Major General Charles Walker Robinson, C.B, D.C.L
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed. 1910,
vol 21. pgs. 90-98.
(Map ofEurope
July 1808 ) PENINSULAR WAR (1808-14). This important war, the conduct and
result of which greatly enhanced the prestige of British arms, had for its main
object the freedom of the Peninsula of Spain and Portugal from the domination
of Napoleon; and hence it derives its name, though it terminated upon the soil
of France.
Nelson having destroyed the French fleet at Trafalgar, Napoleon feared the
possibilty of a British army being landed on the Peninsular coasts, whence in
conjunction with Portuguese and Spanish forces it might attack France from the
south. He therefore called upon Portugal, in August 1807, to comply with his
Berlin decree of the 21st of November 1806, under which continental nations
were to close their ports to British subjects, and have no communication with
Great Britain. At the same time he persuaded the weak king of Spain (Charles
IV.) and his corrupt minister Godoy to permit a French army to pass through
Spain towairds Portugal; while under a secret treaty signed at Fontainebleau on
the 27th of October 1807 Spanish troops were to support the French. Portugal
was to he subsequently divided between Spain and France, and a new princi
pality of the Algarve was to be carved out for Godoy. Portugal remonstrated
against Napoleon's demands, and a French corps (30,000) under General Junot was
instantly despatched to Lisbon. Upon its approach the prince regent fled, and
the country was occupied by Junot, most of the Portuguese troops being
disbanded or sent abroad. Napoeon induced the king of Spain to allow French
troops to occupy the country and to send the flower of the Spanish forces
(15,000) under the marquis of Romana 1 to assist the French on the Baltic. Then
Dupont de l'Etang (25,000) was ordered to cross the Bidassoa on the 22nd of
November 1807; and by the 8th of January 1808 he had reached Burgos and
Valladolid. Marshal Moncey with a corps occupied Biscay and Navarre; Duhesme
with a division entered Catalonia; and a little later Bessieres with another
corps had been brought up. There were now about 100,000 French soldiers in
Spain, and Murat, grand duke of Berg, as "lieutenant for the
emperor," entered Madrid. During February and March 1808 the frontier
fortresses of Pampeluna, St Sebastian, Barcelona and Figueras were
treacherously occupied and Spain lay at the feet of Napoleon. The Spanish
people, in an outburst of fury against the king and Godoy, forced the former to
abdicate in favour of his son Ferdinand; but the inhabitants of Madrid having
(May 2, 1808) risen against the French, Napoleon refused to recognize
Ferdinand; both he and the king were compelled to renounce their rights to the
throne, and a mercenary council of regency having been induced to desire the
French emperor to make his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, king, he acceded to their
request. 2
1 They subsequently escaped from Jutland, on British vessels, and reached
Santander in October 1808.
2 The king, the queen and Godoy were eventually removed to Rome, and
Ferdinand to Valencay in France.
(Map of
Peninsula June -Aug. 1808) The mask was now completely thrown off, and
Spain and Portugal rose against the French. Provincial "juntas"
(committees of government) were organized; appeals for assistance made to the
British government, which granted arms, money and supplies, and it was resolved
to despatch a British force to the Peninsula. Before it landed, the French
under Dupont, Moncey and Marshal Bessieres (75,000) had occupied parts of
Biscay, Navarre, Aragon and the Castiles, holding Madrid and Toledo, while
General Duhesme (14,000) was in Catalonia. Moncey (7000) had marched towards
the city of Valencia, but been repulsed in attempting to storm it (June 28);
Bessieres had defeated the Spanish general Joachim Blake at Medina de Rio Seco
(June 14, 1808) and Dupont (13,000) had been detached (May 24) from Madrid to
reduce Seville and Cadiz in Andalusia. Spanish levies, numbering nearly 100,000
iregulars and militia, brave and enthusiastic, but without organization,
sufficient training, or a commander-in-chief, had collected together; 30,000
being in Andalusia, a similar number in Galicia, and others in Valencia and
Estremadura., but few in the central portion of Spain.
At this juncture Dupont, moving upon Cadiz, met with a reverse which
greatly influenced the course of the Peninsular War. On the 7th of June 1808 he
had sacked Cordova; but while he was laden with its spoils the Spanish general
Castanos with the army of Andalusia (30,000), and also a large body of armed
peasantry, approached. Falling back to Andujar, where he was reinforced to
22,000 strong, Dupont detached a force to hold the mountain passes in his rear,
whereupon the Spaniards interposed between the detachment and the main body and
seized Baylen. Failing to dislodge them, and surrounded by hostile troops and
an infuriated peasantry, Dupont capitulated with over 20,000 men. This victory,
together with the intrepid defence of Saragossa by the Spanish general Jose'
Palafox (June 15 to August 13, 1808) temporarily paralysed the French and
created unbounded enthusiasm in Spain. Duhesme, having failed to take Gerona,
was blockaded in Barcelona, Joseph fled from Madrid (Aug. 1, 1808), and the
French forces closed to their rear to defend their communications with France.
The British troops were directed towards Lisbon and Cadiz, in order to secure
these harbours, to prevent the subjugation of Andalusia, and to operate up the
basins of the Guadiana, Tagus and Douro into Spain. The British force consisted
of 9000 men from Cork 2 under Sir Arthur Wellesley- at first in chief command;
5000 from Gibraltar, under General (Sir Brent) Spencer; and 10,000 under Sir
John Moore coming from Sweden.' Wellesley and Moore being directed towards
Portugal, and Spencer to Cadiz. On the 1st of August 1808 Wellesley began to
land his troops, unopposed, near Figueira da Fox at the mouth of the Mondego;
and the Spanish victory of Baylen having relieved Cadiz from danger, Spencer
now joined him, and, without waiting for Moore the army, under 15,000 in all
(which included some Portuguese)1 with 18 guns, advanced towards
Campaign in Portugal, 1808.- The first skirmish took place at
Obidos on the 15th of August 1808, against Delaborde's division (5000 men with
5 guns), which fell back to Roleia (Rorica or Rolica). A battle took place here
(Aug. 17) in which Sir Arthur Wellesley attacked and drove him from two
successive positions. The allied loss was about 500: the French 600 and three
guns. On the 20th of August the Allies, strengthened by the arrival of two more
brigades (4000 men), occupied some heights north of Vimiera (Vimeira or
Vimeiro) where the roads branch off to Torres Vedras and Mafra. Wellesley meant
to turn the defile of Torres Vedras by Mafra at once if possible; but on this
night Sir Harry Burrard, his senior, arrived off Vimiera, and though he did not
land, gave instructions to wait for Sir John Moore. On the 21st of August the
Allies were attacked by Junot at Vimiera, who, leaving a force at Lisbon, had
come up to reinforce Delaborde. In this battle the Allies numbered about 18,000
with 18 guns, French nearly 14,000, with 20 guns. Junot, believing the allied
left to be weakly held, attacked it without reconnoitring - but Wellesley's
regiments, marched thither behind the heights, sprang up in line; and under
their volleys and bayonet charge, supported by artillery fire, Junot's deep
columns were driven off the direct road to Lisbon. The losses were: Allies
about 8oo, French 2000 and 13 guns. It was now again Wellesley's wish to
advance and seize Torres Vedras; but Sir Hew Dalrymple, having at this moment
assumed command, decided otherwise. On the 2nd of August Junot, knowing of the
approach of Moore with reinforcements, and afraid of a revolt in Lisbon, opened
negotiations, which resulted in the Convention of Cintra2 (Aug.30,
1808), under which the French evacuated Portugal, on condition that they were
sent with their artillery and arms to France. Thus this campaign had been
rapidly brought to a satisfactory conclusion; and Sir Arthur Wellesley had
already given proof of his exceptional gifts as a leader. In England however a
cry was raised that Junot should have been forced to an absolutely
unconditional surrender; and Sir Arthur Wellesley, Sir Hew Dalrymple and Sir
Harry Burrard3 were brought before a court of inquiry in London.
This acquitted them of blame, and Sir John Moore in the mean time after the
departure of Dalrymple (Oct. 6, 1808) had assumed command of the allied army in
Portugal, now about 32,000 strong.
1 In this account of the war the losses and numbers engaged in different
battles are given approximately only; and the former include killed, wounded
and missing. historians differ much on these matters.
2 It was not, however, signed at Cintra, but at Lisbon, and was mainly
negotiated near Torres Vedras.
3. The two latter were recalled from the Peninsula; Sir Arthur Wellesley
had proceeded to London upon leave, and had only signed the annistice with
Junot, not the convention itself.
(Map of
Peninsula Oct. 1808- 20 Jan. 1809) Moore's Campaign in Spain, 1808.
The British government notified to Sir John Moore that some 10,000 men were
to be sent to Corunna under Sir David Baird; that he, with 20,000, was to join
him, and then both act in concert with the Spanish armies. As the conduct of
this campaign was largely influenced by the operations of the Spanish forces,
it is necessary to mention their positions, and also the fact that greater
reliance had been placed, both in England and Spain, upon them than future
events justified. On the 26th of October 1808, when Moore's troops had left
Lisbon to join Baird, the French still held a defensive position behind the
Ebro; Bessieres being in the basin of Vitoria, Marshal Ney north-west of
Logrono, and Moncey covering Pampeluna, and near Sanguessa. With the garrisons
of Biseav, Navarre, and a reserve at Bayonne, their strength was about 75,000
men. Palafox (20,000) was near Saragossa and observing Sanguessa; Castafios
with the victors of Baylen (34,000) west and south of Tudela and near Logrono;
Blake (32,000) east of Reynosa, having captured Bilbao; Count de Belvedere
(11,000) near Burgos; reserves (57,000) were assembling about Segovia, Talavera
and Cordova; Catalonia was held by 23,000, and Madrid had been reoccupied.
Moore had to decide whether to join Baird by sea or land. To do so by sea
at this season was to risk delay, while in moving by land he would have the
Spanish armies between him and the French. For these reasons he marched by
land; and as the roads north of the Tagus were deemed impassable for guns,
while transport and supplies for a large force were also difficult to procure,
he sent Sir John Hope, with the artillery, cavalry and reserve ammunition
column, south of the river, through Badajoz to Almaraz, to move thence through
Talavera, Madrid and the Escurial Pass, involving a considerable detour; while
he himself with the infantry, marching by successive divisions, took the
shorter roads north of the Tagus through Coimbra and Almeida, and also by
Alcantara and Coria to Ciudad Rodrigo and Salamanca. Baird was to move south
through Galicia to meet him, and the army was to concentrate at Valladolid,
Burgos, or whatever point might seem later on to be best. But as Moore was
moving forward, the whole situation in Spain changed. Napoleon's forces, now
increased to some 200,000 men present and more following, were assuming the
offensive, and he himself on the 30th of October~had left Paris to place
himself at their head. Before them the Spaniards were routed in every
direction: Castafios was defeated near Logrono (Oct. 27); Castafios and Palafox
at Tudela (Nov.23); Blake at Zornoza (Oct; 29), Espinosa (Nov. 11) and Reynosa
(Nov. 13); and Belvedere at Gamonal, near Burgos (Nov. 10). Thus when Moore
reached Salamanca (Nov. 28) Baird was at Astorga; Hope at the Escurial Pass;
Napoleon himself at Aranda; and French troops at Valladolid, Arevalo and
Segovia; so that the French were nearer than either Baird or Hope to Moore at
Salamanca. Moore was ignorant of their exact position and strength, but he knew
that Valladolid had been occupied, and so his first orders were that Baird
should fall back to Galicia and Hope to Portugal. But these were soon changed,
and he now took the important resolution of striking a blow for Spain, and for
the defenders of Madrid, by attacking Napoleon's communications with France.
Hope having joined him through Avila, and magazines having been formed at
Benavente, Astorga and Lugo, in case of retreat in that direction, he moved
forward, and on the 13th of December approached the Douro, at and near Rueda
east of Toro. Here he learnt that Madrid had fallen to Napoleon (Dec. 3) after
he had by a brilliant charge of the Polish lancers and chasseurs of the Guard
forced the Somosierra Pass (Nov.30) and in another action stormed the Retiro
commanding Madrid itself (Dec. 3); that the French were pressing on towards
Lisbon and Andalusia; that Napoleon was unaware of his vicinity, and that
Soult's corps, isolated on the Carrion River, had been ordered towards
Benavente. He then finally decided to attack Soult (intending subsequently to
fall back through Galicia) and ordered up transports from Lisbon to Corunna and
Vigo; thus changing his base from Portugal to the north-west of Spain; Blake's
Spanish army, now rallying under the marquis de la Romafia near Leon, was to
co-operate, but was able to give little effective aid.
On the 20th of December Baird joined Moore near Mayorga, and a brilliant
cavalry combat now took place at Sahagun, in which the British hussar brigade
distinguished itself. But on the 23rd of December, when Moore was at Sahagun
and about to attack Soult, he learnt that overwhelming French forces were
hastening towards him, so withdrew across the Esla, near Benevente (Dec. 28),
destroying the bridge there. Napoleon, directly he realized Moore's proximity,
had ordered Soult to Astorga to cut him off from Galicia; recalled his other
troops from their march towards Lisbon and Andalusia, and, with 50,000 men and
150 guns, had left Madrid himself (Dec.22). He traversed over 100 m. in less
than five days across the snow- covered Escurial Pass, reaching Tordesillas on
the Douro on the 26th of December. Hence he wrote to Soult, If the English pass
to-day in their position (which he believed to be Sahagun) they are lost."
But Moore had passed Astorga by the 31st of December. where Napoleon arrived on
the 1st of January 1809. Thence he turned back, with a large portion of his
army towards France, leaving Soult with over 40,000 men to follow Moore.
On the Retreat to Corunna " fatigue, wet and bitter cold, combined
with the sense of an enforced retreat, shook the discipline of Moore's army;
but he reached Corunna on the 11h of January 1809, where he took up a position
across the road from Logo, with his left on the river Mero. On the 14th of
January the transports arrived; and on the 16th Soult attacked.
In this battle the French numbered about 20,000 with 40 guns; the British
15,000 with 9 very light guns. Soult failed to dislodge the British, and Moore
was about to deliver a counter-attack when he himself fell mortally wounded.
Baird was also wounded, and as night was approaching, Hope suspended the
advance, and subsequently embarked the army, with scarcely any further loss.
The British casualties were about 1000, the French 2000. When the troops landed
in England, half clothed and half shod, their leader's conduct of the campaign
was at first blamed, but his reputation as a general rests solidly upon these
facts, that when Napoleon in person, having nearly 300,000 men in Spain, had
stretched forth his hand to seize Portugal and Andalusia, Moore with 30,000,
forced him to withdraw it, and follow him to Corunna, escaping at the same time
from his grasp. Certainly a notable achievement.
Campaign in Portugal and Spain, 1809 On the 22nd of April 1809 Sir
Arthur Wellesley reached Lisbon. By this time, French armies, to a great extent
controlled by Napoleon from a distance, had advanced-Soult from Galicia to
capture Oporto and Lisbon (with General Lapisse from Salamanca moving on his
left towards Abantes) and Marshal Victor, still farther to the left, with a
siege train to take Badajoz, Merida and subsequently Cadiz. Soult (over
20,000), leaving Ney in Galicia, had taken and sacked Oporto (March 29, 1809);
but the Portuguese having closed upon his rear and occupied Vigo, he halted,
detaching a force to Amarante to keep open the road to Braganza and asked for
reinforcements. Victor had crossed the Tagus, and defeated Cuesta at Medellin
(March 28, 1809); but, surrounded by insurgents, he also had halted; Lapisse
had joined him, and together they were near Merida, 30,000 strong. On the
allied side the British (25,000), including some German auxiliaries, were about
Leiria: the Portuguese regular troops (16,000) near Thomar; and some thousands
of Portuguese militia were observing Soult in the north of Portugal, a body
under Silveira being at Amarante, which Soult was now approaching. Much
progress had been made in the organization and training of the Portuguese
levies; Major-General William Carr Beresford, with the rank of marshal, was
placed at their head. Of the Spaniards, Palafox, after his defeat at Tudela had
most gallantly defended Saragossa a second time (Dec. 20, 1808-Feb. 20, 1809);
the Catalonians, after reverses at Molins de Rey (Dec. 21, 1808) and at Valls
(Feb.25, 1809) had taken refuge in Tarragona; and Rosas had fallen (Dec. 5,
1808) to the French general Gouvion St Cyr who, having relieved Barcelona, was
besieging Gerona. Romafia's force was now near Orense in Galicia. A supreme
junta had been formed which could nominally assemble about 100,000 men, but
jealousy among its members was rife, and they still declined to appoint any
On the 5th of May 1809, Wellesley moved towards the river Douro, having
detached Beresford to seize Amarante, from which the French had now driven
Silveira. Soult expected the passage of the Douro to be attempted near its
mouth, with fishing craft; but Wellesley, by a daring surprise, crossed (May
12) close above Oporto, and also by a ford higher up. After some fighting
Oporto was taken, and Soult driven back. The Portuguese being in his rear, and
Wellesley closing with him, the only good road of retreat available lay through
Amarante, but he now learned that Beresford had taken this important point from
Silveira; so he was then compelled, abandoning his guns and much baggage, to
escape, with a loss of some 5000 men, over the mountains of the Sierra Catalina
to Salamonde and thence to Orense.
During the above operations, Victor, with Lapisse, had forced the passage
of the Tagus at Alcantara but, on Wellesley returning to Abrantes, he retired.
News having been received that Napoleon had suffered a serious check at the
battle of Aspern, near Vienna (May 22, 1809), Wellesley next determined-leaving
Beresford (20,000) near Ciudad Rodrigo~to move with 22,000 men, in conjunction
with Cuesta's Spanish army (40,000) towards Madrid against Victor, who, with
25,000 supported by King Joseph (50,000) covering the capital, was near
Talavera. Sir Robert Wilson with 4000 Portuguese from Salamanca, and a Spanish
force under Venegas (25,000) from Carolina, were to co-operate and occupy
Joseph, by closing upon Madrid. Cuesta during the advance up the valley of the
Tagus, was to occupy the pass of Banos on the left flank; the Spanish
authorities were to supply provisions, and Venegas was to be at Arganda, near
Madrid, by the 22nd or 23rd of July; but none of these arrangements were duly
carried out, and it was on this that the remainder of the campaign turned.
Writing to Soult from Austria, Napoleon had placed the corps of Ney and Mortier
under his orders, and said: "Wellesley will most likely advance by the
Tagus against Madrid; in that case, pass the mountains, fall on his flarik and
rear, and crush him."
By the 20th of July Cuesta had joined Wellesley at Oropesa; and both then
moved forward to Talavera, Victor falling back before them: but Cuesta,
irritable and jealous, would not work cordially with Wellesley; Venegas-
counter-ordered it is said by the Spanish junta-did not go to Arganda, and
Wilson, though he advanced close to Madrid, was forced to retire, so that
Joseph joined Victor, and the united force attacked the Allies at Talavera de
la Reina on the Tagus. The battle lasted for two days, and ended in the defeat
of the French, who fell back towards Madrid.1 Owing to want of
supplies, the British had fought in a half-starved condition; and Wellesley now
learnt to his surprise that Soult had passed the mountains and was in his rear.
Having turned about, he was on the march to attack him, when he heard (Aug.23)
that not Soult's corps alone, but three French corps, had come through the pass
of Banos without opposition; that Soult himself was at Naval Moral, between him
and the bridge of Almaraz on the Tagus, and that Cuesta was retreating from
Talavera. Wellesley's force was now in a dangerous position: but by withdrawing
at once across the Tagus at Arzobispo, he reached Jaraicejo and Almaraz (by the
south bank) blowing up the bridge at Almaraz, and thence moved, through Merida,
northwards to the banks of the Agueda, commencing to fortify the country around
Elsewhere in the Peninsula during this year, Blake, now in Catalonia,
after routing Suchet at Alcaniz (May 23, 1809), was defeated by him at Maria
(June 15) and at Beichite (June 18); Venegas, by King Joseph and Sebastiam., at
Almonacid on the 11h of August; Del Parque (20,000), after a previous victory
near Salamanca (Oct. 18), was overthrown at Alba de Tormes by General Marchand
(Nov.28); the old forces of Venegas and Cuesta (50,000), now united under
Areizaga, were decisively routed by King Joseph at Ocana (Nov.19); and Gerona
after a gallant defence, had surrendered to Augereau (Dec.10).
Sir Arthur Wellesley was for this campaign created Baron Douro and
Viscount Wellington. He was made captain-general by Spain, and marshal-general
by Portugal. But his experience after Talavera had been akin to that of Moore;
his expectations from the Spaniards had not been realized; he had been almost
intercepted by the French, and he had narrowly escaped from a critical
position. Henceforth he resisted all proposals for joint operations, on any
large scale, with Spanish armies not under his own direct command.
1 After the battle the Light Division, under Robert Craufurd, joined
Wellesley. In the endeavour to reach the field in time it had covered, in heavy
marching order, over 50 m. in 25 hours, in hot July weather.
Campaign in Portugal, 1810 -Napoleon, having avenged Aspern by the
victory of Wagram (July 6, 1809), despatched to Spain large reinforcements
destined to increase his army there to about 370,000 men. Marshal Massena with
120,000, including the corps of Ney, Junot, Reynier and some of the Imperial
Guard, was to operate from Salamanca against Portugal; but first Soult,
appointed major-general of the army in Spain (equivalent to chief of the
staff), was, with the corps of Victor, Mortier and Sebastiani (70,000), to
reduce Andalusia. Soult (Jan.31, 1810) occupied Seville and escaping thence to
Cadiz, the Supreme Junta resigned its powers to a regency of five members (Feb.
2, 1810). Cadiz was invested by Victor's corps (Feb. 4), and then Soult halted,
waiting for Massena, who arrived at Valladolid on the 15th of May.
In England a party in parliament were urging the withdrawal of the British
troops, and any reverse to the allied arms would have strengthened its hands.
Wellington's policy was thus cautious and defensive, and he had already
commenced the since famous lines of Torres Vedras round Lisbon. In June 1810
his headquarters were at Celorico. With about 35,000 British, 30,000 Portuguese
regular troops and 30,000 Portuguese militia, he watched the roads leading into
Portugal past Ciudad Rodrigo to the north, and Badajoz to the south of the
Tagus, as also the line of the Douro and the country between the Elga and the
Soult having been instructed to co-operate by taking Badajoz and Elvas,
Massena, early in June 1810, moved forward, and Ciudad Rodrigo surrendered to
him (June 10). Next pushing back a British force under Craufurd, he invested
Almeida, taking it on the 27th of August. Then calling up Reynier, who during
this had moved on his left towards Alcantara, he marched down the right bank of
the Mondego, and entered Visen (Sept. 21). Wellington fell back before him down
the left bank, ordering up Rowland Hill's force from the Badajoz road, the
peasantry having been previously called upon to destroy their crops and retire
within the lines of Torres Vedras. A little north of Coimbra, the road which
Massena followed crossed the Sierra do Bussaco (Busaco), a very strong position
where Wellington resolved to offer him battle. Massena, superior in numbers and
over-confident, made a direct attack upon the heights on the 27th of September
1810: his strength being about 60,000, while that of the Allies was about
50,000, of whom nearly half were Portuguese. After a stern conflict the French
were repulsed, the loss being five generals and nearly 5000 men, while the
Allies lost about 1300. The next day Massena turned the Sierra by the Boyalva
Pass and Sardao, which latter place, owing to an error, had not been occupied
by the Portuguese, and Wellington then retreated by Coimbra and Leiria to the
lines, which he entered on the 11h of October, having within them fully 100,000
able-bodied men.
The celebrated "Lines of Torres Vedras" were defensive works
designed to resist any army which Napoleon could send against them. They
consisted of three great lines, strengthened by about 150 redoubts, and
earthworks of various descriptions, mounting some 600 cannon; the outer line,
nearly 30 m. long, stretching over heights north of Lisbon, from the Tagus to
the sea. As Massena advanced, the Portuguese closing upon his rear retook
Coimbra (Oct. 7), and when he neared the lines, astounded at their strength, he
sent General Foy to the emperor to ask for reinforcements. After an effort,
defeated by Hill, to cross the Tagus, he withdrew (Nov. 15) to Santarem. This
practically closed Wellington's operations for the year 1810, his policy now
being not to lose men in battle, but to reduce Massena by hunger and distress.
In other parts of Spain, Augereau had taken Hostalrich (May 10); captured
Lerida (May 14); Mequinenza (June 8); and invested Tortosa (Dec. 15). The
Spanish levies had been unable to contribute much aid to the Allies; the French
having subdued almost all Spain, and being now in possession of Ciudad Rodrigo
and Almeida. On the other hand Wellington still held Lisbon with parts of
Portugal, Elvas and Badajoz, for Soult had not felt disposed to attempt the
capture of the last two fortresses.
Campaign of 1811 -Napoleon, whose attention was now directed
towards Russia, refused to reinforce Massena, but enjoined Soult to aid him by
moving against Badajoz. Soult, therefore, leaving Victor before Cadiz, invested
Badajoz (Jan. 26, 1811) and took it from the Spaniards (March 10). With the
hope of raising the blockade of Cadiz, a force under Sir Thomas Graham
(afterwards Lord Lynedoch (q.v.]) left that harbour by sea, and joining with
Spanish troops near Tarifa, advanced by land against Victor's blockading force,
a Spanish general, La Pefia, being in chief command. As they neared Barrosa,
Victor attacked them, the Allies numbering in the battle about 13,000 with 24
guns, 4000 being British; the French 9000, actually engaged, with 14 guns; but
with 5000 more a few miles off and others in the French lines. Hard fighting,
chiefly between the French and British, now ensued, and at one time the Barrosa
ridge, the key of the position left by La Pefia's orders, practically
undefended, fell into the French hands: but Graham by a resolute counter-attack
regained it, and Victor was in the end driven back. La Pefia, who had in the
battle itself failed to give proper support to Graham, would not pursue, and
Graham declining to carry on further operations with him, re-entered Cadiz. The
French afterwards resumed the blockade, so that although Barrosa was an allied
victory, its object was not attained. The British loss was about 1200; the
French 2000, 6 guns and an eagle.
On the day of the above battle Massena, having destroyed what guns he
could not horse, and skilfully gained time by a feint against Abrantes, began
his retreat from before the lines, through Coimbra and Espinhal. His army was
in serious distress; he was in want of food and supplies; most of his horses
were dead, and his men were deserting. Wellington followed, directing the
Portuguese to remove all boats from the Mondego and Douro, and to break up
roads north of the former river. Beresford was detached to succour Badajoz, but
was soon recalled, as it had fallen to Soult. Ney, commanding Massena's
rearguard, conducted the retreat with great ability. In the pursuit, Wellington
adhered to his policy of husbanding his troops for future offensive operations,
and let sickness and hunger do the work of the sword. This they effectually
did. Nothing could well exceed the horrors of Massena's retreat. Rearguard
actions were fought at Pombal (March 10), Redinha (March12) and Condeixa (March
13). Here Ney was directed to make a firm stand; but, ascertaining that the
Portuguese were at Coimbra and the bridge there broken, and fearing to be cut
off also from Murcella, he burnt Condeixa, and marched to Cazal Nova. An action
took place here (March 14) and at Foz d'Arouce (March 15). Wellington now sent
off Beresford with a force to retake Badajoz; and Massena, sacrificing much of
his baggage and ammunition, reached Celorico and Guarda (March 21). Here he was
attacked by Wellington (March 29) and, after a further engagement at Sabugal
(April 3, 1811), he fell back through Ciudad to Salamanca, having lost in
Portugal nearly 30,000 men, chiefly from want and disease, and 6000 in the
retreat alone.
The key to the remaining operations of 1811i lies in the importance
attached by both Allies and French to the possession of the fortresses which
guarded the two great roads from Portugal into Spain~Almeida and Ciudad Rodrigo
on the northern, and Badajoz and Elvas on the southern road; all these except
Elvas were in French hands. Wellington, on the 9th of April 1811, directed
General Spencer to invest Almeida; he then set off himself to join Beresford
before Badajoz, but after reconnoitring the fortress with his lieutenant he had
at once to return north on the news that Massena was moving to relieve Almeida.
On the 3rd of May Loison attacked him at Fuentes d'Onor near Almeida, and
Massena coming up himself made a more serious attack on the 5th of May. The
Allies numbered about 33,000, with 42 guns; the French 45,000 with 30 guns. The
battle is chiefly notable for the steadiness with which the allied right,
covered by the Light Division in squares, changed position in presence of the
French cavalry; and for the extraordinary feat of arms of Captain Norman
Ramsay, R.H.A., in charging through the French cavalry with his guns. Massena
failed to dislodge the Allies, and on the 8th of May withdrew to Salamanca,
Almeida falling to Wellington on the 11th of May 1811. The allied loss in the
fighting on both days at Fuentes d'Onor was about 1500: the French 3000.
In the meantime Soult (with 23,000 men and 50 guns), advancing to relieve
Badajoz, compelled Beresford to suspend the siege, and to take up a position
with about 30,000 men (of whom 7000 were British) and 38 guns behind the river
Albuhera (or Albuera). Here Soult attacked him on the 16th of May. An unusually
bloody battle ensued, in which the French efforts were chiefly directed against
the allied right, held by the Spaniards. At one time the right appeared to be
broken, and 6 guns were lost, when a gallant advance of Sir Lowry Cole's
division restored the day, Soult then falling back towards Seville. The allied
loss was about 7000 (including about half the British force); the French about
After this Wellington from Almeida rejoined Beresford and the siege of
Badajoz was continued: but now Marshal Marmont, having succeeded Massena, was
marching southwards to join Soult, and, two allied assaults of Badajoz having
failed, Wellington withdrew. Subsequently, leaving Hill in the Alemtejo, he
returned towards Almeida, and with 40,000 men commenced a blockade of Ciudad
Rodrigo, his headquarters being at Fuente Guinaldo. Soult and Marmont now fell
back, the former to Seville, the latter to the valley of the Tagus, south of
the pass of Banos.
In September, Marmont joined with the army of the north under General
Dorsenne, coming from Salamanca-their total force being 60,000, with 100
guns-and succeeded (Sept.25) in introducing a convoy of provisiont into Ciudad
Rodrigo. Before so superior a force, Wellington had not attempted to maintain
the blockade; but on Marmont afterwards advancing towards him, he fought a
rearguard action with him at El Bodon (Sept. 25), notable, as was Fuentes
d'Onor, for the coolness with which the allied squares retired amidst the
enemy's horsemen; and again at Fuent Guinaldo (Sept.25 and 26) he maintained
for 30 hours, with 15,000 men, a bold front against Marmont's army of 60,000,
in order to save the Light Division from being cut off. At Aldea de Ponte there
was a further sharp engage ment (Sept.27), but Wellington taking up a strong
position near Sabugal, Marmont and Dorsenne withdrew once more to the valley of
the Tagus and Salamanca respectively, and Wellington again blockaded Ciudad
Thus terminated the main operations of this year. On the 28th of October
1811, Hill, by a very skilful surprise, captured Arroyo de los Molinos (between
Badajoz and Trujillo), almost annihilating a French corps under Gerard; and in
December 1811 the French were repulsed in their efforts to capture Tarifa near
Cadiz. In the east of Spain Suchet took Tortosa (Jan. 1, 1811); Tarragona (June
28); and Murviedro (Oct.26), defeating Blake's relieving force, which then took
refuge in Valencia. Macdonald also retook Figueras which the Spaniards had
taken on the 9th of April 1811 (Aug.19). Portugal had now been freed from the
French, but they still held Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, the two main gates into
Campaign in Spain, 1812.- The campaign of 1812 marks an important
stage in the war. Napoleon, with the Russian War in prospect, had early in the
year withdrawn 30,000 men from Spain; and Wellington had begun to carry on what
he termed a war of "magazines." Based on rivers (the navigation of
which greatly improved) and the sea, he formed depots or magazines of
provisions at many points, which enabled him always to take and keep the field.
The French, on the other hand, had great ditficulty in establishing any such
reserves of food, owing to their practice of depending for sustenance entirely
upon the country in which they were quartered. Wellington assumed the
offensive, and by various movements and feints, aided the guerrilla bands by
forcing the French corps to assemble in their districts, which not only greatly
harassed them but also materially hindered the combination of their corps for
concerted action. Having secretly got a battering train into Almeida and
directed Hill, as a blind, to engage Soult by threatening Badajoz, he suddenly
(Jan. 8, 1812) besieged Ciudad Rodrigo.
The French, still numbering nearly 200,000, now held the following
positions: the Army of the North-Dorsenne (48,000 was about the Pisuerga, in
the Asturias, and along the northern coast; the Army of Portugal -Marmont -
(50,000)-mainly in the valley of the Tagus, but ordered to Salamanca; the Army
of the South-Soult (55,000)-in Andalusia; the Army of the Centre -Joseph
(19,000)-about Madrid.
The siege of Ciudad Rodrigo was calculated in the ordinary course to
require twenty-four days: but on it becoming known that Marmont was moving
northward, the assault was delivered after twelve days only (Jan. 19). The
gallantry of the troops made it successful, though with the loss of Generals
Craufurd and McKinnon, and 1300 men, and Marmont's battering train of 150 guns
here fell into the allied hands. Then, after a feint of passing on into Spain,
Wellington rapidly marched south and, with 22,000 men, laid siege to Badajoz
(March 17, 1812), Hill with 30,000 covering the siege near Merida. Wellington
was hampered by want of time, and had to assault prematurely. Soult and Marmont
having begun to move to relieve the garrison, the assault was delivered on the
night of the 7th of April, and though the assailants failed at the breaches,
the carnage at which was terrible, a very daring escalade of one of the
bastions and of the castle succeeded, and Badajoz fell, Soult's pontoon train
being taken in it. After the assault, some deplorable excesses were committed
by the victorious troops. The allied loss was 3600 in the assault alone and
5000 in the entire siege.
The Allies had now got possession of the two great gates into Spain: and
Hill, by an enterprise most skilfully carried out, destroyed (May 19) the Tagus
bridge at Almaraz, by which Soult to the south of the river chiefly
communicated with Marmont to the north. Wellington then, ostentatiously making
preparations to enter Spain by the Badajoz line, once more turned northward,
crossed the Tormes (June 17, 1812), and advanced to the Douro, behind which the
French were drawn up. Marmont had erected at Salamanca some strong forts, the
reduction of which occupied Wellington ten days, and cost him 600 men. The
Allies and French now faced each other along the Douro to the Pisuerga. The
river was high, and Wellington hoped that want of supplies would compel Marmont
to retire, but in this he was disappointed.
On the 15th of July 1812, Marmont, after a feint against Wellington's
left, suddenly, by a forced march, turned his right, and made rapidly towards
the fords of Huerta and Alba on the Tormes. Some interesting manoeuvres now
took place, Wellington moving parallel and close to Marmont, but more to the
north, making for the fords of Aldea Lengua and Santa Marta on the Tormes
nearer to Salamanca, and being under the belief that the Spaniards held the
castle and ford at Alba on that river. But Marmont's manceuvring and marching
power had been underestimated, and on the 21st of July while Wellington's
position covered Salamanca, and but indirectly his line of communications
through Ciudad Rodrigo, Marmont had reached a point from which he hoped to
interpose between Wellington and Portugal, on the Ciudad Rodrigo road. This he
endeavoured to do on the 22nd of July 1812, which brought on the important
battle of Salamanca (q.v.) in which Wellington gained a decisive
victory, the French falling back to Valladolid and thence to Burgos. Wellington
entered Valladolid (July 30), and thence marched against Joseph, who (July 21)
had reached Blasco Sancho with reinforcements for Marmont. Joseph retired
before him, and Wellington entered Madrid (Aug. 12, 1812), where, in the
Retiro, 1700 men, 180 cannon, two eagles, and a quantity of stores were
captured. Soult now raised the siege of Cadiz (Aug. 26), and evacuating
Andalusia joined Suchet with some 55,000 men. Wellington then brought up Hill
to Madrid.
On the 1st of September 1812, the French armies having begun once more to
collect together, Wellington marched against the Army of the North, now under
General Clausel, and laid siege to the castle of Burgos (Sept. 19) to secure
the road towards Santander on the coast. But the strength of the castle had
been underrated Wellington had insufficient siege equipment and transport for
heavy guns; five assaults failed, and Soult (having left Suchet in Valencia)
and also the Army of Portugal were both approaching, so Wellington withdrew on
the night of the 21st of October, and, directing the evacuation of Madrid,
commenced the " Retreat from Burgos." In this retreat, although
military operations were skilfully conducted, the Allies lost 7000 men, and
discipline, as in that to Corunna, became much relaxed.
By November 1812, Hill having joined him at Salamanca, Wellington once
more had gone into cantonments near Ciudad Rodrigo, and the French armies had
again scattered for convenience of supply. In spite of the failure before
Burgos, the successes of the campaign had been brilliant. In addition to the
decisive victory of Salamanca, Madrid had been occupied, the siege of Cadiz
raised, Andalusia freed, and Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz stormed. Early in
January also the French had abandoned the siege of Tarifa, though Valencia had
surrendered to them (Jan. 9). One important result of the campaign was
that the Spanish Cortes nominated Wellington (Sept.22, 1812) to the unfettered
command of the Spanish armies. For the operations of this campaign Wellington
was created earl, and subsequently marquess of Wellington; duke of Ciudad
Rodrigo by Spain, and marquis of Torres Vedras by Portugal.
Campaign in Spain and the South of France, 1813. At the opening of
1813, Suchet, with 63,000 men, had been left to hold Valencia, Aragon and
Catalonia; and the remainder of the French (about 137,000) occupied Leon, the
central provinces and Biscay, guarding also the communications with France. Of
these about 60,000 under Joseph were more immediately opposed to Wellington,
and posted, in scattered detachments, from Toledo and Madrid behind the Tormes
to the Douro, and along that river to the Esla. Wellington had further
organized the Spanish forces-Castanos (40,000), with the guerrilla bands of
Mina, Longa and others, was in Galicia, the Asturias and northern Spain; Copons
(10,000) in Catalonia; Eho (20,000) in Murcia; Del Parque (12,000) in the
Sierra Morena, and O'Donell (15,000) in Andalusia. More Portuguese troops had
been raised, and reinforcements received from England, so that the Allies,
without the Spaniards above alluded to, now numbered some 75,000 men, and from
near the Coa watched the Douro and Tormes, their line stretching from their
left near Lamego to the pass of Banos, Hill being on the right. The district of
the Tras os-Montes, north of the Douro, about the Tamega, Tua and Sabor, was so
rugged that Wellington was convinced that Joseph would expect him to advance by
the south of the river. He therefore, moving by the south bank himself with
Hill, to confirm Joseph in this expectation, crossed the Tormes near and above
Salamanca, having previously-which was to be the decisive movement-detached
Graham, with 40,000 men, to make his way, through the difficult district above
mentioned, towards Braganza, and then, joining with the Spaniards, to turn
Joseph's right. Graham, crossing the Douro near Lamego, carried out his
laborious march with great energy, and Joseph retired precipitately from the
Douro, behind the Pisuerga. The allied army, raised by the junction of the
Spanish troops in Galicia to 90,000, now concentrated near Toro, and moved to
wards the Pisuerga, when Joseph, blowing up the castle of Burgos, fell back
behind the Ebro. Once more Wellington turned his right, by a sweeping movement
through Rocamunde and Puente Arenas near the source of the Ebro, when he
retreated behind the Zadorra near the town of Vitoria.
Santander was now evacuated by the French, and the allied line of
communications was changed to that port. On the 20th of June Wellington
encamped along the river Bayas, and the next day attacked Joseph. For a
description of the decisive battle of Vitoria (June 21, 1813), see VITORIA. In
it King Joseph met with a crushing defeat, and, after it, the wreck of his
army, cut off from the Vitoria- Bayonne road, escaped towards Pampeluna. Within
a few days Madrid was evacuated, and all the French forces, with the exception
of the garrisons of San Sebastian (3000), Pampeluna (3000), Santona (1500), and
the troops under Suchet holding posts in Catalonia and Valencia, had retired
across the Pyrenees into France. The Spanish peninsula was, to all intents and
purposes, free from foreign domination, although the war was yet far from
concluded. The French struggled gallantly to the close: but now a long
succession of their leaders -Junot, Soult, Victor, Massena, Marmont, Joseph-had
been in turn forced to recoil before Wellington; and while their troops fought
henceforward under the depressing memory of many defeats, the Allies did so
under the inspiriting influence of great successes, and with that absolute
confidence in their chief which doubled their fighting power.
For this decisive campaign, Wellington was made a field marshal in the
British army, and created duke of Victory 1 by the Portuguese government in
Brazil. He now, with about 80,000 men, took up a position with his left (the
Spaniards) on the Bidassoa near San Sebastian. Thence his line stretched along
the Pyrenees by the passes of Vera, Echallar, Maya and Roncesvalles, to
Altobiscar; his immediate object now being to reduce the fortresses of San
Sebastian and Pampeluna. Not having sufficient materiel for two sieges,
he laid siege to San Sebastian only, and blockaded Pampeluna. Sir Thomas Graham
commenced the active siege of San Sebastian on the 10th of July 1813, but as
Soult was approaching to its relief, the assault was ordered for daylight on
the 24th. Unfortunately a conflagration breaking out near the breaches caused
it to be postponed until nightfall, when, the breaches in the interval having
been strengthened, it was delivered unsuccessfully and with heavy loss.
Wellington then suspended the siege in order to meet Soult, who endeavoured
(July 25) to turn the allied right, and reach Pampeluna. Attacking the passes
of Maya and Roncesvalles, he obliged their defenders to retire, after sharp
fighting, to a position close to Sorauren, which, with 25,000 men, he attempted
to carry (July 28). By this time Wellington had reached it from the allied
left; reinforcements were pressing up on both sides, and about 12,000 allied
troops faced the French. A struggle, described by Wellington as bludgeon
work," now ensued, but all efforts to dislodge the Allies having failed,
Soult, withdrawing, manoeuvred to his right towards San Sebastian. Wellington
now assumed the offensive, and, in a series of engagements, drove the French
back (Aug. 2) beyond the Pyrenees. These included Roncesvalles and Maya (July
25); Sorauren (July 28 and 30); Yanzi (Aug. 1); and Echallar and Ivantelly
(Aug. 2), the total losses in them being about-Allies under 7000, French
10,000. After this, Wellington renewing the siege of San Sebastian carried the
place, excepting the castle, after a heavy expenditure of life (Aug.31). Upon
the day of its fall Soult attempted to relieve it, but in the combats of Vera
and St Marcial was repulsed. The castle surrendered on the 9th of September,
the losses in the entire siege having been about- Allies 4000, French 2000.
Wellington next determined to throw his left across the river Bidassoa to
strengthen his own position, and secure the port of Fuenterrabia.
1 Duque da Victoria, often incorrectly duke of Vitoria. The
coincidence of the title with the place-name of the battle which had not yet
been fought when the title was conferred, is curious, but accidental.
Now commenced a series of celebrated river passages, which had to be
effected prior to the further invasion of France. At daylight on the 7th of
October 1813 he crossed the Bidassoa in seven columns, and attacked the entire
French position, which stretched in two heavily entrenched lines from north of
the Irun-Bayonne road, along mountain spurs to the Great Rhune, 2800 ft. high.
The decisive movement was a passage in strength near Fuenterrabia, to the
astonishment of the enemy, who in view of the width of the river and the
shifting sands, had thought the crossing impossible at that point. The French
right was then rolled back, and Soult was unable to reinforce his right in time
to retrieve the day. His works fell in succession after hard fighting, and he
withdrew towards the river Nivelle. The loss was about-Allies, 1600; French,
1400. The passage of the Bidassoa " was a general's not a soldiers' battle
On the 31st of October Pampeluna surrendered, and Wellington was now
anxious to drive Suchet from Catalonia before further invading France. The
British government, however, in the interests of the continental powers, urged
an immediate advance, so on the night of the 9th of November 1813 he brought up
his right from the Pyrenean passes to the northward of Maya and towards the
Nivelle. Soult's army (about 79,000), in three entrenched lines, stretched from
the sea in front of St Jean de Luz along commanding ground to Amotz and thence,
behind the river, to Mont Mondarin near the Nive. Each army had with it about
100 guns; and, during a heavy cannonade, Wellington on the 10th of November
1813 attacked this extended position of 16 m. in five columns, these being so
directed that after carrying Soult's advanced works a mass of about 50,000 men
converged towards the French centre near Amotz, where, after hard fighting, it
swept away the 18,000 of the second line there opposed to it, cutting Soult's
army in two. The French right then fell back to St Jean de Luz, the left
towards points on the Nive. It was now late and the Allies, after moving a few
miles down both banks of the Nivelle, bivouacked, while Soult, taking advantage
of the respite, withdrew in the night to Bayonne. The allied loss was about
2700; that of the French 4000, 51 guns, and all their magazines. The next day
Wellington closed in upon Bayonne from the sea to the left bank of the Nive.
After this there was a period of comparative inaction, though during it
the French were driven fiom the bridges at Urdains and Cambo. The weather had
become bad, and the Nive unfordable; but there were additional and serious
causes of delay. The Portuguese and Spanish authorities were neglecting the
payment and supply of their troops. Wellington had also difficulties of a
similar kind with his own government, and also the Spanish soldiers, in revenge
for many French outrages, had become guilty of grave excesses in France, so
that Wellington took the extreme step of sending 25,000 of them back to Spain
and resigning the command of their army, though his resignation was
subsequently withdrawn. So great was the tension at this crisis that a rupture
with Spain seemed possible. These matters, however, having been at length
adjusted, Wellington, who in his cramped position between the sea and the Nive
could not use his cavalry or artillery effectively, or interfere with the
French supplies coming through St Jean Pied de Port, determined to occupy the
right as well as the left bank of the Nive. He could not pass to that bank with
his whole force while Soult held Bayonne, without exposing his own
communications through Irun. Therefore, on the 9th of December 1813, after
making a demonstration elsewhere, he effected the passage with a portion of his
force only under Hill and Beresford, near Ustaritz and Cambo, his loss being
slight, and Dec. 9, thence pushed down the river towards Villefranque, where
Soult barred his way across the road to Bayonne. The allied army was now
divided into two portions by the Nive; and Soult from Bayonne at once took
advantage of his central position to attack it with all his available force,
first on the left bank and then on the right. On the morning of the 10th of
December he fell, with 60,000 men and 40 guns, upon Hope, who with 30,000 men
and 24 guns held a position from the sea, 3 m. south of Biarritz on a ridge
behind two lakes (or tanks) through Arcangues towards the Nive. Desperate
fighting now ensued, but fortunately, owing to the intersected ground, Soult
was compelled to advance slowly, and in the end, Wellington coming up with
Beresford from the right bank, the French retired baffled. On the 11th and 12th
of December there were engagements of a less severe character, and finally on
the 13th of December Soult with 35,000 men made a vehement attack up the right
bank of the Nive against Hill, who with about 14,000 men occupied some heights
from Villefranque past St Pierre (Lostenia) to Vieux Moguerre. The conflict
about St Pierre (Lostenia) was one of the most bloody of the war; but for hours
Hill maintained his ground, and finally repulsed the French before Wellington,
delayed by his pontoon bridge over the Nive having been swept away, arrived to
his aid. The losses in the four days' fighting in the battles before Bayonne
(or battles of the Nive) were Allies about 5000, French about 7000. Both the
British and Portuguese artillery, as well as infantry, greatly distinguished
themselves in these battles.
In eastern Spain Suchet (April 11, 1813) had defeated Ello's Murcians at
Yecla and Villena, but was subsequently routed by Sir John Murray1
near Castalla (April 13), who then besieged Tarragona. The siege was
abandoned after a time, but was later on renewed by Lord W. Bentinck. Suchet,
after the battle of Vitoria, evacuated Tarragona (Aug.17) but defeated Bentinck
in the combat of Ordal (Sept.13).
1 Commander of a British expedition from the Mediterranean islands.
2 "Gave" in the Pyrenees means a mountain stream or torrent.
Campaign in the South of France, 1814 -When operations recommenced
in February 1814 the French line extended from Bayonne up the north bank of the
Adour to the Pau, thence bending south along the Bidouze to St Palais, with
advanced posts on the Joyeuse and at St Jean Pied de Port. Wellington's left,
under Hope, watched Bayonne, while Beresford, with Hill, observed the Adour and
the Joyeuse, the right trending back till it reached Urcuray on the St Jean
Pied de Port road. Exclusive of the garrison of Bayonne and other places, the
available field force of Soult numbered about 41,000, while that of the Allies,
deducting Hope's force observing Bayonne, was of much the same strength. It had
now become Wellington's object to draw Soult away from Bayonne, in order that
the allied army might, with less loss, cross the Adour and lay siege to the
place on both banks of the river.
At its mouth the Adour was about 500 yds. wide, and its entrance from the
sea by small vessels, except in the finest weather, was a perilous undertaking,
owing to the shifting sands and a dangerous bar. On the other hand, the deep
sandy soil near its banks made the transport of bridging materiel by
land laborious, and almost certain of discovery. Wellington, convinced that no
effort to bridge below Bayonne would be expected, decided to attempt it there,
and collected at St Jean Pied de Port and Passages a large number of country
vessels (termed chasse-marees). Then, leaving Hope with 30,000 men to
watch Bayonne, he began an enveloping movement round Soult's left. Hill on the
14th and 15th of February, after a combat at Garris, drove the French posts
beyond the Joyeuse; and Wellington then pressed these troops back over the
Bidouze and Gave2 de Mauleon to the Gave d'Oleron. Wellington's
object in this was at once attained, for Soult, leaving only 10,000 men in
Bayonne, came out and concentrated at Orthes on the Pau. Then Wellington
(Feb.19) proceeded to St Jean de Luz to superintend the despatch of boats to
the Adour. Unfavourable weather, however, compelled him to leave this to Sir
John Hope and Admiral Penrose, so returning to the Gave d'Oleron he crossed it,
and faced Soult on the Pau (Feb.25). Hope in the meantime, after feints higher
up the Adour, succeeded (Feb. 22 and 23) in passing 600 men across the river in
boats. The nature of the ground, and there being no suspicion of an attempt at
this point,led to the French coming out very tardily to oppose them; and when
they did, some Congreve rockets (then a novelty) threw them into confusion, so
that the right bank was held until, on the morning of the 24th, the flotilla of
chasse-marees appeared from St Jean de Luz, preceded by men- of-war
boats. Several men and vessels were lost in crossing the bar; but by noon on
the 26th of February the bridge of 26 vessels had been thrown and secured;
batteries and a boom placed to protect it, 8000 troops passed over, and the
enemy's gunboats driven up the river. Bayonne was then invested on both banks
as a preliminary to the siege.
On the 27th of February Wellington, having with little loss effected the
passage of the Pau below Orthes, attacked Soult. In this battle the Allies and
French were of about equal strength the former having 48 guns, the latter 40.
Soult held a strong position behind Orthes on heights command mg the roads to
Dax and St Sever. Beresford was directed to turn his right, if possible cutting
him off from Dax, and Hill his left towards the St Sever road. Beresford's
attack, after hard fighting over difficult ground, was repulsed, when
Wellington, perceiving that the pursuing French had left a central part of the
heights unoccupied, thrust up the Light Division into it, between Soult's right
and centre. At the same time Hill, having found a ford above Orthes, was
turning the French left, when Soult retreated just in time to save being cut
off, withdrawing towards St Sever, which he reached on the 28th of February.
The allied loss was about 2000; the French 4000 and 6 guns.
From St Sever Soult turned eastwards to Aire, where he covered the roads
to Bordeaux and Toulouse. Beresford, with 22,000 men, was now sent to Bordeaux,
which opened its gates as promised to the Allies. Driven by Hill from Aire on
the 2nd of March 1814, Soult retired by Vic Bigorre, where there was a combat
(March 19), and Tarbes, where there was a severe action (March 20), to Toulouse
behind the Garonne. He endeavoured also to rouse the French peasantry against
the Allies, but in vain, for Wellington's justice and moderation afforded them
no grievances. Wellington wished to pass the Garonne above Toulouse in order to
attack the city from the south-its weakest side-and interpose between Soult and
Suchet. But finding it impracticable to operate in that direction, he left Hill
on the west side and crossed at Grenade below Toulouse (April 3). When
Beresford, who had now rejoined Wellington, had passed over, the bridge was
swept away, which left him isolated on the right bank. But Soult did not
attack; the bridge (April 8) was restored; Wellington crossed the Garonne and
the Ers, and attacked Soult on the ioth of April. In the battle of Toulouse the
French numbered about 40,000 (exclusive of the local National Guards) with 8o
guns; the Allies under 52,000 with 64 guns. Soult's position to the north and
east of the city was exceedingly strong, consisting of the canal of Languedoc,
some fortified suburbs, and (to the extreme east) the commanding ridge of Mont
Rave, crowned with redoubts and earthworks. Wellington's columns, under
Beresford, were now called upon to make a flank march of some two miles, under
artillery, and occasionally musketry, fire, being threatened also by cavalry,
and then, while the Spanish troops assaulted the north of the ridge, to wheel
up, mount the eastern slope, and carry the works. The Spaniards were repulsed,
but Beresford gallantly took Mont Rave and Soult fell back behind the canal. On
the 12th of April Welling ton advanced to invest Toulouse from the south, but
Soult on the night of the uth had retreated towards Villefranque, and
Wellington then entered the city. The allied loss was about 5000; the French
3000. Thus, in the last great battle of the war, the courage and resolution of
the soldiers of the Peninsular army were conspicuously illustrated.
On the 13th of April 1814 officers arrived with the announce ment to both
armies of the capture of Paris, the abdication of Napoleon, and the practical
conclusion of peace; and on the 18th a convention, which included Suchet's
force, was entered into between Wellington and Soult. Unfortunately, after
Toulouse had fallen, the Allies and French, in a sortie from Bayonne on the
14th of April, each lost about 1000 men: so that some 10,000 men fell after
peace had virtually been made.
In the east, during this year (1814), Sir W. Clinton had, on the 16th of
January, attacked Suchet at Molins de Rey and blockaded Barcelona (Feb. 7); the
French posts of Lerida, Mequinenza and Monzon had also been yielded up, and
Suchet, on the 2nd of March, had crossed the Pyrenees into France. Figueras
surrendered to Cuesta before the end of May; and peace was formally signed at
Paris on the 30th of May.
Thus terminated the long and sanguinary struggle of the Peninsular War.
The British troops were partly sent to England, and partly embarked at Bordeaux
for America, with which country war had broken out (see AMERICAN WAR OF
1812-15): the Portuguese and Spanish recrossed the Pyrenees: the French army
was dispersed throughout France: Louis XVIII. was restored to the French
throne: and Napoleon was permitted to reside in the island of Elba, the
sovereignty of which had been conceded to him by the allied powers. For the
operations of this campaign Wellington was created marquess of Douro and duke
of Wellington, and peerages were conferred upon Beresford, Graham and Hill.
The events of the Peninsular War, especially as narrated in the Wellington
Despatches, are replete with instruction not only for the soldier, but also for
the civil administrator. Even in a brief summary of the war one salient fact is
noticeable, that all Wellington's reverses were in connexion with his sieges,
for which his means were never adequate. In his many battles he was always
victorious, his strategy eminently successful, his organizing and
administrative power exceptionally great, his practical resource unlimited, his
soldiers most courageous; but he never had an army fully complete in its
departments and warlike equipment. He had no adequate corps of sappers and
miners, or transport train. In 1812 tools and material of war for his sieges
were often insufficient. In 1813, when he was before San Sebastian, the
ammunition ran short; a battering train, long demanded, reached him not only
some time after it was needed, but even then with only one day's provision of
shot and shell. For the siege of Burgos heavy guns were available in store on
the coast; but he neither had, nor could procure, the transport to bring them
up. By resource and dogged determination Wellington rose superior to almost
every difficulty, but he could not overcome all; and the main teaching of the
Peninsular War turns upon the value of an army that is completely organized in
its various branches before hostilities break out. (C. W. R.)
AUTHORITIES.-The Wellington Despatches, ad. Gurwood (London,
1834-1839); Supplementary Wellington Des patches (London, 1858- 1861 and
1867-1872); Sir W. Napier, History of War in the Peninsula and South of
France (London, 1828-1840); C. W. C. Oman, History of the Peninsular War
(London, 1902); Sir J. Jones, Journals and Sieges in Spain, 1811-12
(London, 1814); and Account of the War in Spain, Portugal and South of
France, 1808-14 (London, 1821); Sir J. F. Maurice, Diary of Sir John
Moore (London, 1904); Command ant Balagny, Campagne de l'Empereur
Napoleon en Espagne, 1808- 1809 (Paris, 1902); Major-General C. W.
Robinson, Wellington's Campaigns (London, 1907); Sir A. Alison,
History of Europe, '78~ 1815 (London, 1835-1842); T. Choumara,
Considirations militalres sur les mimoires du Marichal Suchel et sur la
lataille de Toulouse (Paris, 1838); Commandant Clere, Campagne du
Marichal Soult dens les Pyrinies occidentales en 1813-14 (Paris, 1894);
Mimoires du Baron Marbol (Paris, 1891; Eng. trans. by A. J. Butler,
London, 1902); H. R. Clinton, The War in the Peninsula, &c. (London,
1889); Marshal Suehet's Mimoires (Paris, 1826; London, 1829); Captain L.
Butler, Wellington's Operations in the Peninsula, 1808-14 (London,
1904); Batty, Campaign of the Left Wing of the Allied Army in the Western
Pyrenees and South of France, 1813-14 (London, 1823); Foy, Histoire de
la guerre de la Pininsule, &c., sous Napolion (Paris and London, 1827);
Lord Londonderry, Narrative of the Peninsular War, 1808-13 (London,
1829); R. Southey, History of the Peninsular War (London, 1823-1832);
Major A. Griffiths, We11ington and Water loo (illustrated; London,
1898); Thiers, Histoire du consulat et de l'empire (Paris, 1845-1847;
and translated by D. F. Campbell, London, 1845); Captaiii A. H. Marindin,
The Salamanca Campaign (London, 1906); Marmont's Memoires (Paris,
1857); Colonel Sir A. S. Frazer, Letters during the Peninsular and Waterloo
Campaign' (ad. by Major-General E. Sabine, London, 1859); Lieut.-Colonel W.
Hill-James, Battles round Biarritz, Nivelle and the Nive (London, 1896);
Battles round Biarritz, Garres and the Bridge of Boats (Edinburgh,
1897); H. B. Robinson, Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir T. Picton
(London, 1835); G. C. Moore-Smith, Autobiography of Lieutenant-General
Sir Harry Smith (London, 1901); Life of John Coltorne (F.-M. Lord
Seaton) (London, 1903); Rev. A. H. Crauford, General Craufurd and his
Light Division (London, 1891); Sir George Larpent, Private Journal of F.
S~ Larpent during the Peninsular War (London, 1853); Major-General H. D.
Hutchinson, Operations in tile Peninsula; 1808-9 (London, 1905); The
Dickson MSS., being Journals of Major-General Sir Alexander Dickson during the
Peninsular War (Woolwich, 1907).