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Serindia |
Innermostasia |
Number |
Name |
Location |
Comparison to Innermostasia |
Number |
Name |
Location |
Comparison with Serindia |
1 | Turug-art Dawan | 75-76E - 40-41N | Lower right quarter of 1 | 1 | Turug-art, Terek-Dawan | 74-76 East 40-42 North |
Includes one degree longitude further west and one degree latitude further north not included previously in Serindia 1 which is lower right quarter | ||
2 | Kashgar | 75-76E 39-40N | Upper right quarter of 2 | 2 | Kashgar, Muztagh-ata | 74-76 E- 38-40 N | Includes one degree longitude further west of Serindia 2 and3, which are in right half | ||
3 | Kara-tash River | 75-76E - 38-39N | Lower right quarter of 2 | ||||||
4 | Tash-Kurgan River | 75-76E - 37-38N | Upper right quarter of 3 | 3 | Sarikol | 74-76 E- 36-38 N | Includes a degree west and south of Serindia 4, which is in upper right quadrant. | ||
5 | Terek Dawan | 76-77 E - 40-41N | Lower left quarter of 4 | 4 | Yai-dobe | 76-78 E- 40-42 N | Includes Serindia 5 and 9 - lower left and right quadrants - plus a degree of latitude north | ||
6 | Khan-arik | 76-77E - 39-40N | Upper left quarter of 5 | 5 | Yangi-hissar, Yarkand | 76-78 E- 38-40 N | Includes Serindia 6, 7, 10, 11 in the 4 quadrants | ||
7 | Yangi Hissar | 76-77 E - 38-39N | Lower left quarter of 5 | ||||||
8 | Tiznaf River | 76-77E - 37-38N - | Upper left quarter of 6 | 6 | Karghalik, Killian | 76-79 E- 36-38 N | Includes Serindia 8, 12, 13 plus more in SW quadrant | ||
9 | Oi-bulak | 77-78E - 40-41N | Lower right quarter of 4 | ||||||
10 | Abad | 77-78E - 39-40N | Upper right quarter of 5 | ||||||
11 | Yarkand | 77-78E - 38-39N | Lower right quarter of 5 | ||||||
12 | Karghalik | 77-78E - 37-38N | Upper right quarter of 6 | ||||||
13 | Sarigant | 77-78E - 36-37N | Lower right quarter of 6 | ||||||
14 | Kelpin | 78-79E - 40-41N | Lower left quarter of 7 | 7 | Ak-su, Uch-turfan, Kelpin | 78-80 E- 40-42 N | Includes Serindia 14 and 19 with two more quadrants | ||
15 | Maral-bashi | 78-79E - 39-40N | Upper left quarter of 8 | 8 | Maral-bashi | 78-80 E - 38-40 N | Includes Serindia 15 in upper left quadrant with remaining three empty | ||
16 | Sanju | 78-79E - 37-38N | Upper left quarter of 9 | 9 | Khotan, Sanju | 78-80 E 36-38 N | Includes Serindia 16, 17, 20, 21 in the 4 quadrants | ||
17 | Shah i dulla | 78-79E 36-37N | Lower left quarter of 9 | ||||||
18 | Karakorum pass | 77-78E - 35-36N | Upper left quarter of 10 | 10 | Kara-koram, Khitai-Dawan | 77-80 E - 34-36 N | Includes Serindia 18 and 22 and more to the south | ||
19 | Uch-Turfan | 79-80E - 41-42N | Upper right quarter of 7 | ||||||
20 | Khotan | 79-80E - 37-38N | Upper right quarter of 9 | ||||||
21 | Nissa | 79-80E - 36-37N | Lower right quarter of 9 | ||||||
22 | Khitai Dawan | 79-80 E - 35-36N | Upper right quarter of 10 | ||||||
11 | Muz-art | 80-82 E - 42-44 N | Entire area is north of Serindia 23 | ||||||
23 | Ak-su | 80-81 E - 41-42 N | Upper left quarter of 12 | 12 | Kara-yulghum, Bai | 80-82 E - 40-42 N | Includes Serindia 23 and 24 in west half | ||
24 | Ak-su Yarkand River | 80-81E - 40-41N | Lower left quarter of 12 | ||||||
25 | Mazar Tagh | 80-81E - 38-39N | Upper left quarter of 13 | 13 | Mazar-tagh, Kara-dong | 80-82 E - 38-40 N | Includes Serindia 25, 26, 30 - plus the northeast quadrant | ||
26 | Khotan River | 80-81E - 39-40N | Lower left quarter of 13 | ||||||
27 | Sampula | 80-81 E - 38-39N | Upper left quarter of 14 | 14 | Sampula, Chira, Keriya | 80-82 E - 36-38 N | Contains Serindia 27, 28, 31, 32 in the 4 quadrants | ||
28 | Chakar | 80-81E - 36-37N | Lower left quarter of 14 | ||||||
29 | Zailik | 80-81 E - 34 degree 40' to 36 degree N | Upper left quarter of 15 | 15 | Yurung-kash, and Keriya River sources | 80-82 E - 34-36 N | Includes Serindia 29 and 33 plus another degree latitude to south, but that is mostly empty on the map | ||
30 | Kara Dong | 81-82 E - 38-39 N | Lower right quarter of 13 | ||||||
31 | Domoko | 81-82 E - 37-38 N | Upper right quarter of 14 | ||||||
16 | Kere-bazar (Bai) | 82-84 E - 42-44 N | Contains no Serindia maps - The entire map sheet is north of Serindia 34 and 39 | ||||||
32 | Keriya | 81-82 E - 36-37 N | Lower right quarter of 14 | ||||||
33 | Yurung-Kash source | 81-82 E - 35-36 N | Upper right quarter of 15 | ||||||
34 | Kuchar | 82-83 E 41-42 N | Upper left quarter of 17 | 17 | Kucha | 82-24 E - 49-42 N | Includes Serindia 35, 35 and 39 plus south east quadrant | ||
35 | Desert south of Shahyar | 82-83 E - 40-41 N | Lower left quarter of 17 | ||||||
36 | Delta of Keriya River | 82-83 E - 39-40 N | Upper left quarter of 18 | 18 | Keriya River end | 82-84 E - 38-40 N | Includes Serindia 36 in northwest quadrant - the remainder is desert except a small part of sheet 37 (Niya ruin) along southern edge | ||
37 | Niya | 82-83 E - 37-38 N , plus a little | Upper left quarter of 19 | 19 | Niya | 82-84 E - 36-38 N | Contains Serindia 37,38, 40, 41 in the 4 quadrants | ||
38 | Surghak | 82-83 E - 36-37 N | Lower left quarter of 19 | ||||||
39 | Inchike River | 83-83 E - 41-42 N | Upper right quarter of 17 | ||||||
40 | Endere | 83-84 E - 37-38 N | Upper right quarter of 19 | ||||||
41 | Kara Sai | 83-84 E - 36-37 N | Lower right quarter of 19 | ||||||
42 | Bugur | 84-85 E - 41-42 N | Upper left quarter of 21 | ||||||
43 | Kapa | 84-85 E - 36d 40' - 38N | Upper left quarter of 23 | 23 | 84-86 E - 36-38 N | 84-86 E - 36-38 N | Contains Serindia 42 and 47 plus some areas south of both into higher mountains | ||
44 | Kara Shahr River | 85-86 E - 42-43 N | Lower right quarter of 20 | 20 | Kara-dawan, Kara-shahr R | 84-86 E - 42-44 N | Contains Serindia 44 in south-east quadrant plus part of Lal Singh's survey north of Serindia 42 | ||
45 | Kinche River | 85-86 E- 41-42 N | Upper right quarter of 21 | 21 | Bugur, Korla | 84-86 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia 42 and 45 in northern half - south is empty desert | ||
46 | Charchan | 85-86 E - 38-39 N | Lower right quarter of 22 | 22 | Charchan | 84-86 E - 38-40 N | Contains Serindia 46 in south-east quadrant - rest is desert | ||
47 | Achchan | 85-86 E - 37-38 N | Upper right quarter of 23 | 23 | Kapa, Achchan | 84-86 E - 36-38 N | Contains Serindia 42 and 47 plus some areas south of both into higher mountains | ||
48 | Kara Shahr | 86-87 E - 41-42 N | Lower left quarter of 24 | 24 | Kara-shahr | 86-88 E - 42-44 N | Contains Serindia 48 and 51 plus areas north of both | ||
49 | Korla | 86-87 E - 41-42 N | Upper left quarter of 25 | 25 | Konche-darya | 86-88 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia 49 and 52 in northern quadrants - southern 2 quadrants have no Serindia material but may have some new survey | ||
50 | Charchan River | 86-87 E - 38-39 N | Lower left quarter of 26 | 26 | Vash-shahri | 86-88 E - 38-40 N | Contains Serindia 50 and 53 in two southern quadrants - northern two have none but may have some new survey results | ||
51 | Ushak Tal | 87-88 E - 42-43N | Lower right quarter of 24 | 27 | Khadalik | 86-88 E - 36-38 N | This does not contain any full sheets from Serindia - but the northwest corner has small pieces of sheets 47 and 50 that actually exceed the standard size of those maps. | ||
52 | Altun Dawan | 87-88 E - 41-42 N | Upper right quarter of 25 | ||||||
53 | Vash-Shahri | 87-88 E - 38-39 N | Lower right quarter of 26 | ||||||
54 | Toksun | 88-89 E - 42-43 N | Lower left quarter of 28 | 28 | Turfan | 88-90 E - 42-44 N | Contains Serindia sheets 54, 58 and 59 plus upper northwest quadrant | ||
55 | Singer | 88-89 E - 412-42 N | Upper left quarter of 29 | 29 | Singer, Lou-lan | 88-90 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia sheets 55, 56 and 60 with northeast quadrant extra survey | ||
56 | Merdelk kol | 88-89 E - 40-41 N | Lower left quarter of 29 | ||||||
57 | Charklik | 88-89 E - 38 d.45' to 40 N | Upper left quarter of 30 | 30 | Lop-nor | 88-90 N - 38-40 E | Contains Serindia sheets 57 and 61 plus some areas south of these | ||
58 | Ortang-Aghzi | 89-90 E 43-33 N | Upper right quarter of 28 | ||||||
59 | Turfan | 89-90 E - 42-43 N | Lower right quarter of28 | 28 | Turfan | 88-90 E - 42-44 N | Contains Serindia sheets 54, 58 and 59 plus upper northwest quadrant | ||
60 | Lou-lan | 89-90 E - 40-41 N | Lower right quarter of 29 | 29 | Singer, Lou-lan | 88-90 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia sheets 55, 56 and 60 with northeast quadrant extra survey | ||
61 | Lop-nor | 89-90 E - 39-40 N | Upper right quarter of 30 | 30 | Lop-nor | 88-90 N - 38-40 E | Contains Serindia sheets 57 and 61 plus some areas south of these | ||
62 | Chik tam | 90-91 E - 43-44 N | Upper left quarter of 31 | 31 | Pichan, Chik-tam | 90-92 E - 42-44 N | Contains Serindia sheets 62, 63, and 66 plus lower - south east quadrant | ||
63 | Pichan | 90-91 E - 42-43 N | Lower left quarter of 31 | ||||||
64 | Lowaza | 90-91 E 39-40 N | Upper left quarter of 33 | 33 | Lowaza, Bash-kurghan | 90-92 E -38-40 N | Contains Serindia sheets 64, 65 and 68 plus south east quadrant | ||
65 | Bash-kurghan | 90-91 E - 38-39 N | Lower left quarter of 33 | ||||||
66 | Chi--ku-ching | 91-92 E - 43-45 N | Upper right quarter of 31 | ||||||
67 | Achchik-Kuduk | 91-92 EW - 40-41 N | Lower right quarter of 32 | 32 | Ancient Lop Lake Bed | 90-92 E - 40-42 N | Contains only Serindia sheet 67 in lower south east quadrant - plus extensive new survey in the other three quadrants. | ||
68 | Panja | 91-92 E 39-40 N | Upper right quarter of 33 | ||||||
69 | Kara- dobe | 92-93 E - 43-44 N | Upper left quarter of 34 | 34 | Barkul, Hami | 92-94 E - 42-44 N | Contains Serindia sheets 69, 72, 73 plus south west quadrant | ||
70 | Besh-Toghrak | 92-93 E - 40-41 N | Lower left quarter of 35 | 35 | Su-lo Ho Delta | 92-94 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia sheets 70 and 74 in southern half plus some survey work north | ||
71 | Elgban-Bulak | 92-93 E - 39-40 N | Upper left quarter of 36 | 36 | Khanambal (Amambar) | 92-94 E - 38-40 N | Contains Serindia sheets 71 and 75 plus some survey into southern half | ||
72 | Bar-kul Dawan | 93-94 E - 43-44 N | Upper right quarter of 34 | ||||||
73 | Kumul | 93-94 E - 42-43 N | Lower right quarter of 34 | ||||||
74 | Toghrak-bulak | 93-94 E - 40-41 N | Lower right quarter of 35 | ||||||
75 | Khan-Ambal | 93-94 E - 39-40 N | Upper right quarter of 36 | ||||||
76 | Khotum-Tam | 94-95 E - 42-43 N | Lower left quarter of 37 | 37 | Karlik-tagh | 94-96 E - 42-44 N | Only one Serindia map sheet is in this - 76 - which is the southwestern quadrant - In the SW corner the route between An-hsi and Hami crosses. In the center from SE to NW is Stein's route between Mao-nei and Barkul across the desert hills and the Kuruk Tagh with peaks to 14,000. During the third expedition Stein surveyed one route while Lal Singh surveyed a parallel route to Bai. | ||
77 | Sha-chuan-Tzu | 94-95 E - 41-42 N | Upper left quarter of 38 | 38 | Tun -huang, An-hsi | 94-96 E - 40-42 N | Contains four important Serindia map sheets - 77, 78, 80, 81 - including Tun Huang - Han wall, An-hsi | ||
78 | Tun-huang | 94-95 E - 40-41 N | Lower left quarter of 38 | ||||||
79 | Nan-hu | 94-95 W - 39-40 N | Upper left quarter of 39 | 39 | Nan-hu | 94-96 E - 38-40 N | Contains two Serindia map sheets - 79 and 82 in northern half - and only the northwest corner of 79around Nan-hu was actually surveyed. | ||
80 | Ma-lien-ching-tzu | 95-96 E 41-42N | Upper right quarter of 38 | ||||||
81 | An-hsi | 95-96 E - 40-41 N | Lower right quarter of 38 | ||||||
82 | Kashkar pass | 95-96 E -39-40N | Upper right quarter of 39 | ||||||
83 | Ch'-iao-tzu | 96-97 E - 40-41 N | Lower left quarter of 40 | 40 | Yu-men-hsien | 96-98 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia map sheets 83 and 85 in its southern half - most of the north was unserveyed - shows the Su-lo Ho and much of the Han wall | ||
84 | Ch'ang-ma | 96-97 E - 39-40 N | Upper left quarter of 41 | 41 | Ch'ang-ma | 96-98 E - 38-40 N | Contains Serindia map sheets 84, 86 and 87 with southwest quadrant not included in 2nd expedition. | ||
85 | Yu-men Hsien | 97-98 E - 40-41 N | Lower right quarter of 40 | ||||||
86 | T'u'-ta-fan | 97-98 E - 39-40 N | Upper right quarter of 41 | ||||||
87 | Suess Range | 97-98 E - 38-39 N | Lower right quarter of 41 | ||||||
88 | Su-chou | 98-99 E - 39-40 N | Upper left quarter of 43 | 43 | Su-chou | 98-100 E - 38-40 N | Contains Serindia map sheets 88, 89, 91, 92 - The four quadrants include Stein's surveys in the Nan Shan and routes between Kan-chou and Su-chou | ||
89 | Su-lo Ho sources | 98-99 E - 38-39 N | Lower left quarter of 43 | ||||||
90 | Chin-t'a | 99-100 E 40-41 N | Lower right quarter of 42 | 42 | Chin-t'a | 98-100 E - 40-42 N | Contains Serindia map sheet 90 of which only the southern part is surveyed, plus the area west - between 90 and 85 which Stein crossed in the 3rd exposition - includes Mao-mai and rivers. | ||
91 | Ma-Yang | 99-100 E - 39-40 N | Upper right quarter of 43 | ||||||
92 | T'o-Lai-Shan | 99-100 E - 38-39 N | Lower right quarter of 43 | ||||||
93 | Sha-Ho Kou | 100-101 E 39-40 N | Upper right quarter of 46 | 46 | Kan-chou | 100-102 E - 37-40 N | Contains Serindia map sheets 93 and 94 in western half | ||
94 | Kan-chou | 100-101 E 38-39 N | Lower right quarter of 46 | ||||||
44 | Etsin-gol Delta | 100-102 E - 42-44 N | Contains no Serindia maps - the entire area along the Etsin-gol was surveyed during the 3rd expedition - | ||||||
45 | Etsin-gol | 100-102 E - 40-42 N | Contains no Serindia maps - the entire area along the Etsin-gol was surveyed during the3rd expedition - it is east of Serindia 90 and north of Serindia 93 | ||||||
47 | Kungurche | 102-104 E - 41-43 N | Contains no Serindia map sheets - only a small part shows the survey east of the Etsin gol to the Mongolian border | ||||||
B | Special map | This large map shows the entire area of the Lop salt sea and Stein's routes between Lou lan and the caravan route to Tun huang Parts of it appear in Innermostasia maps 29, 30 and 32 and Serindia maps 60, 61 | |||||||
A | Special map | This shows Stein's routes into Chilas on the way to China | |||||||