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In the main geneology charts we show the line of fathers and sons. By looking at the individual descriptions one will find also the mothers, when they are known, and through them one can trace to some of the maternal grandparents. But these relationships soon become too complex to be shown on simple charts. Here we show the results of a trace of Alexandr Nevski's family relationships. Although he is now one of the most famous Russian medieval princes known in the West, at the time he was at least matched by many other famous warriors in his family, most notably the Galicians, Roman Mstislavich and Danil Romanovich. We note that his mother, Rostislava, and the mother of the Galician kings, Lev and Shavarin, Anne, were sisters. And both were the daughters of a Polovtsi princess, wife of Mstislav Mstislavich Udaloi. We can see that Aleksandr's other grandmother, Maria Shvarnovna, was an Ossetian princess. He was therefor, half Russian, one quarter Kypchak and one quarter Ossetian. By following the marriages we can also identify cousins and brothers-in-law. See the related charts for more famous warriors among his uncles and other relatives.


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