - Determining artillery requirements for first-echelon regiments

VG13 - Exercise 7

VG14 - Exercise 8

VG15 - Employment of anti-tank reserves

VG16 - Format for suggestions of chief of artillery

VG17 - Preparation of division artillery plan

VG18 - Exercise 11

VG19 - Conveying missions to subordinates

VG20 - Conduct of artillery action during battle

VG21 - Exercise 13

VG22 - Exercise 13 Answer

VG23 - Exercise 14

VG - Target list for Preparatory fire

VG - Artillery list for selected targets

VG - Calculation of artillery

View Graphs follow



organizing combat employment of artillery

procedure and sequence of interaction between the artillery staff and commander

planning combat employment of artillery

------determine division artillery requirements
----- determine artillery for assault support fire
----- determine first-echelon regiment artillery requirement
---- determine number of artillery units to attach

employment of anti-tank reserves

report and suggestions of chief of artillery

preparation of artillery plan

conveying missions to subordinates

conduct of artillery during combat action



main elements

----- making the decision
----- planning the artillery action
----- conveying the mission
----- organizing interaction
----- organizing combat support measures
----- organizing troop control and signal system
----- preparing FUP areas
----- collecting and stockpiling of material
----- preparing artillery troops for combat

procedure and sequence of interaction of staff and commander



mission from the army

instructions of the army chief of artillery

suggestions of the division chief of artillery to the division commander on the employment of artillery

division commander's instructions to artillery



determine division artillery requirements

determine artillery for assault support fire

determine first-echelon regiment artillery requirement

determine number of artillery units to attach



duration of artillery preparatory fire

number and nature of targets in the breakthrough area

using tables of norms and calculations

using the "table of numbers of rounds to destroy or suppress different targets"



determining the lines of assault support fire on the basis of enemy targets

determining the artillery requirement for assuming supporting fire by the method of rolling barrage on double lines

determining the artillery requirement for assuming supporting fire by the method of double and single successive concentration of fire

structure of artillery preparatory fire
---- duration
---- strikes
---- targets (density of hit)

calculations and determining the length of each fire strike in terms of number of targets, target distance, desired destruction level and number of available artillery



on the basis of enemy targets

on the basis of width of breakthrough area

on the basis of prescribed regimental artillery groups





deployment and movement

location of fire lines



the graphic part on the map

table of fire / graphic of fire

ammunition expenditure

the written part of the plan



combat instructions to artillery units

instructions on artillery to lower artillery staff

instructions on interaction

instructions on combat supporting measures



movement, deployment, and occupation of FUP areas

artillery action to support the covering troops

action of artillery during meeting engagement in a movement to contact situation

action of artillery during the breakthrough of prepared defense
------ artillery preparatory fire
------ assault supporting fire
------ accompanying fire

action of artillery during the commitment of the second echelon
----- tasks
----- grouping and composition
----- types of fire
----- duration of fire strike

action of artillery to support the repulsion of counter attacks
----- likely situation and grouping of artillery
----- artillery tasks and grouping
----- method of fire
----- duration of fire

action of artillery to support the battle of the forward detachment

action of artillery to support assault crossing of the division

Lance launching pad (destroy) 2 18 km
Nuc. arty batteries (destroy) 3 10 km
SP arty btrys 4 8 km
arty and mtr btrys 16 6 km
Air defense btrys 4 4-6 km
Air defense btrys 2 12-20 km
Radar and guidance centers 3 6 km
Radar and guidance centers 2 16 - 18 km
Personnel in plat strong points (prep defense) 30 up to 3 km
Personnel in plat strong points (hasty defense) 24 up to 8 km
Division FCP 1 5 km
Bde CP 2 8 km
Bn CP 4 up to 5 km
Assembly areas (company) (covered) 4 14,15,16,18, km
Assembly areas (company) (open) 6 12,12,14,14,14,18 km

Launch pads (to destroy) 24 guns (bn)
Arty btrys (to destroy) 36 guns (2 bns)
SP arty btrys 48 guns (2 bns)
Arty and mtr btrys (up to 10 km) 96 guns (4 bns)
Arty and mtr btrys (over 10 km) 96 guns (4 bns)
Air defense btrys (up to 10 km) 48 guns (2 bns)
Air defense btrys (over 10 km) 36 guns (2 bns)
Radars etc (up to 10 km) 18 guns (bn)
Radars etc. (over 10 km) 24 guns (bn)
Plat strong points

(prep defense)

360 guns (15 bns)
Plat strong points

(hasty defense)

288 guns (12 bns)
Division CP 24 guns (bn)
Brigade CP 24 guns (bn)
Battalion CP 24 guns (bn)
Company assembly area (covered) 216 guns (8 bns)
Company assembly area (open) 108 guns (4 bns)
Total artillery required 1464 guns (61 bns)

Lance launcher (10 km, 14 km) 2
SP gun btry armored (8 km) 4
Arty & mtr btry

(up to 10 km)

Arty btrys (10 - 15 km) 8
Air defense btry (up to 10 km) 4
Radar and guidance (up to 10 km) 3
Radar and guidance ( 10 - 15 km) 2
Radar and guidance (over 15 km) 2
Platoon strong points (up to 10 km) 20
Company in assembly area (up to 10 km) 6
Company in assembly area (10 - 15 km) 16
Bn CP in open dugout (up to 10 km) 4
Bde CP in open (up to 10 km) 2
Division cp in open (12 km) 1
Individual targets (ATGM's, OP, tanks, etc. (up to 10 km) 12



Determine the number of primary and intermediate lines for fire curtain (barrage ,OV) or PSO to conduct assault support fire when the speed of assault is 6 km/hr and the following targets are detected:

A. Targets to be hit by fire curtain (OV) methods:

----- first echelon platoons' forward line on a 4 km front in the penetration area; AT weapons at 200m from FEBA on a 4 km front;
----- second echelon platoons' strong points forward line with AT weapons in gaps on a 4 km front at 500m from FEBA;
----- OP's, individual ATGM within the company strong points on a 4 km front at 800m from FEBA;
----- blocking positions at the rear of company strong points on a 4 km front at 1100m from FEBA;

B. Targets to be hit by double PSO method:

------ blocking positions for Bn reserve and ATGM positions, 1400m in depth, 36 hectares;
------ Bn reserve positions, ATGM, tanks, 1 BN CP, 1800m in depth, 42 hectares;

C. Targets to be hit by single PSO method:

----- individual targets at the rear of Bn defensive position, 2200m in depth, 36 hectares;
----- blocking positions of Bde reserve and artillery batteries, 2700m in depth 38 hectares;
----- platoon strong points on forward line of the brigade reserves area, 4 km in depth, 52 hectares;
----- positions in rear of brigade reserve area, 5 km in depth, 48 hectares;
----- line of assault is 700m from the FEBA;



A. Norms and tables to be used:

1. For fire curtain (OV):

----- by norms, OV is conducted on one or two lines simultaneously (single or double) in our exercise it is a double OV, with the primary lines 300 - 1000 m apart and intermediate lines (between the primary lines) at 100 - 300 meter intervals.
----- fire duration on each line is calculated on the basis of speed of advance (in our example 6 km/hr or 100m/min) and the fire safety distance for the attacking troops (200 - 300m or 2 - 3 minutes);
----- fire duration on the first line depends on the distance of the assault line from the line of fire. Fire duration on intermediate lines and primary lines for the first artillery group is 2 - 3 minutes. Fire duration on primary lines for the second artillery group depends on the number and duration of fire on forward primary and intermediate lines.

2. For double PSO:
----- the duration depends on the rate of advance and the size of the targets to be hit;
----- two groups of artillery fire simultaneously on to two lines by fire concentration method;

3. For PSO:
----- the same norms as for double PSO apply on one line;

B. Lines of fire

1. For double OV:
----- first primary line: first echelon platoons forming line,
--------- duration: 700m - 300m (fire safety distance)=400m;
---------------- 400 ÷ 100 m/min=4 min.
----- first intermediate line: AT weapons at 200m from FEBA,
-------- duration: 200m ÷ 100m/min=2 min.
----- second primary line: second echelon platoon strong points,
-------- duration:
---------------- for second artillery group: 4 min + 2 min=6 min.
----------------for first artillery group which shifts fire to this line: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
--------------- total time=9 min.
-------- or - 700m + 500m=1200m - 300m=900m ÷ 100=9 min.

------ second intermediate line: OP's individual ATGM, etc., within company strong points;
--------- duration: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
--------- or - (700m + 800m) - 300m=1200 ÷ 100=12 min - 9 min=3 min.
----- third primary line: blocking positions at the rear of company strong points,
--------- duration:
---------------- for second artillery group: 3 min + 3 min=6 min.
---------------- for first artillery group which shifts fire to this line: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
-----------------total time=9 min.

2. for double PSO

--------first line: blocking positions of battalion reserve,
------------ duration: 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
------- second line: Bn reserve positions,
------------ duration:
------------------ for 2nd artillery group, 300m ÷ 100m/min=3 min.
------------------ for 1st artillery group, 400 ÷ 100m/min=4 min.
------------------ total time of 7 min.

3. for single PSO:

------ first line: rear bn defensive positions,
------------ duration: 400m ÷ 100m/min=4 min.
------ second line: blocking positions of brigade reserve,
----------- duration: 500m ÷ 100m/min=5 min.
------ third line: forward brigade reserve positions,
----------- duration: 1300 ÷ 100m/min=13 min.
----- fourth line: positions at the rear of brigade reserves,
----------- duration: 1000 ÷ 100m/min=10 min.



A. Norms

To solve the problem use the table of norms for expenditure of rounds in OV and PSO for 122mm howitzer. Then on the basis of required number of rounds per 100m of the OV line or per hectare of target on PSO line determine the number of artillery pieces and ammunition expenditure. The artillery requirement for OV line can be determined by assigning 25m of frontage to one weapon (over 100mm caliber) for the first artillery group and 37.5 - 50 m of front to one weapon for the second artillery group.

B. Calculation for each line:

1. for double OV:

------ first primary line:
--------------ammunition expenditure: 8 rounds required per 100m of frontage per minute of fire (from the table): Therefor:
------------- 4 min x 8 x 4 km of frontage ÷ 100=
--------------=32 x 40=1280 rounds to total ammunition expenditure
-------------- number of guns required:
-------------- 4000m (penetration area frontage) ÷ 25m=160 guns.

-------- first intermediate line:
---------------- ammunition expenditure: 2 min x 8 x 40=640 rounds.
---------------- number of guns: same as for first primary line.

---------- second primary line:
--------------- Ammunition expenditure:
--------------- For second artillery group: 6 x 4 x 40=960 rounds.
--------------- For 1st artillery group: 3 x 8 x 40=960 rounds.
--------------- number of guns:
---------------- second artillery group: 4000 ÷ 50=80 guns.
---------------- For 1st artillery group: same as above=160 guns.

----------- second intermediate line:
----------------- Ammunition expenditure: 3 x 8 x 40=960 rounds.
----------------- Artillery same as first intermediate line.

-------- third primary line:
------------------ Ammunition expenditure:
------------------- for second artillery group: 6 x 4 x 40=960 rounds.
------------------- for first artillery group: 3 x 8 x 40=960 rounds.
------------------- Artillery requirement:
---------------------------- first and second groups as calculated above=160 and 80 guns respectively.

2. for double PSO:

---------- first line: Total of 36 ha. of targets.
------------------ Ammunition expenditure: 3 min x 4 x 36=432 rounds;
------------------ Artillery required: 36 ÷ 3=12 batteries.
---------- second line: Total of 42 ha. of targets.
------------------- Ammunition expenditure:
----------------------------- for second group: 3 x 3 x 42=378 rounds;
----------------------------- for first group: 4 x 4 x 42=672 rounds;
------------------- Artillery required: 42 ÷ 3=14 batteries.

3. for single PSO:

----- first line:
-------------- Ammunition: 4 x 4 x 36=576 rounds;
-------------- Artillery: 36 ÷ 3=12 batteries;

----- second line:
------------- Ammunition: 5 x 4 x 38=760 rounds;
------------- Artillery: 38 ha ÷ 3 ha=13 batteries;

----- third line:
------------- Ammunition: 13 x 4 x 52=2704 rounds;
------------- Artillery: 52 ha ÷ 3 ha=17 batteries;

----- fourth line:
---------- Ammunition: 10 x 4 x 48=1920 rounds;
---------- Artillery: 48 ha ÷ 3 ha=16 batteries.



I. To solve the problem the following calculations are to be conducted:
------------- total hectarage of all targets;
------------- norm of ammunition per hectare for the desirable destruction level (on the basis of norms for 100% destruction by 122mm howitzer);
------------- rate of fire of 122mm howitzer

A. Total hectarage for the first strike:
------------ 100% density: 40 ha
------------ 75% density: 8 ha
------------ 50% density: 10 ha
------------ 100% artillery 2 x 1.5=3 ha
------------ 100% mortars 3 x 1=3 ha
------------ 100% bde CP 6 ha
------------ Total:
------------------- 100% 52 ha
-------------------- 75% 8 ha
-------------------- 50% 10 ha

B. Total ammunition required to be fired to get the desired level of destruction:
------------ for 100% density 200/ha - 52 x 200=10400
------------ for 75% density 150/ha - 8 x 150=1200
------------ for 50% density 100/ha - 10 x 100=1000
------------ Total=12600 rounds;

C. Number of rounds to be fired by one gun:
------------ total number of guns: 15 bns x 24=360 guns;
------------ number of rounds per gun: 12600 ÷ 360=35

D. From the table of rate of fire we find how long it will take to fire 35 rounds per gun. The table gives a figure of about 8 minutes. Therefor the first strike is to be conducted for 8 minutes.

II. For the second strike the same process is followed,
while the difference in distance is taken into consideration (for each km over 10 km range to the target the norm of ammunition per hectare is increased by 10% or N2=D ÷ 10 Ni ).
A. Total hectarage of the targets:
----------- 100% density - division. CP 10 ha
----------- 100% density radars 3 x 1 3 ha
----------- 50% density 60 ha

B. Total ammunition required to be fired to obtain the desired level of destruction:
------------ for 100% density at 13 km range (150 x 130%)=195
------------ 195 x (10 + 3)=2535 rounds
------------ for 50% density at 13 km range: (75 x 130%)=97.5
------------ 97.5 x 60=5850
------------ Total of 8385

C. Number of rounds to be fired by one gun:
---------- total number of guns: 10 bns x 24=240
---------- number of rounds per gun: 8385 ÷ 240=34.9=35.

D. From the table of rate of fire we find how long it takes to fire 35 rounds per gun. The table shows ___ minutes.
Therefor the second strike is to be conducted for ___ minutes.



Determine the artillery requirements of regiments in the 26th MRD attack when:
----- 101 MRR RAG is to be composed of 4 artillery bns;
------103 MRR RAG is to be composed of 3 artillery bns;
----- DAG is to be composed of 5 bns;
----- 104 MRR and 26th TR will have their own organic artillery units;

------------ DAG------------ 5 artillery bns;
------------ RAG-101------ 4 artillery bns;
------------ RAG-103------ 3 artillery bns;
------------ Total----------- 12 artillery bns;

------------------ Division artillery regt.------------ 4 artillery bns;
------------------ 101 MRR --------------------------1 artillery bn;
------------------ 103 MRR --------------------------1 artillery bn;
------------------ Total --------------------------------6 artillery bns;

Therefor six more artillery bns are required.



Given the list of targets of exercise to determine the number of artillery to be attached to first echelon regiments when:

------------- 60% of targets are located in 101 MRR area and 40% of it is to be engaged by DAG and army artillery;

------------ 40% of targets are located in 103 MRR area and 25% of it is engaged by DAG or army artillery;

------------ artillery preparatory fire is 40 min;


Total number of rounds to be fired to obtain the desired destruction level at the given targets: 38832 rounds; (see answer to exercise 2)

For 101 MRR: 60% - 40% (hit by DAG and army artillery)=20% of 38832 rounds=7766 rounds;

----------- duration of artillery preparation fire=40 min;
----------- 7766 ÷ 90=86 guns;
----------- available at the regiment=18 guns
----------- required 86 - 18=68 or 3 artillery battalions.

For 103 MRR: 40% - 25% (hit by DAG and army artillery)=15% or 38832 rounds=5824 ÷ 90=65 guns;

----------- available at regiment=18 guns;
----------- required 65 - 18=47 or 2 artillery battalions.



Prepare the plan for the employment of the artillery to include:

------------- grouping of artillery;

------------ deployment in initial situation;

------------ planned fires;

------------ support of breakthrough area;

------------ support of the commitment of the second echelon;

----------- support for the repulsion of the counterattack;

----------- support of the river crossing;

---------- support of the airborne assaults:



Determine the length of artillery fire strike to support the commitment of division's second echelon regiment on the basis of the following assumptions:

total effective surface of targets against the line of commitment is 160 hectares;

required rounds per hectare is 50;

use 122mm howitzer as the standard weapon;

a total of 150 guns will be available for the strike.



{short description of image}

S=overall effective area of target=160 ha;
Ni=number i type (122mm how) guns;
ni=number of rounds that can be fired by one gun;
mi=number of rounds required for the desirable destruction per hectare;

{short description of image}


From the table of rate of fire we find that 52 rounds can be fired by one 122mm howitzer in 14 minutes. Therefore the duration of the fire strike should be 14 minutes or 15 minutes.



Plan the support of the repulsing of the counter attack of the enemy's division reserve on the basis of the following assumptions:

composition of the enemy force includes 3 mechanized and one tank battalion;

the distance between the division reserve's deployment area and likely line of counter attack is 8 km.

the counter attack is likely to be launched against elements of two adjacent first echelon regiments.


The answer is shown on the map or diagram and includes the following:
1 - tasks to be conducted:
----- artillery massive fire at the battalion deployment lines (4 - 6 km from the attack line)
----- artillery concentration of fire at the line of companies deployment line (2-3 km from the attack line).
----- two rolling barrages each of 1200m wide, beginning at 1.5 km from the attack line on 3 lines at 600 meters apart;
----- six standing barrages of 600m each with 300 - 2000m between the rolling barrages at different distances and on the flanks;
----- concentration fires on 18ha areas, each time successively on three lines.

2 - requirement for artillery:
----- a - massive fires: 6 - 7 artillery battalions for a period of 10 minutes from (H - 0.35 to H - 0.25);
----- b - concentration fires: 6 - 7 artillery battalions for a period of 5 minutes from (H - 0.20 to H - 0.15);
----- c - rolling barrages: 4 artillery battalions from (H - 0.10 to H - 0.03);
----- d - standing barrages: 3 artillery battalions from (H - 0.10 to H - 0.03)
----- e - concentration fires: 2 artillery battalions from (H - 0.30 to H - 0.03);
----- f - deployment of divisional anti-tank reserve and anti-tank reserve of two first echelon regiments plus a squadron of combat helicopters will be enough to deal with the enemy's attacking tanks.



1. During the decision making process, present the suggestions on the employment of the division rocket troops and artillery during the operation.

2. After the division commander's decision is made, plan the employment of the rocket troops and artillery to include:

----- calculation of the first-echelon regiments' requirement for artillery;

----- distribution of attached artillery among the regiments;

----- organization of the movement of artillery to cover the deployment of the main grouping of the division.

----- organization of the employment (action) of artillery during the preparatory fire, assault support fire, and accompanying fire;

----- organization of the employment of artillery and rocket troops during the commitment of the division second-echelon;

----- determining the composition of division anti-tank reserves and lines for their deployment during the operation;




Division Commander Chief of RT&A

Chief of RT&A

1. Receives Missions from army Receives instructions from army

Receives insructions from Chief of RT&A at army

2. Commander Clarifies Mission

Clarifies Instructions

3. Briefs Chief of RT&A on outcome of the clarification of mission and issues initial instructrions

Report to commander on artillery missions received from higher headquarters
4 Commander and staff make estimate of situation Does the following:
- estimate situation on basis of higher echelon's instructions
- issue instructions to artillery units on combat readiness, recon, and artillery cover
- pepare suggestions to the division commander on the establishment of the artillery groups at division and regiment and employment of artillery
5 Division commander makes the decision and issues missions -------
6 -------- Artillery chief conducts:
- clarification of the artillery mission
- estimate of the situation
- makes the decision on use of artillery 
7 Staff conducts planning Staff participates and contributes:
- completes the artillery plan and annexes





1. The composition of the artillery attached to the division by army includes the following:

------------------- battalions;
------------------- battalions;

The type of weapons and number of guns per battery are shown in the attached table.

2. The location and deployment of the artillery and rocket troops are shown on the attached overlay.

3. All artillery and rocket troops are 95% complete in equipment and 91% complete in personnel. The ammunition in artillery units and large units is supplied up to norms. (Table)

4. The ammunition expenditure for the entire offensive operation is shown in attached table.

5. From the instructions on artillery and rocket troops received from the chief of rocket troops and artillery of the army, the following points are noted:

------------------ as of this morning all rocket troops must be kept at the highest state of combat readiness so they can participate at the appropriate time in the initial nuclear strikes. One third of rocket troops must be kept at direct firing readiness number 3.

------------------- the initial nuclear strike must be planned and updated on the basis of reconfirming reconnaissance as soon as possible, the priority in targeting is as follows;

-------------------------------------- nuclear delivery means of --- div. in the following areas---,---,---;

------------------------------------- a. main grouping of the enemy forces in areas ---,--,--;

------------------------------------ b. command post of the ___ division and ___ brigades at ---,---,---.

----------------------------------- c. air defense means and airfields at --,--,---.

---------------------------------- d. enemy rear service targets at ---,---,---.

------------------- in the following directions, the use of ground nuclear bursts causing radioactive fallout must be avoided;

--------------------------------- 1. the direction ________.
--------------------------------- 2. the direction ________.

-------------------- the boundary line of operational nuclear strikes is shown on the overlay;

-------------------- to speed up the supply of ammunition for the artillery preparatory fire, the division transport means will deliver ammunition directly to the positions of the regiment artillery groups;

------------------- the following targets in the division sector are planned to be hit by higher echelon's rocket forces and aviation during the initial nuclear strike;

------------------------------- 1. _______;
--------------------------------2. _______;
------------------------------- 3. _______;





1. Assessment of the enemy's nuclear rocket troops, their location, number of nuclear rockets the enemy can launch on targets in the division area and their range.

2. Situation, status, and characteristics of division rocket troops.

3. Composition and capability of division artillery troops.

4. Requirement of the division for nuclear, chemical, special, and conventional rockets during the operation.

5. Availability and supply of nuclear, chemical, special, and conventional rockets during the operation.

6. Supply level of conventional ammunition and POL in division artillery and rocket troops.

7. Requirement of the division for conventional ammunition and material means during the operation and their echelonment in formations and large units.

8. Strength (completeness) level of personnel and combat equipment in rocket troops and artillery.



1. Assessment of the enemy's nuclear rocket troops, their location, number of nuclear rockets the enemy can launch on targets in the division area and their range.

2. Situation, status, and characteristics of division rocket troops.

3. Composition and capability of division artillery troops.

4. Requirement of the division for nuclear, chemical, special, and conventional rockets during the operation.

5. Availability and supply of nuclear, chemical, special, and conventional rockets during the operation.

6. Supply level of conventional ammunition and POL in division artillery and rocket troops.

7. Requirement of the division for conventional ammunition and material means during the operation and their echelonment in formations and large units.

8. Strength (completeness) level of personnel and combat equipment in rocket troops and artillery.



1. Use of division rockets and artillery:

----------- Missions of rocket and artillery troops in the offensive battle.

------------------ during the initial nuclear strike
------------------ during the first day (movement to contact and preparation for breakthrough of enemy prepared defense)

---------- Best targets for the rocket troops.

2. Distribution of artillery to first echelon regiments.

----------- Suggestions on the distribution of artillery and establishment of artillery groups in the division and the regiments operating on the main and supporting attack directions.

----------- Suggestions on the composition, and grouping of anti-tank reserves in the division and regiments.

----------- Suggestions on the width of the breakthrough areas on the direction of the main attack and other directions of attack.

----------- Duration of artillery preparatory fire and participation of artillery and air force in it, general considerations about the targets of the preparatory fire.

----------- Form of assault support fire and its depth.

---------- Form of accompanying fire.

--------- Main calculations related to the employment of the artillery and rocket troops to support (assist) making the decision by the division commander.

--------- Suggestions on interaction during the critical phases of the offensive operation.




1. Enemy forces

The ___ division is facing elements of

The total number of nuclear rockets the enemy can launch against the division is:

2. Friendly forces

Unit--------------- Location --------------Number of rockets---------------- Yields ----------------------Range

The composition of division artillery is as follows:

Unit----------------- Location -----------------Strength

The division will require the following nuclear and other rockets during the operation:

Nuclear------------------ Chemical ----------------Special ------------------Conventional

The supply of rockets and warheads is shown on the table:

The supply level of artillery ammunition is shown on table:

The division requirement for artillery ammunition during the operation is depicted in table:

The division has received the following missions for accomplishment by the rocket troops and artillery:

One third of rocket troops must be kept at direct firing readiness number 3.

The initial nuclear strike must be planned and kept current with priority of targeting to the following:

----------- nuclear delivery means of 8 US divs, US Corps in the following areas:___

---------- main enemy groupings east of Alsfeld and around Fulda, and ___

---------- command posts of 3rd Armored Division at ____ and ______.

---------- air defense means and airfields at ____.

--------- etc.

The best targets for the rocket troops are the main command posts at _____, nuclear storage sites at _____, main supply depots at ______, reserve unit assembling at _____ .

The concept of the operation and missions of the division suggest that army artillery groups be created in the following regiments:

Unit------------------ Number of bns






The following anti-tank reserves should be created:

At division:

Unit-------------------------- Number of guns



Anti-tank reserves will be established by each regiment using its organic anti-tank units.

In order to establish the division and regimental artillery groups listed above the division and army artillery should be distributed to the regiments according to the attached table:

The number of guns and mortars available within the division indicates that a total of 4 km of breakthrough sector can be created. The concept of operation and mission of the division calls for conducting the main attack on the southern axis from ___ to ___ in the zones of the ___ regiments.

The duration of the artillery preparatory fire should be:

Assault support fire should commence upon:

Accompanying fire should be conducted in the form of a combination of massive fire against defending strong points and concentration fire against targets identified by the supported unit commanders.

The following are the main calculations made in support of this assessment of the employment of artillery.

Interaction of artillery with the forces conducting an air assault operation at ___ hrs will be required.




During the assessment of the enemy:

1. Situation, status, character of action, and intention of enemy ground forces.

2. Situation, status, location, and capabilities of enemy artillery, air, air defense, and other special (nuclear) targets.

3. Grouping of enemy artillery

4. Location of enemy nuclear rocket troops and nuclear depots.

5. Location of enemy reserves.

During the assessment of friendly forces:

1. Situation, status, and location of friendly artillery, availability and number of nuclear rockets, reinforcements from VGK, etc.

2. Supply situation, transportation requirements, movement considerations etc.




1. Calculation of requirement for artillery to support first-echelon regiments:

2. Distribution of attached artillery to regiments:

3. Organization of movement of artillery to cover deployment of main group

4. Plan for initial nuclear strike

5. Organization of artillery to support commitment of division second-echelon reiment.

6. Composition of division anti-tank reserve and line for deployment

7. Movement of division rocket troops during battle.