The sign gives an indication of
the major divisions of the exhibits. There are several halls devoted to Chinese
military history since Neolithic times, Another hall is full of modern weapons,
The "Hall of Presents' is a rather unique one, displaying some 500
ceremonial gifts given to Chinese officials by personages from countries around
the world. Many of the exhibits are behind glass which resulted in distracting
reflections, but I have done the best I could to reduce these. The museum is on
the north side of Fuxing Road a mile or two west of the Forbidden City. The
museum was opened to the public on August 1, 1960 and was renovated for a new
opening In February of 2004. The building has a central section, 7 stories high
and two wings each with four stories. The museum comprises 60,000 square
meters. In the eastern wing are three floors - first on the Second
Revolutionary Civil War of 1927-37; second on the War of Resistance Against
Japan 1937-45; and third on the Third Revolutionary Civil War 1945-49. I did
not have time to photo the exhibibits in these halls. They show the 28 years
from the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 to the creation of the
People's Republic of China in 1949. There are over 5,000 exhibits in these
three halls. The western wing contains the military history of
pre-revolutionary China. On the first floor directly behind the entrance lobby
are the larger pieces of modern military equipment - tanks, artillery pieces,
some aircraft and larger missles. There is a small gift shop with military
models in various price ranges. The exhibits are well displayed with extensive
captions and descriptions in Chinese.
The front facade and entrance to
the very impressive Chinese military museum in Beijing.
Another view of the imposing
entrance to the Chinese military museum
Statue in the entrance courtyard
of the Chinese military museum - depicting the unity of the Chinese
revolutionary military with the people.
Chinese patrol boat in the
museum courtyard.
Large cannon barrels in the
museum courtyard.
Large mobile rocket in the
museum courtyard.
Large mural in the museum
entrance hall - depicting the 'route march' of the Communist army in the
Large back lit mural in the
museum entrance hall - depicting the three Chinese military services.
This quotation is placed on a
large block at the entrance to the first hall - that describes Chinese military
history since prehistoric times, showing dynasty by dynasty the almost
continual struggle of the ruling government against internal and external
This large painting depicts the
struggles of prehistoric Chinese during Neolithic era.
This diorama with figures shows
the development of Chinese hunting culture during late stone age.
As the caption and description
indicate, this wall depicts the early wars of primitive Chinese tribes at the
outset of the Bronze Age.
This wall display is focused on
the expansion of the first 'unified' Chinese polity - the Quin state that was
founded by the first emperor. The green section of the map shows the area of
this polity and the yellow shows the rest of areas controlled by China. The
small diagram with arrows shows campaigns. There are fewer actual artifacts
from this early in Chinese history, but a few are shown along with photos of
archeological sites.
This display of the famous
"Terracotta army' of the first Quin Emperor is in the military museum. The
glass case and low lighting prevents good photography. So we will set a link to
the photography we made at the actual site of this underground army near Xi'an.
Please see the directory section on Xi'an.
This central display behind
glass is of the terracotta soldiers of the Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi - found in
their original underground formation near the ancient capital Xi'an. They
proved very difficult to photograph here. But I have photos of the soldiers
remaining in the original site plus many modern replicas.
The bronze chariot with driver
and horses from the underground army of Emperor Qin Shi Hungdi
The bronze chariot with driver
and horses from the underground army of Emperor Qin Shi Hungdi
The bronze chariot with driver
and horses from the underground army of Emperor Qin Shi Hungdi
Map depicting the campaigns of
the first Chinese emperor while unifying the relm circa 221 BC.
This central display behind
glass is of the terracotta soldiers of the Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi - found in
their original underground formation near the ancient capital Xi'an. They
proved very difficult to photograph here. But I have photos of the soldiers
remaining in the original site plus many modern replicas.
Display showing the Quin war
with the Xiangnu - map plus photos of archeological sites and a rare body
Close up view of reproduction of
the standard body armor of Quin China
Display of photos and artifacts
from War of Western Han versus Xiangnu - China
Model of ship showing cutout of
interior - Han Dynasty tower ship - 206 BC to 220 AD
Another reproduction of ancient
Chinese body armor Han Dynasty
Another reproduction of ancient
Chinese body armor - Han Dynasty
Han Dynasty swords
The Wars of the Three Kingdoms -
Unification by Western Jin Dynasty - 197 - 207 - map, photos of archeology
sites and tables.
Models - toys? - of Western Jin
warriors - found at archeological sites.
Model of a battleship from
period of the Wars of Northern and Southern Dynasties. - after 220 AD
Wars of the Northern and
Southern Dynasties. - models
Another model of a battleship -
Sui Dynasty?
Map of the campaigns of the
Peasant Uprising at end of the Sui Dynasty - 616-618 AD
Diorama model of soldiers and
marchants passing through a gate in the Great Wall - around 618 AD
Detail of life size Tang warrior
in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Detail of life size Tang warrior
in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Section of the life size Tang
warrior in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Section of the life size Tang
warrior in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Section of the life size Tang
warrior in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Section of the life size Tang
warrior in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Section of the life size Tang
warrior in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Section of the life size Tang
warrior in cavalry diorama. (618 906 AD)
Tang Dynasty artifacts
A model of a Tang cavalryman and
armored horse of Tang Dynasty from the tomb of Crown Prince Li Chongrun
Map and painting and
geneological table for period of the Wars for consolidation of the early Tang
Dynasty - 629-69 AD. These are campaigns to the west against Turkish tribes in
Central Asia. During the Tang Dynasty rule Xi'an became the gateway for
extensive trade across Central Asia to Persia and the West.
Wall display of the War against
local separatists during Middle Tang Dynasty - campaign map - photos.
Wall display - map, painting,
photos of locations - peasant uprising during Tang Dynasty
Wall display - War among the
separatists during late Zhou Dynasty - reunification - campaign map, painting,
geneology - artifacts.
Large painting of Warrior of
Zhou or Song Dynasties - .
Painting and diorama depicting
Chinese army crossing river on floating bridge. - Northern Song vs Liao and
Room full of displays of
medieval - Song - siege weapons. 960 - 1279
Medieval siege engines - Song
Medieval siege engines
Medieval siege engines
Medieval siege engines - shown
against a fortress wall and gate
Medieval siege engines
Medieval siege engines -
Medieval siege engines -
Medieval siege engines - defense
of a wall and gate-
Medieval siege engines - defense
of a wall and gate-
Display of grenades - bombs.
Another Song Dynasty weapon -
oil fire spray device
Giant cross bow - 3 bows in one
- Song Dynasty - 960 - 1279
Song Dynasty large cross bow
Song Dynasty siege engine.
Diorama of mountain fortress in
Diorama of mountain fortress in
Diorama of mountain fortress in
Large painting of uprising of
the "red jewel' army during Yuan Dynasty
Painting of part of the Great
Painting of part of the Great
Large painting of Cavalry
attacking into city
Body armor of a Japanese pirate
Qing and Manchu Dynasty swords
in scabards - evidently found in ground and well oxodized - rusted - 1640 -
Portrait of emperor
Portrait of general - Yuan Chang
Ming Dynasty fire shield
Hin cavalry man
Hin cavalry man
Chinese cross bow and bolts
Large painting of Chinese
combined arms attack - infantrry, cavalry and chariots
Campaign map and text books on
military theory
Three large cannon - model of
ship and manikins in Qing Dynasty uniforms
Rear side of a multiple rocket
launcher - 32 rocket weapon.
Rear side of a multiple rocket
launcher - 32 rocket weapon.
Qing swords and scabards. - 1644
- 1911
Qing recurved bow and arrows.
Qing swords
Early cannon
Early cannon for Ming Emperor -
Dragon rocket and other rocket
Dragon rocket and other rocket
Dragon rocket and other rocket
Dragon rocket and other rocket
Ming cannon 1505
Qing swords and firelock
A 1: 6 scale model of the
suthern sea Dafu navy - Ming ship.
A 1: 6 scale model of the
suthern sea Dafu navy - Ming ship. Admiral Zheng Cheng famous cruises
A 1: 6 scale model of the
suthern sea Dafu navy - Ming ship. Admiral Zheng Cheng famous cruises
Small model of the Southern Sea
Ming navy ship.
Qing war chariot
Qing war chariot
Qing war chariot
Qing war chariot
Qing war chariot
Qing war chariot
Qing war chariot
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
Yellow Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard
Inlaid Blue Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard
Inlaid Red Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
Red Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
White Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard
Inlaid White Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
Yellow Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard
Inlaid Blue Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty
Imperial guard Inlaid Red Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
Yellow Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard
Inlaid Yellow Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
Blue Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard
Inlaid White Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty Imperial guard Pure
White Banner regiment uniform
Qing Dynasty small cannon
Qing Dynasty large bore cannon -
Qing Dynasty large bore cannon -
named "General power of effecting far away"
Large portrait painting -
General Wei Yuan - 1690
Qing Dynasty galley
Early model firearms
Qing Dynasty - iron cannon used
against British.
Qing Dynasty - iron cannon used
against British. - photo using flash
Wall Display about the First
Opium War - 1840 - 42 in which the British forced China to import opium - ended
with Treaty of Nanjing that the Chinese never forgotten..
Wall display behind glass
showing campaigns of the First Opium War.
Qing Dynasty sailing ship -
Qing Dynasty iron cannon from
period of the Opium Wars.
Qing Dynasty large cannon
Replaca of columns from abode in
Yuan Ming garden burnt by British invaders during Opium Wars.
Primitive fire arms used against
British during Opium wars.
Wall display with weapons and
costumes during Taiping Rebellion.
Wall display - map of campaigns
in 1850's
Wall Display - Second Opium War.
Bronze cannon from Second Opium
Wall display - campaign map and
weapons from Taiping rebellion era
Swords from mid-19th century -
shows rust deterioration of iron when in ground
Swivel gun - Emperor Guang Xu
Qing Dynasty
Swivel gun - Emperor Guang Xu
Qing Dynasty
Steel rifled gun - Jcangnan
general arsenal 1898
Diorama of walls of Taiping army
Diorama of walls of Taiping army
Sword, pistols and pike ends of
Nan Army
Painting of campaign in war to
recover Xinjiang
War to recover Xinjiang -
1876-78 - campaign map
Uniforms from the Sino-French
war over IndoChina - 1884
Modern rifles and pistols used
in last half of 19th century wars including Sino-Japanese War
Uniform of Ding Ruchang
commander of North Sea Fleet during Qing Dynasty.
Wall painting of naval battle
and model of warship - flagship of Ding quin - anchor of Zhen Yuan warship from
Sino Japanese war of 1894
Campaign map from 1900-1901 -
war against the 8 allied forces.
Cannon from the campaigns of
1900 era.
Cannon from the campaigns of
1900 era.
Late Qing Dynasty swords.
Large swords used during the
Boxer Rebellion.
Long barrel gun - used during
the Revolution of 1911
Manikin of soldier during the
Revolution of 1911
Bust of Sun Yatsen - founder of
modern Chinese republic.
Wall display including a
campaign map from the Revolution of 1911
75 mm mountain gun circa 1911
American Gattling Gun in use in
China in Revolutionary war circa 1911
American Gattling Gun in use in
China in Revolutionary war circa 1911
American Gattling Gun in use in
China in Revolutionary war circa 1911
Foreign Exchange and Friendship
Hall - View from entrance doorway into the remarkable hall containing 500
hundred out of thousands of official gifts received by Chinese military and
state delegations to 160 foreign countries and from foreign military official
visitors to China. The displays are behind glass and there is a great deal of
reflection. The displays are arranged in circular fashion around the room and
are transparent, so frequently one sees displays from the other side in the
background of the photos.
Bronze plaque from Zamboana
military delegation to Marshal Xu Xiangqiun
Rug from Tuman in 1984 from
Prime minister to Deng Xia Ping.
Urn presented in 1960 from
Mayanese Prime Minister to Marshal Zhu Du
Model tank presented by North
Korea to Defense Minister in 1982
Model tank presented by North
Korea to Defense Minister in 1982
Musical instrument presented in
1995 to Marshal Zhu De - note the globe in the background and the display
cabinets on far side of the room.
Ivory ship with figures
presented in 1957 by Mayanmar to Chinese Military Delegation. - unfortunately I
am reflected in the background
Ceremonial swords presented by
Ceremonial swords presented by
Gold plated sub-machine gun from
Urn presented in 1957 by
Myanmese minister to Marshal Xe Jian Qing.
Model of sampan -galley
presented by South Korea.
Model of a Thai royal barge
presented in 1981 to Ye Fei.
Lion with huge horns presented
in 1980 by Japan.
A plaque of the United States
Mililtary academy with crest presented in 1989 to General Zhang ai Ping the
Minister of Defense from The US Army staff College.
A U. S. Military Academy cadet
shako presented in 1986 by General Shalikashvili to GEneral Chi Haotian,
Minister of Defense, People's Republic of China.
Italian military miniature
figures presented in 1989 to Ding Hengoo
Russian Swords of the Baltic
U. S. Army sword presented in
1998 by the Secretary of Defense to Gen Chi Haotian.
Gold plated model tank presented
in 1958 by Group of Soviet Forces, Germany
Vase presented by the Czech
Ceremonial horn presented by
Poland in 1958
The huge globe standing at the
center of the hall. The pigeons are symbols of peace and Friendship
Chinese fighter aircraft in
central hall on first floor.
Central display with soldier,
sailor and airman above exhibits of models - part of a rocket and several tanks
visible in background.
Chinese tanks on display in
central hall.
Tanks in museum
central hall.
Tanks in museum central hall.
Chinese armored vehicle -
personel carriers in main hall.
Multiple rocket launchers - one
on tracked vehicle and one on truck
Space capsule and rockets.
Truck mounted multiple rocket
launcher and surface to surface rocket.
Surface to surface and surface
to air rockets.
Anti-air rocket
Anti-aircraft missile mounted on
4 wheel carriage similar to an anti-aircraft gun .
Twin barrel anti-aircraft gun
(mounted in naval mount) with aircraft in background.
View of galleries on upper
floors plus anti-aircraft gun and fighter aircraft.
Surface to surface rocket
Recoil-less rifle mounted in
small truck.
Towed multiple rocket launcher
similar to German WWII models.
Towed multiple rocket launcher
similar to German WWII models.
Recoil-less rifles on tripods.
Assorted field artillery - small
bore cannon - WWII and before.
Assorted wheel mounted artillery
- anti-aircraft pieces.
Assorted field artillery
including mountan guns and pack artillery and anti-tank cannon.
A Japanese twin- barrel
anti-aircraft gun and a larger caliber cannon (naval mount?)
Medium tank with Chinese
children climbing on top.
Soviet medium tank
Row of tanks from various
countries including the United States.
Twin-barrel anti-aircraft gun in
naval mount.
Tanks from several countries
including the United States.
Light tanks - U. S. models.
American medium tank
American self-propelled
artillery piece.
Japanese light tank
Several small field artillery
pieces and one large fixed emplacement cannon.
Row of small field artillery
World War II light tank.
Chinese "exploitr' light
Medium tank
Another tank - one rather the
worse for wear.
Row of field artillery pieces.
Another field artillery piece
that appears to have seen considerable service.
Another row - larger field
artillery pieces.
More larger caliber field
artillery pieces.
More larger caliber field
artillery pieces.
More larger caliber field
artillery pieces.
Chinese and other mountain guns
and field artillery pieces.
A U. S. 75mm mountain gun and
other artillery pieces.
Large caliber anti-aircraft gun
Row of mortars.
Field artillery piece.
Field artillery piece.
Another view of the tank row
Diorama with actual Chinese tank
shown in city fighting.
Diorama with actual Chinese tank
shown in city fighting.
Large sculpture of Chinese
revolutionary war fighters in museum corridor.