1401-07 AD
Yedigei installs Sadi Beg
(Shadibek) as Khan of Kypchak Khanate (Ulus Juchi). Sadi, Beg restores closer
ties with Moscow.
1401 AD
Vasilii fails again in attempt to
wrest northern Dvina region from Novgorod.
1403 AD
Vasilii Kirdyapa, main enemy of
Moscow, dies in Gorodets.
1403 AD
Prince Alexei ruler of Theodoro
at Mangup.
1404 AD
Teutonic Order returns Dobrzyn to
Poland but subjugates Samogitia.
1406-7 AD
The bloodless Russian-Lithuanian
War pits Vasilii II against his father-in-law, Vitvot. The first standoff is at
Krapivna on the Plava River near Tul'ya. The second is at Vyaz'ma in Smolensk
region. The third is at the Urga River, probably near Kaluga.
. |
1407 AD
Battle of the Field of
Logozovitskoye. Following three years of light skirmishing and raids by both
sides, the conflict between Novgorod and Livonians turns serious. The main
leaders of Novgorod and Pskov take their polki as well as three Novgorod
posadniki to this battle where they are all killed. Magistrate Conrad von
Vietinghof leads the Livonians. The attempt to compel Pskov to surrender in
1408 and 1409 results in a peace treaty signed at Kirumpyaya in 1410.
1407-10 AD
Pulad Han Khan of Kypchak
1408 AD
Emir Edigei attacks Moscow and
nearby towns. He demands troops and artillery for support from Prince Ivan of
Tver. Ivan pretends to agree but keeps his forces at home, greatly improving
his position within Russia. Edigei besieges Moscow but fails to take city
before he is recalled to send troops elsewhere. But he extracts ransom.
Meanwhile Vasilii is conveniently in north 'raising troops.'
1409 AD
Samogitia revolts against
Teutonic Order. Order retakes Dobrzyn.
1410 AD
Battle of Tannenberg,( or
Grundvald or Salgir) On 15 July Vitvot with Polish, Lithuanian and Russian
troops defeats Teutonic Knights of Ulrich von Jungingen. Tens of thousands of
Teutonic knights are killed. But Livonian Order stays out of the battle.
1410-12 AD
Temur Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1411 AD
Genoese records at Kaffa mention
Prince Alexis of Theodoro (Mangup).
1411 AD
Emir Edigei overthrown at Kypchak
Khanate .
1412 AD
Gelal ed-Din, then Kerim Berdi,
Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1414 AD
King Vladislav IV of Poland
invades Prussia again, then retreats.
1414-17 AD
Kibak Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1417-19 AD
Jeremferden Khan of Kypchak
1419 AD
Uleg Mehmed Khan of Kypchak
1422 AD
War between Gothia (Theodoro)
and Kaffa over Cembalo seaport and trade access to sea.
1423 AD
Prince Alexis captures Chembalo
- Genoese under Pietro Magnero retake it.
1423 AD
Genoese raid Kalimita and burn
town, Alexis rebuilds.
1423 AD
Teutonic Order cedes Samogitia to
Vitvot. Last German knights go to Prussia.
1425-48 AD
John VIII, Byzantine emperor.
1425 AD
Ivan Mikhailovich, prince of
Tver, dies followed by his son, Aleksandr Ivanovich. Throne goes to Boris
Aleksandrovich. The new prince strengthens his power by eliminating the
remaining udels.
1425-62 AD
Vasilii II Vasil'yevich,
Tyemnii, Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1425 AD
Yuri Dmitriyevich, prince of
Galich, immediately prepares army to contest rule with his nephew, Vasilii.
Metropolitan Photius goes to Galich and prevents this.
1425 AD
Genoese fortification work
expanded at Cembalo.
1425 AD
War between Genoa and Theodoro.
1427 AD
Alexis of Mangup- Theodoro,
building port at Kalimita (Inkerman).
1427 AD
Boris Aleksandrovich of Tver
signs alliance with Grand Duke of Lithuania, Vitvot.
1428 AD
Boris participates in Vitvot's
campaign against Novgorod.
1429 AD
Emperor Sigismund requests
Teutonic Order knights go to defend Hungary against Turks.
1430 AD
Vitvot dies. Boris supports
Svidrigailo for Lithuanian throne with troops but they are defeated in several
1431 AD
War between Genoa and Venice
1431 AD
With both Vitvot and Metropolitan
Photius dead, Yuri, brother of Vasilii I, again claims throne of Moscow - he
and Vasilii II go to Sarai for decision by Khan Ulug Mehmed.
1432 AD
Ulug Mehmed gives yarlik
to Vasilii II.
1432 AD
Prince Alexis of Theodoro,
alliance with Venice.
1433 AD
Hussites and Poles invade
1433-34 AD
Yuri Dmitriyevich Galitski
attacks and captures Moscow and becomes grand prince, Vasilii II sent to
Kostroma but by end of the year Vasilii has raised army and returned - Sajjid
Ahmed claims to be Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1433 AD
Renewed war between Theodoro and
Genoa until 1441. Alexis gains support of Greeks living in Cembalo drives
Genoese out.
1434-62 AD
Vasilii II Vasil'yevich, Grand
Prince 2nd time. He seeks revenge and sacks Galich. But later in 1434 Yuri
again defeats Vasilii but then Yuri dies in Moscow and his son, Vasilii Kosoi,
is unable to keep the city.
1434 AD
Genoese fleet regains Cembalo
and combined fleet and army attack Kalimita.
1435 AD
Poles defeat Livonian Order
knights at Wilkomierz.
1435-65 AD
Kuchak Mehmed, Khan of Kypchak
Horde after overcoming Ulug Mehmed.
1436 AD
Vasilii II captures and blinds
Vasili Kosoi.
1437-45 AD
Ulug Mehmed, Khan of Kazan.
1438 AD
Ulug Mehmed defeats Moscow at
, |
1439 AD
Ulug Mehmed besieges Moscow.
1440-66 AD
Khadzhi Girei, Khan of Crimea.
1440 AD
Casimir Grand Duke of Lithuania .
1440 AD
Boris Aleksandrovich of Tver
signs alliance with Moscow and then sends troops to support Vasilii's campaign
against Novgorod.
1441 AD
Peace treaty between Theodoro
and Genoa.
1443 AD
Kypchak Horde Tatars led by
Prince Mustafa attack Riazan, defeated by Vasilii II's troops.
1444 AD
Khan Uleg Mehmed moves from
Belev down Oka to Gorodets.
1444-8 AD
Novgorod at war with Livonian
1445 AD
Uleg Mehmed attacks Murom, he
sends sons, Mahmudek and Yakub to attack Suzdal, they capture Vasilii II.
Mahmudek captures Kazan from Kypchak Horde.
1445 AD
Tver campaign against Torzhok.
1445-62 AD
Uleg Mehmed, proclaims self Khan
of Kazan.
1446 AD
While Vasilii is held by Tatars,
Dmitrii Yurivich Shemiaka takes Moscow throne. Uleg Mehmed lets Vasilii return
to Moscow for huge ransom. Then Ivan, prince of Mozhaisk helps Dmitrii by
capturing Vasilii and Dmitri then blinds Vasilii. Nevertheless, by end of the
year Vasilii has gained support and Dmitri is driven out of Moscow.
1446 AD
Boris Aleksandrovich of Tver
builds new strong fortress at Luboven, at mouth of T'mak River opposite
strengthened kremlin.
1446 AD
Alexis attacks Cembalo again.
1447 AD
2 May - Olobei (Alexis' son)
ruler of Theodoro at Mangup.
1446-47 AD
Ottoman Sultan Murad II
(1421-1451) sends fleet to attack Trebizond, then Crimea, takes prisoners from
1447 AD
Casimir becomes also King of
1447 AD
War between Kaffa and Trebizond,
Byzantine Emperor John IV Commenus sends fleet under command of David, brother
in law of Olobei, David goes to Kaffa and Kalimita , then visits Doros
1447 AD
Vasilii retakes Moscow from
Dmitri Shemiaka - Mahmudek, now Khan of Kazan, attacks Moscow but is driven
away. Boris cements alliance with Vasilii by agreeing that his daughter, Maria,
marry Ivan. Boris sends cannon from Tver to help Vasilii take Ustug and defeat
Shemiaka. And Vasilii to show friendship gives Rzhev to Tver. But Rzhev objects
so Boris has to besiege the town using his cannon.
1448 AD
Fearing Tver- Moscow alliance,
the Lithuanians come and take Rzhev and hold it until Tver signs a new treaty.
1448 AD
Battle on the Narova River.
Prince Vasilii Vasil'yevich of Suzdal defeats the Livonian German army. By sea
at the isthmus of the River Narova the Novgorodian boats assault the Livonian
ships andcapture two barons and 84 knights.
1448 AD
28 March - Battisto Marchexano
appointed capitaneus of Genoese Gothia.
1448-53 AD
Constantine XI, last Byzantine
1449 AD
Statute of Kaffa, detailed
instructions from Genoese government on how to govern colony - important
historical source.
1449 AD
King Casimir of Poland
supporting Haji Gerei, living in Lithuania, to seize Crimea from Said Ahmad,
Khan of the Kypchak Horde.
1449 AD
Casimir IV makes treaties with
Vasilii II of Moscow and Boris Aleksandrovich of Tver - Vasilii makes his son,
Ivan, co-ruler.
. |
1449 AD
Said Ahmad sends part of Horde
against Moscow, defeated by Kasim, Tsarivich of Kasimov Tatars.
1450 AD
Dmitrii Shemiaka attacks Moscow
again, when defeated flees to Novgorod.
1451-81 AD
Mohammed II, Ottoman Sultan.
1451 AD
Another Horde Tatar army of Said
Ahmad reaches Moscow but is repulsed at the walls.
1453 AD
Ottoman Sultan Mohammed II
captures Constantinople.
1453 AD
15 November - Genoese government
cedes all Black Sea possessions to Bank of San Giorgio.
1453 AD
Moscow Kremlin burns.
1454 AD
In revenge for Ivan's support of
Dmitri Shemiaka, Vasilii drives him out of Mozhaisk and annexes the town.
1454 AD
14 July, Ottoman Turkish fleet
attacks Kaffa - Tatar Khan Haji Girei helps Ottomans but siege fails, however,
tribute now due to Sultan.
1454 AD
Ottoman fleet attacks Theodoro
before returning to Constantinople.
1454-66 AD
War between Teutonic Order and
combination of Poland and Prussian towns.
1455 AD
In May, consul at Sudak (Carlo
Chicala) reports about Gothia (Theodoro) border conditions.
1455 AD
Genoese repair fortifications St
George and St Nicholas at Chembalo.
1455 AD
Giobanni Piccinino, Italian
engineer, to fortify Kaffa. He proposes plan to capture Theodoro, not accepted.
1456 AD
Protectors of Bank of St George
send friendly letter to Theodoro concerning danger from Ottomans.
1456 AD
Sultan Mohammed captures Athens
from Franks.
1456 AD
Vasilii and Boris sign a new
treaty of alliance as equals, calling each other 'brothers'. Vasilii II leads
his army to Novgorod, fines the city and limits operation of the veche.
1458 AD
Olobei probably dies, succession
at Theodoro goes to Isaac.
1459 AD
Vasilii conquers Viatka,
1461 AD
Boris Aleksandrovich of Tver dies
after 36 year rule that brought great prosperity to Tver. He is suceeded by
Mikhail Borisovich. He signs alliance with Moscow the following year.
1461 AD
Ottoman Turks take Trebizond.
1462-67 AD
Halil, Khan of Kazan.
1462 - 1505 AD
Ivan III Vasil'yevich, Grand
Prince of Moscow.
1462 AD
First campaign by Ivan III
against Kazan.
1465 AD
Isaac (Saichus) probably son of
Olobei, Prince of Theodoro.
1465-81 AD
Ahmed, Khan of Kypchak Horde.
1465 AD
Khan Ahmed starts campaign
against Moscow, attacked en route on Don by Haji Girei and Crimean Tatars,
allies of Moscow.
1466 AD
At second peace of Torun Teutonic
Order cedes half Prussia to Poland.
1466-72 AD
Tver merchant Afanasiyi Nikitin
travels overland to India.
1466-68 AD
Nur-Devlet Girei, Khan of
1467-79 AD
Ibrahim, son of Mahmudek, Khan
of Kazan.
1468-1515 AD
Mengli Girei, Khan of Crimea.
1468-69 AD
Ivan III begins another major
campaign against Kazan, fails twice.
1470's AD
Religious struggle between
Catholics and Greek Orthodox over reunion of churches generates civil unrest in
Genoese Black Sea colonies.
1470 AD
Novgorod seeks help from King
Casimir IV of Poland.
1471 AD
Livonian Lithuanian alliance is
blocked when Livonian Master Wolthus von Herse is deposed.
1471 AD
Ivan III campaigns against
Novgorod with Muscovite and Tatar troops and detachment from Tver, wins victory
at Shelon River, forces treaty on Novgorod.
1471 AD
Kaffa pays tribute to Khan to
buy friendship.
1471 AD
Genoese Kaffa and Sudak sign
alliance with Theodoro for joint defense, Genoese Guasko brothers to stop
bothering Lusti, belonging to Theodoro.
1471-72 AD
Genoese at Kaffa side with
Mengli-Girei in his struggle for power with his brothers, (Nur- Devlet) whom
they capture and keep at Sudak. Genoese try to get aid from Poland against
Turks, but Poles fighting elsewhere.
1472-73 AD
Kaffa resident, Khozya Kokos,
sends letter to Ivan III in Moscow proposing marriage of Ivan's 16-year -old
son to daughter of Isaac, Prince of Theodoro on Mangup.
1472 AD
14 Sept. Isaac's sister, Maria,
marries Stephen the Great, Prince of Moldovia.
1472 AD
Casimir signs treaty of alliance
with Great (Kypchak) Horde against their mutual enemies, Muscovy and Crimean
1472 AD
Ivan captures Perm, inherits
1472 AD
Sophia Palaeologina travels from
Italy to Moscow to marry Ivan III, accompanied by Prince Constantine of Mangup.
1472 AD
Ahmed launches another major
campaign against Moscow, blocked with aid of Kasimov Tatars when Lithuanian
allies failed to show.
1474 AD
Ivan III sends boyar, Nikita
Beklemishev, to Khan Mengli Girei and Isaac (to check about marriage) and sign
alliance with Mengli against Ahmed. Ivan also pays damages for raids of
cossacks against Kaffa merchants.
1474 AD
Ottomans win victory in Hungary
and prepare to shift forces to Black Sea.
1474 AD
Ivan unites Rostov to Moscow.
1475 AD
Early spring - Stephen wins
great victory over Turks in Moldovia.
1475 AD
Ivan III negociating treaty of
alliance with Mengli Girei when Ottomans invade and capture Mengli.
1475 AD
Early spring - Ivan III sends
boyar, Aleksei Starkov, to Theodoro to cement proposed marriage, Starkov also
is to obtain redress for damages done to Muscovite merchants.
1475 AD
Stephen of Moldovia sends
Alexander, brother of his wife and of Isaac, by ship from Montecastro to
Kalimita with 300 mercenary troops supplied by king of Hungary. Alexander
deposes and kills Isaac, assumes rule of Theodoro.
1475 AD
Khan Mengli Girei forced out at
Solkhat, takes refuge in Kaffa. Tatar chieftans support Ottoman sultan, who
uses the excuse to conquer Crimea.
1475 AD
31 May - Large Turkish fleet
under Grand Vizier Keduk Akhmet Pasha arrives to conduct naval landing and
besiege Kaffa with Tatar aid.
1475 AD
6 June - after 5-day siege,
Kaffa surrenders, 500 Genoese families sent to Constantinople, many leaders
manage to flee to Mangup. Many foreign merchants including Russians taken into
1475 AD
Ottoman army takes Sudak after
Genoese put up heroic defense throughout city and in upper castle.
1475 AD
Stephen III of Moldova appeals
to King Matthew Corvinus of Hungary for more help.
1475 AD
December - Ottomans capture
Mangup after 3-month siege, during which 5 assaults fail, by using heavy
artillery. Prince Alexander has 300 Wallach mercenaries and possibly 15,000
local men. Mengli Girei taken to Constantinople then returned to be Khan.
Prince Alexander taken and beheaded after his wife and daughters are given to
Sultan's harem.
1475 AD
Ottoman Turks establish their
local governor on Magkup and begin repair of fortifications. This becomes their
citadel for control over Crimean Tatars.
1475 AD
Ivan goes again to Novgorod -
Aristotle Fioroventi arrives in Moscow with contract to fortify and build
1477 AD
Ivan again campaigns against
Novgorod with support from Tver troops.
1478 AD
Khan Ibrahim of Kazan tries to
capture Viatka while Ivan III busy at Novgorod, but fails. Ivan takes great
bell from Novgorod to Moscow. He also takes Torzhok.
1479-84 AD
Ali, Khan of Kazan.
1480 AD
Livonian Order fails to capture
1480 AD
Incident on the Ugra, Ivan III
and Khan Ahmed face each other across river but both refuse battle. Tver sends
troops to support Ivan.
1481-1512 AD
Bayazid II, Ottoman Sultan.
1481 AD
Andrei of Vologda bequeaths
appanage to Ivan - Khan Ahmed killed.
1481-1502 AD
Seyed Ahmed, last Khan of Great
(Kypchak) Horde.
1482 AD
Ottoman Turks capture Matrega on
Taman Penn.
1483 AD
Being now nearly surrounded by
Moscow, Mikhail Borisovich signs treaty with Casimir IV and agrees to marriage.
But, having helped Ivan take Novgorod it is now too late for Mikhail.
1484 AD
Ottomans take Chilia Kilia on
Danube and Moncastro (Akkerman - Belgorod Dnistrovski) on Dniester.
1484-85 AD
Muhammed Emin, Khan of Kazan.
1484 AD
Ivan III conducts another
campaign against Kazan.
1484 AD
Ivan sends his Tatar troops to
aid Mengli Girei against Great Horde after the Horde under Murtaza (Ahmed's
son) invades Crimea. Mengli sends Murtaza as prisoner to Istanbul, then Mengli
defeated and goes temporarily to Istanbul.
1484 AD
Under increasing pressure Great
Horde migrates west to Donets River, continues much fighting with Crimean
Tatars and Moscow.
1485 AD
Ivan III attacks Tver in winter
1484-5. Casimir does not send help. Mikhail is forced to swear allegance to
Moscow. This causes his boyars and serving princes to go to Moscow. Then Ivan
comes again in September. Mikhail flees to Lithuania and the citizens open the
gates to Ivan.
1485-87 AD
Ali, (2nd time) Khan of Kazan.
1486 AD
Ivan sends army under Nur Devlet
against Great Horde.
1487-95 AD
Mohammed Emin (2nd time) Khan of
1487 AD
Under pressure from Ottoman
sultan Great Horde attacks Lithuania instead of Crimea or Moscow. Horde spends
2.5 years campaigning in Poland and Lithuania thus weakening Poles versus
Ottomans but also weakening itself versus Crimea and Moscow.
1487 AD
With Mehemmed Amin's mother now
married to Mengli Girei, his ally, Ivan now settles on Mehemmed as his
candidate for Kazan throne, sends 4 armies who depose Ali and instal Mehemmed
again. Ivan agrees for Mehemmed to marry daughter of Nogai chieftan, Musa.
1489 AD
Viatka submits to Moscow.
1490 AD
Great Horde still fighting in
Poland after being ejected from Podolia, Ivan sends Kasimov Tatars against them
with no contact. Sultan Bayazid trying to get all Tatars into mutual alliance.
1490-91 AD
Mengli Girei demobilizes Crimean
army, then Great Horde attacks by surprise, Mengli retaliates against their
fortress on Dnieper while Great Horde is fighting Poles, Bayazid sends 1000
Janissaries to help Mengli.
1491 AD
Afash ulan leads Kazan Tatar
army attack on Astrakhan.
1491 AD
Poles defeat Great Horde at
Zaslavl as Mengli and Ivan applaud from the sidelines. But then Great Horde
masses north of Crimea for invasion with aid from Nogai Horde. Ivan sends army
south and also sends Kazan Tatars south to aid Crimeans. This forces Great
Horde to disperse.
1492 AD
Combined attack on Astrakhan by
Siberian Tatar Ivak, his brother, Mamuk, Khan of the Uzbeks, and his brother in
law, Musa andYamgurchu of the Nogais, but they fail to take fortress. They
continue to pressure Kazan.
1492 AD
With Great Horde impotent,
Mengli Girei builds Crimean fortress at Tyaginka, on Dnieper as base for raids
into Podolia, Ivan concerned as he has designs on lower Dnieper for himself.
1492 AD
Death of Casimir IV, Moscow-
Lithuania again in conflict.
1493 AD
Fire destroys most of Mangup,
Turks rebuild.
1493 AD
Mengli begins Crimean campaigns
into Lithuania-Poland from Tyaginka. Lithuanians counter attack and destroy
that fort. Mengli leads next campaign in person into Podolia and rebuilds
Tyaginka .
1494 AD
Ivan III begins campaign against
Lithuania - Ivan closes Novgorod to trade with Hanse.
1495 AD
Alexander, Grand Duke of
Lithuania, marries Ivan's daughter Elena.
1495-96 AD
Mamuk, Khan of Siberia takes
over in Kazan with help from Nogais, Mehemmed flees to Moscow, then population
ejects Mamuk.
1496-1502 AD
Abd- al- Latif, Mehemmed's
brother, installed by Ivan as new Khan of Kazan, Mehemmed receives lands around
Serpukhov, thus Mengli and Nur Sultan were kept happy.
1496 AD
War between Moscow and Sweden.
Swedes capture Ivangorod...
1497 AD
Polish-Lithuanian campaign
against Ottomans in Modavia. King Stephen victorious against Poles, Ivan and
Mengli force Lithuanians out of campaign. Alexander of Lithuania attacks
Tyaginka instead but Tatars win.
1498 AD
Nogai and Siberian Tatars again
plotting to take Kazan and replace Abd-al-Latif.. Ottomans invade Poland to aid
Stephen and Mengli.
1499 AD
Ivan sends riverine army to
defend Kazan from Siberians and Nogai. He also agrees with Mengli on division
of the steppe Ukraine.