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Kristian Niemietz

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Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 2019, 374 pgs., References, figures


Reviewer Comments: The book is also available in PDF format at the link here. As the chapter titles indicate, this is an historical study of the several countries in which socialism was adopted in practice, not merely discussed as a theory. The book is very popular, being listed in numerous Internet places including Amazon.




Chapter 1: The Enduring appeal of socialism


Chapter 2 - The Soviet Union under Stalin: 'A whole nation marched behind a vision'


Chapter 3 China under Mao Tse-Tung: 'A revolutinary regime must get rid of a certain number of individuals that threaten it'


Chapter 4 -Cuba under Fidel Castro: 'The beginning of building the new man'


Chapter 5 - North Korea under Kim Il Sung: 'A messiah rather than a dictator'


Chapter 6 - Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge: 'the kingdom of justice'


Chapter 7 - Albania under Enver Hoxha: 'The working class is in power'


Chapter 8 - East Germany under the SED: 'The organized might of the working class'


Chapter 9 - Venezuela under Hugo Chavez: 'A different, and a better way of doing things. It's called socialism'


Chapter 10 - Why socialist ideas persist


Chapter 11 - Epilogue: An alternative history; real socialism is being tried


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