


This period covers everthing from 1500 to the present with exception of the French Revolution and Napoleonic era, for which see Napoleon. So far we have a fine article on the Ottoman Turkish Janissaries , one on the Cossacks, and an after action study of Desert Warfare as conducted by General Rommel in North Africa in World War II. - The Lafayette campaign in Virginia - Lafayette campaign to Yorktown and - French Expedirtionary force in American Revolution - French expeditionary force. Also added is the entry on Uniforms from the 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica, the article on war and Laws of war, and the articles on the history of artillery , army (and another version of army) , infantry and of cavalry. We plan to add entries on Ammunition, Ordnance, Tactics, and Strategy next. Meanwhile we have the entries on theThirty Years' War, Russo-Turkish and Russo- Japanese wars and the Crimean War. Translation of an article by Skugarevski on future war. Encyclopedia article on Swedish King Charles XI.And articles on Charles XII, Charles XIII and XIV. Here is a listing of major Soviet military authors. We added reviews of Pete Tsouras' book, Distaster at Stalingrad, and Max Boot's book Invisible Armies.


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