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Murray N. Rothbard


Mises Institute Auburn, Alabama, 1991 -2005, 116 pgs., index, paperback, folio size


Reviewer Comment:


1. Introduction


II. Money in a Free Society
1. The Value of Exchange
2. Barter
3. Indirect Exchange
4. Benefits of Money
5. The Monetary Unit
6. The Shape of Money
7 Private Coinage
8. The "Proper" Supply of MOney
9. The Problem of "Hoarding"
10. Stabilize the Price Levels?
11. Coexisting Moneys
13. Summary


III Government Meddling With Money
1. The Revenue of Government
2. The Economic Effects of Inflation
3. Compulsory Monopoly of the Mint
4. Debasement
5. Gresham's Law and Coinage
a. Bimetallism
b. Legal Tender
6. Summary: Government and Coinage
7. Permitting Banks to Refuse Payment
8 Central Banking: Removing the Checks on Inflation
9. Central Banking: Directing the Inflation
10. Going Off the Gold Standard
11. Fiat, Money and the Gold Problem
12. Fiat Money and Gresham's Law
13. Government and Money


IV. The Monetary Breakdown of the West
1.Phase I: The Classical Gold Standard, 1815 - 1914
2. Phase II: World war I and After
3. Phase III: The Gold Exchange Standard (Britain and the United States) 1926 - 1931)
4. Phase IV: Fluctuating Fiat Currencies, 1931 - 1945
5. Phase V: Bretton Woods and the New Gold Exchange Standard (the Unied States) 1945 - 1968
6. Phase VI: The Unraveling of Bretton Woods, 1968 - 1971
7. Phase VII: The End of Bretton Woods: Fluctuating Fiat Currencies, August - December 1971
8. Phase VIII: The Smithsonian Agreement, December 1971 - February 1973
9. Phase IV: Fluctuating Fiat Currencies, March 1973 - ?

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Hudson, Michael - ... and forgive them their debts

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Landes, David - The Invention of Enterprise

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Graeber, David - Debt: The First 5.000 Years

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