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List of Colonial governors of New
York |
This comprehensive list clarifies
confusion generated by differences between information in various references
-including different Wilipedia entries. Will include the main dates for
governors here.
Dutch East India Company - Dutch West
India Company |
The Dutch were dominating the
seas by the early 1699's and establishing trading posts - forts - in south
Asia. They decided to do likewise in America.
Hudson, Henry |
1565 - 1611 |
After several unsuccessful
voyages for England searching a northern route to China, he ws hired by the
Dutch to do he same, but when he was turned back at NovaZembla by ice, he
turned around and coasted America from Maine to Virginia. Then he found and
entered the harbor of what became the Hudson River on which he sailed as far
north and present Albany.
He claimed the land around the
Hudson River for the States-General of Holland.
New Amsterdam - Manhattan |
1613 - 1664 |
The Dutch established a trading
post, first on Governors island, and
then on Manhattan Island, which they named New Amsterdam. They explored the
coast and islands as far northeast as Boston and Block Island, named for
Captain Adriaen
Block, and as far south as the Delaware River (1611 - 1614.
Grant to Dutch West India Company out
of Amsterdam |
1614 - grant in 1621 |
The Estates General chartered
Amsterdam merchants to establish control of the Dutch claim in America -
province of New Netherland between latitude 40 and 45 degrees north. The area
included lands claimed by the English to the north and south. The full extent
of the Dutch claim (of course disputed) included parts of our New York, New
Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware, Rhode island and Pennsylvania - from Delmarva
Penn. to Cape Cod.. They sent colonists from Germany and Wallonia as well as
Fort Orange - 'Albany' |
1615 |
The Dutch established a trading
post on the river near present day Albany. The post was named after the House
of Orange.
They were wise to make a treaty
of friendship with the powerful Iroquois and were content to trade and not
colonize the Mohawk valley.
Dutch West India Company |
1621 - 1643 |
The Estates General split
overseas control into the West and East India Companies for better
administration. These were private companies owned by groups of wealthy
merchants. Each was a regional monopoly and able to become very wealthy. And
the West company also had monopoly over the Atlantic coast of Africa and well
as America from far north to Straits of Magellan. It even had its own fleet of
32 warships as well as merchant ships.
Both companies had full power to
govern as well as trade.
May, Cornelius Jacobsen, van Hoern,
Captain |
1600's |
He first sailed in 1614 - 1620 to
America. He first explored the Delaware River area and built Fort Nassau on the
North River in 1621. There was much competition and argument over rights to
trade around the Delaware.
In 1624 he was commissioned for a new effort - this time further north. The
"New Netherland" ship was specially built for trade to New Netherland
and on its first voyage took 110 men, women and children to America. He made
two trips bringing settlers and then was assigned to remain and become the
Governor (1624 - 25). They landed at Castle Island in May and quickly spread
out from near Delaware Bay to Connecticut and north to Fort Orange. The company
directors were delighted when the first returning ship brought a great wealth
in fur. The French attempted to set up a coloney near the Delaware, so Captain
May built Fort
Nassau at
the mouth of Timber Creek below Camden. .
This group of 30 families was far
better provisioned with everything needed to establish a colony than were
either English groups at Virginia and New England. Cape May, New Jersey is
named for Captain May.
Verhulst, Willem |
1600's |
Verhulst replaced May as governor
- 1625 - 26. The company sent more and more colonists equipped with full
supplies and equipment. He selected lower Manhatan Island as the location for
the Dutch headquarters and named it New Amsterdam. (Fort
Amsterdam) He was
not popular with the colonists so was recalled.
Minuit, Peter |
1580 - 1638
He was a Waloon but born in
Germany. He joined the Dutch West India Company in the 1620's. He then replaced
Verhult as governor (1626 - 1631). He 'bought' Manhattan island from local
Indians (one claim is it cost $20 dollars - another that it was a bit over
$1,000). Actually Minuit was the on-site agent for the Dutch ' owner' Kilian
van Rensselaerswyck. And he made this the capital and headquarters for all
Dutch activity. He built a fort on the island south tip - the Battery. He was
recalled to Holland but then returned to Germany. From there he also founded
the Swedish colony in 1638 at New
Sweden on the Delaware
near present day Willmington and built Fort
The Wikipedia entry devotes a lot
of space to alternte calculations by various experts as to the value of the
sale price would be in dollars today. Actually the trade was in goods from the
Dutch worth then 60 guilders and the Indians didn't think of this as a 'sale'.
Krol, Sebastiaen Jansen - Temporary
mistake |
1595 - 1674 |
The local Dutch leader at Fort
Orange made a huge mistake (typical actually) when he let the Mohican Indians
to talk him into supporting them in war with the Mohawks. The latter were one
of the five Iroquois league who soon made quick work of the incident. Minuit
had to order most of Dutch to abandon Orange and shelter at New Amsterdam. Krol
was briefly Director General
Minuit recognized the threat
Iroquois enmity would cause the beaver trade.
'patroon system.' |
1629 |
The company, in order to speed up
colonization. divided the lands along the Hudson River and toward Delaware and
Connecticut into large estate holdings and offered these to Company members who
would bring 50 or more persons to occupy his holding and establish farms. These
were 'feudal' type land domains. Naturally the leading merchant families in
Holland bought large areas to become the 'patroon' before the law was
published. Also interesting is that these 'patroons' were required to 'buy'
their land from the local Indians.
The wealthy 'patroon' families
remained politically powerful in New York through the Revolution.
Twiller, Wouter van |
1606 - 1654 |
Minuit was recalled in 1632
alegedly for favoring some patroons and Van Twiller was sent the next year. He
was director general from 1633 to 1638. He was unable to push the English out
of Connecticut but did manage to expell them from the Delaware valley. He
amassed a private fortune from trade.
Washingron Irving made fun of van
Kieft, William |
1597 - 1647 |
Kieft became governor and soon
caused much trouble. He drove the English out of Long Island and from around
the Delaware. But he attacked the Mohawks which created the disasterous
Kieft's War.
Minuit again |
1638 |
This year Peter Minuit sought
revenge by bringing a body of Finns and Swedes to Delaware Bay, bought land
from the local Indians, and built Fort
Christiana not far
from present day Philadelphia.
Kieft's War |
1643-45 |
Kieft launched a surprise attack
on the Mohawk village (modern Hoboken) killing everyone he could find (most of
them). The Indians retaliated of course and the war lasted 2 years. It was in
this war that Anne Hutchinson's family,
recently moved from Rhode Island were massacred. Kieft was blamed and removed
in 1646 but drowned on the way to Holland.
Stuvyesant, Peter |
1612 - 1672 |
He was Governor from 1647 to
1664. He was a soldier who had already lost a leg. He ruled with military
discipline. He promoted trade by ending the Dutch monopoly and invited settlers
from all sources. He repaired relations with the Indian nations. He settled
(reluctantly) the territory dispute with New England. Then turned to oust the
Swedes from the Delaware by building a Fort Castle (New Castle, now). The
Swedes captured it.
After he was forced to surrender
New Netheland to the English he became governor of Curacao.
Stuvyesant captures Fort Castle |
1655 |
Stuvysant led a strong force to
retake Fort Castle and also capture Fort Christiana. Thus ended Swedish
coloniztion, but the Swedes there remained under Dutch government.
Richard Nicolls - English take New
Amsterdam - then renamed New York |
1624 -1672 |
In the Second
Anglo-Dutch war the
English King Charles II gave his brother, James, Duke of York all of New
Netherland to seize from the Dutch, which Nicolls did with four ships of the
line and 450 soldiers. He was named Deputy-Governor (1664 - 1668) and Fort
Orange became Albany.
Population of New Netherland then
about 1500.
Lovelace, Francis, Colonel |
1621 -1675 |
(Governor 1668 -1673) Lovelace
was born in Kent. His family fought for King Charles I in the Civil War. He
fled to Virginia in 1650. He was sent by governor Berkeley to Charles II.
During the continuing conflict he was captured and put in the Tower until
Charles II regined the throne. When Nicolls resigned in 1668 and was replaced
by Francis Lovelace as appointed by the Duke of York. He purchased Staten
Island from the Indians.
Third Anglo-Dutch War |
1672- 74 |
The Dutch sent a fleet of 23
ships and soldiers who recaptured New York. Lovelace being in Connecticut, the
garrison was commanded by Colonel Manning, who was forced to surrender on 9
August 1673. He was blamed for the loss - even temporary - and put in the Tower
in 1675. He lost all his property.
Colve, Anthony |
1673 |
He was the new Dutch governor,
but not for long. (1673 - 1674)
He was a naval captain who
commanded the Dutch fleet at New York
Treaty and new patent |
1674 |
By the treaty of Westminster
ending the war, the Dutch holding in New Netherland and all was returned to the
Engish. This required a new patent delineating the province boundaries.
Andros, Sir Edmund |
1637 -1714 |
Governor, (1674 - 1683) Sir
Edmund, an able soldier, was the new English governor of several colonies that
were separate but had the same governor. Unfortunately he became a tyrant. He
was removed.
Brockholls, Anthony |
c, 1665 |
He was the military commander in
chief and acting Governor (1681 - 1683)
Dongan,Thomas, Colonel |
1634 - 1715 |
Governor 1683 - 1688) He was a
Catholic soldier who became governor and ruled more wisely. On 17 October he
conviened the first session of a new General Assembly of the Province of New
York. The legislature then passed 14 acts which the governor signed.
The main one was the "Charter of Liberties and Privileges granted by His
Royal Highness to the Inhabitants of New York and its Dependencies".
The act is an historic document
that established many freedoms and even put limits on levying taxes and gave
the right to vote to all freeholdeers and freemen.
James II, King |
1685 |
James, Duke of York, became King
James II of England and revoked the provisions of the Charter. Dongan was
deposed and Andros reappointed governor
Nicholson, Francis |
1655 -1728 |
(Governor 1688 - 91) military
Leisler, Jacob |
1640 -1691 |
He was a rebel who claimed to be
governor. Leisler's
William and Mary |
1689 |
James did not last long. In the
'Gorious Revolution', he was deposed and fled while Dutch William and his
English wife Mary were invited to become joint monarchs. Andros was thrown out
and sent to England. New York was governed by a group. Jacob Leistler assumed
Sloughter, Henry |
d. 1691 |
He was appointed governor but
until he arrived Major Ingoldsby acted as his agent and demandeed Leisler
surrender, which was refused until Sloughter himself arrived. Leisler, Milborne
and six others were tried and found guilty of treason. Sloughter refused to
execute them but local enemies managed to hang them anyway. Two months later
Sloughter died.
He was also Governor of
Ingoldesby, Richard |
d. 1719 |
He was Lt. Governor of both New
York and New Jersey 1691-92
Fletcher, Benjamin,. Colonel |
1640 - 1703 |
He was governor 1692 - 1697 -
During his administration New York became a haven of pirates as the port was in
competition with Philadelphia and Boston.
Coote, Richard, 1st Earl of Bellomont
1636 - 1701 |
He was born in Ireland and was a
supporter of William and Mary ascending to the British throne. He proved to be
an effective and well-liked governo (1698 - 1701).
During his administration William
Kidd became a famous pirate.In 1701 he foolishly sailed into Boston harbor
whereupon Governor Bellomont sent him to be executed in England
Nanfan, John |
1688 - 1702 |
He was acting governor (1701 -
Hyde, Sir Edward |
1701 - 1708 |
He was the 3rd Earl of Clarendon.
He was also known as Lord Cornbury. He gained royal recognition when he
defected with his army from James to support William and Mary. He became
governor (1702 - 08) on the death of his predecessor. He was another tyrant and
greedy fellow, probably appointed because he was the uncle of Queen Anne. But
she recalled him in 1708 whereupon his creditors put him in debtor's prison.
When his father died he became Lord Cornbury, thus escaping incarceration as a
Lovelace, Lord, 4th Baron
Lovelace |
1672 - 1709 |
He served as governor from 1708
until he died in 1709.
Schuyler, Pieter |
1657 - 1724 |
He was acting governor and also
first Mayor of Albany, New York
Note the Dutch name. The
paltroons were still prominent land holders in the Hudson River Valley.
Ingoldesby, Richard |
d. 1719 |
He was an army officer, Lt.
Governor of New York and New Jersey and again acting governor of New York in
Beekman, Gerardus |
1653 - 1723 |
He was acting governor 1709 -
Hunter, Robert |
1664 - 1734 |
He was an army officer, and
governor of New York and New Jersey from 1710 to 1719.
Schuyler, Pieter |
1657 - 1724 |
He was again acting governor 1719
Burnet, William |
1687 -1729 |
He was governor (1720 - 1727) of
New York and New Jersey until shifted to be governor of Massachusetts and New
Bradford, William |
1725 |
He established the first news
paper in the colony, having first set up a printing press in 1693.
Montgomerie, John |
d. 1731 |
He was an army colonel who became
governor of New York and New Jersey (1728 - 1731). He also died in office.
Van Dam, Rip |
1660 -1749 |
Acting governor (1731 - 32)
Cosby, William, |
1690 -1736 |
Governor 1732 - 36. He was an
Irish brigadier general who soon became in conflict with Van Dam over pay for
the latter. They battled in the competing public newspapers. In his New York
Weekly Journal John Peter Zenger attacked Cosby who arrested him and charged
him with libel. Zenger's defense advocate was Andrew Hamilton. The jury voted
'not guilty'
This is the famous trial that
claimed freedom of the press.
Clarke, George |
1676 -1760 |
He was acting governor 1736
-1743. During his tenure the famous 'Negro Plot' (1740 -41) occurred. A large
fire broke out in the city and without any evidence Negro slaves were blamed. A
number were hanged, others burned at the stake, and many more transported to
the West Indies.
Clinton, George |
1686 - 1761 |
He joined the Royal navy in 1703
during the War of the Spanish Succession. He was the governor of Newfoundland
and then Commander of the Royal fleet in the Mediteranian. He was Governor 1743
- 1753 during which service he had to cope with attacks of the French fleet
during King George's War. He was promoted full admiral in 1747. He was
continually opposed by the liberal colonial legislature led by James DeLacy who
wanted to continue profitable trade with the French. So he appointed Colden to
be his advisor and appointed Sir William
to obtain the Mohawk Indians to be allies against the French.
The Wikipedia entry includes the
names and dates of each ship he commanded as he rose throgh the ranks. He was
the father of Sir
Clinton who commanded British forces during the Revolutionary War.
But among his cousins were the Clintons who were politicians and generals on
the American side.
Osborn, Sir Danvers |
1715 - 1753 |
He was the 3rd Baronet Osborn,
succeding his grandfather. His parents on both sides were of distinished
families, as was his wife. He raised and commanded troops in 1745 in support of
King George II against the Stuarts. In 1753 the Board of Trade recommended him
to be Governor of New York. He arrived in New York as was popular as Governor
in 1753 but suddenly died of strangulation that was presumed to be suicide.
De Lancy, James |
1703 - 1760 |
He was born in New York. He was
educated in England - at Cambridge and admitted to the bar in 1725. In 1729 he
became a member of the Assembly and in 1731 a justice of the Supreme Court. In
1735 he presided at the trial of Peter Zenger. In 1754 he presided at the
Albany Conference called in an effort to unite the colonies in defence against
the French and Indians in the war. He was the Lt. Governor who then was acting
Governor on the death of Danvers Osborn. -1755 In July he attended the
conference of governors in Virginia that helped prepare General Braddock's
fated expedition.
Hardy, Charles |
1714 - 1780 |
His father was a vice admiral,
Charles entered the navy in 1731. In 1745 he commanded the fleet from Gibralter
to Louisbourg. He was knighted in 1755. He was Governor of New York - 1755 -
1758. But again returned to naval command. he led the British navy against
Louisbourg in 1757 and was 2nd in command in 1758. He supported Wolfe's
campaign on the St. Lawrence River. In1779 as full admiral he commanded the
Channel Fleet until his death in 1780.
His brother, Josiah, was Governor
of New Jersey 1761-63
De Lancy, James |
1703 - 1760 |
He was again acting governor 1758
- 1760, because Sir Charles Hardy was commanding the expedition against
Louisbourg and then with Wolfe on the St. Lawrence River. He died in office.
Colden, Cadwallader |
1688 - 1776 |
He was born in Ireland of Scotish
parents. He studies medicine and various sciences in London. In 1710 he was
invited to move to Philidelphia and in 1717 Robert Hunter invited him to move
to New York, where he continued to practice medicine while also entering
political life. He was acting governor 1760 -1762 - again 63-65 - again 69-70 -
and 74-75. He met with the Iriquois and wrote the book about them. He was a
strong loyalist and at one time was met by a mob protesting his support for the
Stamp Act.
As a acientist he published study
of public health and botany and as a surveyor he correspondee with Benjamin
Franklin and published his views correcting Issac Newton.
Monckton, Robert |
1726 -1782 |
He entered military service at
age 15 in 1741 in the 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards. He fought in Flanders in the
War of the Austrian Succession and rose to be Lt.Col in 1752. He moved to
command in Nova Scotia and then to staff in Halifax. In 1755 he captured Fort
Beausejour in Nova
Scotia area. He was then assigned to supervise the relocation of the Acadians
and then he was named Lt. Governor of Nova Scotia. In 1759 he was one of the
three brigade commanders and 2nd in Command to the Army commanded by James
Wolfe that captured Quebec. Although severly wounded in the battle, he remained
for a month as commander of the city, then was sent to New York for recovery.
He was promoted major general in 1761 and in charge of organizing the British
frontier taking over the French forts. In 1762 he commanded the British
campaign that captured
This was a tremendous, if little understood on our text books, strategic
victory. The French were eager at the peace conference to give away all of
Canada in exchange for return of Martinique (their rich sugar industry). He was
appointed Governor of New York 1762 - 1763
He was wounded at Quebec and is
shown in the famous painting of the Death of Wolfe, holding his hand over his
wounded heart. Another painting by West is of Monckton at Martinique.
His younger brother was killed leading the grenadiers at the Battle of
Colden, Cadwallader |
1688 - 1776 |
He was again acting governor 1763
-1765, pending the arrival of Sir Henry Moore.
Moore, Sir Henry |
1713 -1769 |
He was born in Jamacia to a
wealthy plantation family. By 1756 he rose to become the governor, for which
service he was made Baronet. In 1764 he was appointed Governor of New York and
arrived in 1765. He was governor 1765 - 1769. When he arrived the city was in
near rebellion over the Stamp Act. He agreed to not enforce it and in general
was so well liked by the citizens that they gave him floral tributes. But he
then did order General Gage to suppress rural uprisings by the tenants of the
patroon land owners who also controled the legislature. He suddenly died in
office and was succeeded by Colden. His 13 year old son succeeded as 2nd Baron
but died at age 23.
Colden, Cadwallader |
1688 - 1776 |
He was again acting governor 1769
- 1770 on the death of Henry Moore while awaiting John Murray.
Murray, John, 4th Earl of
Dunmore |
1730 - 1809 |
He was born in Scotland, son of
the 3rd Earl - thus a Scotish peer. His father supported the Stuarts in the 45
but his uncle (the 2nd Earl) supported the Hanoverians. In 1756 he became the
4th Earl. He was appointed Governor of New York in 1770 - 1771. But in 1771 on
the death of the Royal Governor of Virginia - Norborne
4th Baron Botentourt - he was sent there. (See governors of Virginia for more
Tryon, William |
1729 -1788 |
In 1751 he entered service in the
1st Regiment of Foot Guards and was soon promoted captain. He was wounded
during operations in France during the Seven Years' War. In 1764 he was
appointed acting Lt. Governor ofthe Province of North Carolina and was
appointed governor in 1765 when Athur Dobbs died. He strongly promoted increase
of the Church of England in the colony. He opposed the Stamp Act but it was
repealed before any actions were needed. He generated much resentment over his
construction of a huge and opulent mansion for himself paid for by taxes. This
created the Regulator Movement
in western North Carolina in 1768 which he suppressed at the Battle of
Alamance in
1771. In the summer of 1771 he moved to New York to become Governor. He
succeeded in obtaining legislature money for building quarters for the Army
troops and in repairing the city defenses. But the Sons of Liberty there
followed the example of Boston and dumped the tea rather than let it be
imported. In 1773 he governor's mansion was burned down. In 1774 he went to
England for consultation with Colden again acting as governor. He returned the
next year.
Colden, Cadwallader |
1688 - 1776 |
He was again acting governor 1774
- 1775 while Tryon was in England
Tryon, William |
1729 - 1788 |
He was again governor 1775 -
1780. When he returned from England the Continental Congress and rebels wanted
to arrest and execute him. But General George Washington ordered that he be
left alone. Neverthe less he had to flee to a British warship for protection
until Admiral Howe arrived to occupy the city. He remained nominal civil
governor but Robertson had the real power. But in 1778 Tryon was made major
general (in America only) and led expeditions in Long Island and into
Connecticut. In 1780 he retired to England but remained nominal commander of
the 77th Foot in America until 1783.
Many places are named for Tryon
despite much opinion that he was overly harsh in his dealing with civilians.
Robertson, James |
1717 - 1788 |
He was born in Scotland. He moved
to American as an officer in 1756. He was promoted and commanded varioius
regiments. He was promoted major general in 1776 and commanded the 6th Brigade
in the Battle of Long island. was appointed by Admiral Howe to be the British
military governor in 1780 and departed in 1783.
Elliot, Andrew |
1728 - 1797 |
He was born in Scotland and moved
to Pennsylvania in 1746. In 1763 he was appointed collector of the port of New
York. During the Revolution he held various offices in the city. He was the
last British military governor - 1783. He then returned to Scotland.