1902 - 1907 Chief of Artillery and General
Staff (full dress) From the left - Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry (four lines of
braid on sleeve, yellow branch color throughout, gold aiguillette of staff
instead of branch color braid on chest, gold star with eagle for staff below
braid on sleeve); Quartermaster Corps Lieutenant Colonel (branch color is buff,
four lines of braid and gold star with eagle on sleeve, optional dark blue
trousers); Brigadier General Chief of Artillery (one star on sleeve, only
branch to wear red silk sash, also only Artillery and Engineers showed branch
color on trouser stripe, coat buttons in pairs); Signal Corps Major in rear
(orange and white branch color, three lines on sleeve braid); Ordnance Captain,
also walking down stair in rear ( black and red collar shows branch, two lines
in sleeve braid show rank); Infantry Captain in front (light blue branch color
on hat, but trouser has white stripe to show off against the blue trousers,
sleeve braid has two lines); Engineer Captain (in this position he reveals the
red and white turnback flap on coat, red branch color also on collar and cap,
also the sword belt is gold and branch color, two lines in sleeve braid)