
Site plan diagram showing links
between family geneology charts

First geneology chart - starting
from Rurik

Chronological listing of rulers
from Rurik to Nicholas II. - each ruler linked to relatives.

Linked chart showing those
princes who became Prince of Kyiv prior to Mongol invasion.

Special chart of the relatives of
Alexander Nevski

The ancestors of Mikhail Romanov

A still expanding alphabetical
listing of nearly all the princes of the House of Rurik plus Gedemin. Links are
being added.
Chronology table from prehistoric
times to 1800 - continuously expanded.
Link to descriptions of medieval
Russian arms and armor.
Link to wax museum exhibition of
selected Russian rulers and relatives.
Link to new section in which the
descendents of Rurik are shown in tables with each table for one generation
from 1 - Rurik - to 22.