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Monday - 28 May - birthday - Up at 0600 to dress for breakfast - Bags as usual outside the room. We depart for the airport at 0900. The daytime drive over the magnificent super highways to the new airport reveals miles and miles of docks and shipping terminals. There are thousands of the standard metal containers stacked everywhere. The highway passes out of the harbor area and beside high hills covered with trees. Some day all this will be filled in with urban development. One may not realize until visiting Hong Kong that the whole former colony area has very extensive rural land in forests and mountains. The airport is the most amazing yet. It is simply huge, all modern in glass and steel or aluminum. Now we have to check in our own bags. Kelly remains with us until the last minute. Then we board United for the return flight to Washington DC with change in Chicago. What a let down. Neither of those American airports is even in the same class with those we passed through in China. So we make it home in good order and eager to embark on another Vantage travel company tour.


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