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This page is a selection of photos Aurel Stein made at Rawak and published in his report - Ancient Khotan.

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Another report was published as Serindia

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Ancient KhotanVol II xxxl - Plan of ruined Vihara, Rawak - another of the sensational discoveries that Stein found. Note the roman numerals along the southern outer wall. These correspond to the figures in the photographs above - Vol II XVI a, b ,c, d. They were too fragile and large for him to take so he recovered them in sand - but subsequent explorers ruined some, thus his photos are all that remain.

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Ancient Khotan 59 - Ruined stupa of Rawak, seen from south part of court - Discovery of this remarkable Buddhist shrine in the desert was one of the most spectacular of Stein's accomplishments. The location is still a special site with local guard.

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Ancient Khotan 60 - Ruined stupa of Rawak with south courner of courst, seen from east at commencement of ecavation

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Ancient Khotan 61 - Relief sculptures, R. i - T. v, on inner south-west wall, Rawak stupa court.

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Ancient Khotan 62 - Relief sculptures, R. viii - R. xii, on inner south-west wall, Rawak stupa court

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Ancient Khotan 63 - Statue of seated Buddha, R. xi, Between colossal reliefs, in inner south corner, Rawak stupa court

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Ancient Khotan 64 - Colossal statue, R.xiii, with relief halo, in inner court south corner, Rawak stupa court

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Ancient Khotan 66 - Colossal statues, R. lxvi - lxxiv, on outer walls of south corner, Rawak stupa court, with remains of outer passage in foreground

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Ancient Khotan 67 - Relief sculptures R. xxviii, xxix, with Dvarapalas on right, at gate of Rawak stupa court

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Ancient Khotan 68 - Relief sculptures, R lvi - lxi, on outer south-east wall, Rawak stupa court

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Ancient Khotan 69 - Relief statues, Ri-iv, on inner south-east wall, Rawak stupa court - Here Stein's labor team are attempting to prevent the statues from crumbling and falling while he can take photos. To preserve them, Stein had them covered with sand.


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