This is a section from the guide map for
Smolensk. Our visit and hence our photography was limited to the long eastern
wall, the museum section of the restored southern section (13) and the section
in the city (Gorodski) park at the south west corner. Here are some of the
identifications shown on the map. Towers marked with red numbers -
1. P'atniski tower
2. Volkova tower (Strelka)
3. Kostyrevski -Krasni tower
4. Veselucha tower
5. Pozdn'akova tower
6. Or'ol tower
7. Avraamiyevski tower
8. Zaaltarniya tower
9. Voronin tower
10. Dolgoshevski tower
11. Zimbulka tower
12. Nikol'ski tower
13. Machovaya tower
14. Dones tower
15. Bromovaya tower
16. Bubleyka tower
17. Kopytenskiya tower
The Korolyefski (Kings's) bastion is in the Gorodski park (lower left corner
and part of the earthen ramparts show with hachure. Nearby in the park is the
memorial to the defenders of 1812.
The memorial with eternal flame marking graves of Soviet troops in World War II
is at the red 7 by tower 14.
The Assumption Cathedral is the large building at 3 with the Trinity monastery
bell tower next to it.
The Transfiguration Cathedral of the Avraamy Monastery is the building marked 7
near the eastern wall.
Thee Church of Sts. Peter and Paul is the building marked 1 across the Dniper
river in upper left corner.
The Church of St John the Divine is the building marked 4 directly south of it
on the fortress side of the river.
The Church of St. Michael the Archangel (Svirskaya) is to the left of this,
down river and off the map.